Boardwalk Empire Season 5 Thread - Series Finale - Eldorado

Hope Masseria sticks around, think that Narcisse is definitely done. Also think Eli is done, unless he offs his son and tells him you're the one who wanted it. Definitely doesn't have it in him though.

Nucky will off Eli personally at the end of this season, a la Tony Soprano having to off his cousin Tony Blundetto(oddly enough was Buscemi).
Meyer even got his *** wooped real badly by Lucky as a kid before they banded up and became close friends.

Yup. He told Nucky that IIRC.

I wouldn't even be mad if Narcisse survived this season and was featured in Season 5. But I can see him being offed by someone we least expect.
There's a future in Narcisse's relationship with Chalky's daughter ...she wanted a thug from start, she never wanted the Dr guy. This buys Narcisse another season, or a few episodes in season 5. 

Harrow and Chalky though ....

Remember when she brought the Dr. kid to the jazz club and tried to get him to loosen up and damce which lead him to getting slashed with a razor blade. It was around the same time she started inquiring about what Chalky actually does. Once she saw the beating Chalk and Purmsley put on the blade wielding patron, she got on board with the clean life with the doctor

"MOTHEFOCK!" :lol: :lol:

:wow: at Capone ducking that lead shower... Dudes let the whole drum go from across the way.

Nuck vs Narcisse was :pimp:

I think Narcisse spared Maybelle once she asked him where her father was, basically confirming that she doesn't know his whereabouts. However, I peeped that Narcisse introduced himself 'Richard Pastor' and that line he gave about 'daughters' (referencing Daughter Maitland as well as Chalky's daughter). I wonder how Narcisse will use Maybelle to get to either Maitland or Chalky...

Lou Gossett next episode... :pimp:

Amazing season so far. Nucky and Chalkys relationship reminds me alot of Tony and Jonny Sacs relationship

I think the capone shooting was in retaliation for Obannion

Still think Chalkys woman(forget her name) is still working for Narcisse and setting Chalky up something vicious.
Remember when she brought the Dr. kid to the jazz club and tried to get him to loosen up and damce which lead him to getting slashed with a razor blade. It was around the same time she started inquiring about what Chalky actually does. Once she saw the beating Chalk and Purmsley put on the blade wielding patron, she got on board with the clean life with the doctor
To be honest, I don't remember any of that.
I need to stop watching anything when I'm drunk or halfway asleep...Thanks for the clarification though.
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To be honest, I don't remember any of that.

I need to stop watching anything when I'm drunk or halfway asleep...Thanks for the clarification though.

All of that happened last season, Chalky saw value in having a future doctor in the family so he pushed for the marriage. And he was right since Dr. Boy stitched up Eddie after he was shot.
Well since Capone's arc is mostly based off history, you can easily know who it was thats behind the attempted hit.

But for the sake of the shows storyline, let's not have anyone mention the facts.
I'm not trying to go digging to find out something I dont want who was behind the hit?
Yea history shows Meyer wasn't really "bout that life" he was just the brains backed by Luchiano. I guess that scene was just pointing that out
I mean, he didn't become the behind-the-scenes boss pulling the strings (a la Hyman Roth, who was based on Meyer) until later into his adulthood. Everyone had to start on the street before rising up to executive positions, and I have no doubt Meyer had his fair share of close scrapes with death as a young hoodlum. Meyer even got his *** wooped real badly by Lucky as a kid before they banded up and became close friends.

There is no way Lansky got to where he was w/o getting his hands dirty.

Hope Masseria sticks around, think that Narcisse is definitely done. Also think Eli is done, unless he offs his son and tells him you're the one who wanted it. Definitely doesn't have it in him though.

Nucky will off Eli personally at the end of this season, a la Tony Soprano having to off his cousin Tony Blundetto(oddly enough was Buscemi).

It'll be interesting to see how Eli plays this. He already tried to kill Nucky so I wouldn't be surprised if he turns.

This Narcisse vs Chalky thing is great :pimp:
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Finally caught up. I'm quite sure Chalky thinks Nucky had somethin to do w/ the cops tryna murk him and possibly Daughter Maitland.

Harrow back in the scope of things, should get interesting.

Interesting to see how Van Alden/Mueller works his way into this thing too aside from just makin pick ups.

I was expectin Purnsley to catch a fade worse than he did.....well, I was hopin he would, ol boy been a snake from jump.

Eli is seriously a coward. He knows what him and his brother can do as far makin things happen and he allows that punk agent to manipulate him. :smh: Wonder if he'll go back on that since his son wants in on the life.

Badder (sp?) it's a wrap for that guy
Man this season is coming together so well.

I'm sure that episode is coming where like 15 people get popped in a matter of minutes.
 "Pops, isn't this what we do?" 


eli son got it more than him 

hands down might be my fav quote this season....dude stood up and looked his dad dead in the eyes 
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Anyone else think the dude that tells Nucky all the secret info (I forgot his name but he was in the dodgeball movie :lol:) is gunna tell him about Eli snitching?
Man it was uncomfortable watching that scene with Maybelle and Narcisse not knowing what the hell Narcisse would do.

You'd think Chalky would've made arrangements to keep his family safe before he shot up Narcisse's place like that.

This season has been simply amazing.
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