Boardwalk Empire Season 5 Thread - Series Finale - Eldorado

The build up for next week
.  I know they have to leave some questions for next season, but Chalky HAS to get Narcisse.  It wouldn't feel right for Narcisse to go out like Gyp did last season with some dude taking him out and not Nucky...
Not sure if it's just a tease to make you think he does or if Nucky really does know something about what Knox is really all about. Maybe that's why he called Sally :nerd: .

Next week it's about to go down; I want bloodshed and the like. Whether Narcisse gets it though, I'm not too sure about. I have a feeling we may see him for a bit in Season 5, however, I wouldn't be letdown if he's offed next week.

Gillian gone for good? :wow: Had a feeling there was something up with Roy, but then at the beginning of the episode he genuinely seemed interested to marry her. Then on the steps he flipped the switch real quick. Leander with the setup :pimp:

No Capone/Van Alden though in this episode :smh: . They're clearly in the finale, but I don't want their story rushed/too much of them next week. Things need to be spread evenly for any closure on the season.
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Finally caught up with the episodes but not today's episode, #11. how did the Dr connect Chalky's daughter as his daughter? she mentioned her brother playing piano but I don't know the rest of the connections. that end line of "This is what you want to do with your life?" then Eli's son said, "This is what WE do"
with the camera truck shot leaving the window showing the men of the family now together for the most part
Man? Don't tell me they're getting lazy? This episode was **** steamy pile of ****. Finale must have to be action packed from the start to finish.
Man? Don't tell me they're getting lazy? This episode was **** steamy pile of ****. Finale must have to be action packed from the start to finish.

Far from a steamy pile of **** episode. Knox's (forced) proposition to Eli to have a meeting set up was necessary for development of that whole situation. I think I could have done without the random in-house scenes with Chalky at Oscar's house (and replace it with some strong Van Alden/Capone interaction so that one scene is enough until next Sunday), but I wasn't that upset with it. I expect next week to be just fine for the finale.

"Can't trust the brown", I think it was Narcisse ol'girl

Seems like the only logical way, but how would she have gotten to them so quick?
Not cool how Gillian was treated ...she really got a raw deal her whole life. Jimmy too....I think Chalky's daughter ran her mouth to Narcisse and didn't realize it. Daughter Maitland is a real simple minded buffoon the scheme of things. Your chicken was dry easy rider get over it.
Man? Don't tell me they're getting lazy? This episode was **** steamy pile of ****. Finale must have to be action packed from the start to finish.

Far from a steamy pile of **** episode. Knox's (forced) proposition to Eli to have a meeting set up was necessary for development of that whole situation. I think I could have done without the random in-house scenes with Chalky at Oscar's house (and replace it with some strong Van Alden/Capone interaction so that one scene is enough until next Sunday), but I wasn't that upset with it. I expect next week to be just fine for the finale.

"Can't trust the brown", I think it was Narcisse ol'girl

Seems like the only logical way, but how would she have gotten to them so quick?
At first I thought it was daughter who spilled the beans. Now after thinking about it I don't think she did. When the goons arrived they were asking for her. I think the one of Oscars men (specifically the one looking out the window and played checkers first did it. He went into town and I don't remember him coming back.) Good bye Gillian will miss her sex scenes thats about it. Looks like Harrow is going to put in work next episode. I think next week starts the Northside vs Southside war that Van Alden will deff play a big part in during future seasons. I think Eli kills Knox just because..... I think Nucky doesn't get pinched yet and finds his way out of the purported mess the preview showed. I think Nucky talks his way out of the mess with Chalky and they both go after Narcisse and he is either killed or driven out of AC. Lets see how much my speculation comes true...
NYdunkman you might be right, after watching it again I thought it was Winston when he was looking through the window when Oscar told him to leave him and Chalky. Probably is the other dude that left the checkers game, still suspect "daughter" left so quick
Crazy episode...I was also wondering if it was Daughter who let the dr.'s ppl know where they were at. So i think Nucky knows somethings up with Eli that's why he's pullin out of tampa. I hope knox/tolliver gets offed, I dunno why eli didn't just tell nucky from the getgo about him, they could easily murk him

And what was the deal with Roy, I know he was playin Gillian but did he really cap that dude or was that just a setup so shed confess that she too murked someone. She def gonna go insane in prison if she doesn't off herself first. Next weeks finale should be illy
This ep was the calm before the storm or the calm before the storm that'll be S5.

That traitorous swine Eli. Happy Nucky seeing he's acting funny.

The mannerisms and speech patterns of Oscar were hilarious :rofl: Now I see where Chalky gets all that smartass slick talk from.

That ending though for Oscar and Gillian :smh: I know Chalky feel bad and I'm wondering if Daughter called Narcisse before she left to tip them off to where Chalky at. At first I thought we were gonna find Oscar banging out Daughter's back :lol: Then I thought he killed her but imo her dipping is even worse in a way.

As for Gillian, DAMN, how elaborate a plot you need to concoct just to get her to confess? I find it stupid she had to reveal that. I mean why not just give him the I love you and love is all we need to go on bs talk and see if he buys it. I don't see how confessing to murder is gonna make the dude want to stay with you had he not been setting you up. As for this set up this **** is wild. It don't make sense, who the **** is Roger to put so much work in to finding his murderer? Did the old dude set that up just cuz of how she went about having Jimmy's death be revealed? Mad perplexing to go through all that trouble. Could've got her on heroin possession and got her to confess during withdrawal if it was that serious. I'm lost on that.

Anyway, hopefully Nuck has Harrow kill all these fools already. At the very least this season would be the best if Eli dies. I hope Chalky comes around cuz Nuck didn't really sell him out and he doesn't know the whole deal of what went down. I'm also expecting Nuck to not show up to that sit down and make sure Sally doesn't show up. Just like last season when he said he didn't want anybody he already knows and trusts to step to him was broken a bit this season I'm not buying he'll truly be out of the game by the end of this (clearly he's not out of it cuz we know he won't). Most likely something pulls him back in anyway.


It didn't strike me that when Nuck says he wants out, he means out of the liquor trade with Tampa just so the other guys can take the fall. :lol: I'm just surprised somehow he aint find a way for AR to take blame as well.

The other dude leaving is a good point to when it comes to how they got to Oscar's house so quick. Probably was him.
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As for Gillian, DAMN, how elaborate a plot you need to concoct just to get her to confess? I find it stupid she had to reveal that. I mean why not just give him the I love you and love is all we need to go on bs talk and see if he buys it. I don't see how confessing to murder is gonna make the dude want to stay with you had he not been setting you up. As for this set up this **** is wild. It don't make sense, who the **** is Roger to put so much work in to finding his murderer? Did the old dude set that up just cuz of how she went about having Jimmy's death be revealed? Mad perplexing to go through all that trouble. Could've got her on heroin possession and got her to confess during withdrawal if it was that serious. I'm lost on that.
This. And the old guy said he owed Louis (the Commodore) something. What was the relationship between the old bearded guy and the Commodore again?

And did Roy actually off that dude in the parking lot? If so, that'd make no sense.
Looks like Chalky and the Havre de Grace crew basically take down the Albatross and get to Nucky. I'm betting they hash things out and go after Narcisse at the Onyx Club.

Harrow gets out alive and goes home to his wife, father-in-law, sister and nephew (!).

Can't get a read on the Eli/Tolliver thing...don't know how the **** Mickey Doyle is still alive.

Watching this preview too close, Eli is definitely staring down a gun that isn't Tolliver's, perhaps another Prohie?
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As for Gillian, DAMN, how elaborate a plot you need to concoct just to get her to confess? I find it stupid she had to reveal that. I mean why not just give him the I love you and love is all we need to go on bs talk and see if he buys it. I don't see how confessing to murder is gonna make the dude want to stay with you had he not been setting you up. As for this set up this **** is wild. It don't make sense, who the **** is Roger to put so much work in to finding his murderer? Did the old dude set that up just cuz of how she went about having Jimmy's death be revealed? Mad perplexing to go through all that trouble. Could've got her on heroin possession and got her to confess during withdrawal if it was that serious. I'm lost on that.
This. And the old guy said he owed Louis (the Commodore) something. What was the relationship between the old bearded guy and the Commodore again?

And did Roy actually off that dude in the parking lot? If so, that'd make no sense.

No, he didn't. He was one of the associates that appeared after Gillian's confession.

Honestly, I'm so damn tired of seeing Gillian's old ***. I was so damn happy to see Roy lay down the truth on her.
was curious as well, only person who knew was daughter, and she dipped but when those dudes came they asked for her or chalky so who knows...
Bald dude who lost the game of checkers could've been working for Narcisse. I can't see Daughter (who looked hella cute in this episode) running back to the Dr., not when she's seen what he's capable of. I don't think she's THAT naïve.

Yeah, Gillian can **** off, she's always been a character with no redeeming qualities, and pretty much a giant ****.
I'm pretty sure Narcisse spread the word throughout the Black communities in cities on the East Coast that there was a bounty on Chalky's head.

Dude was talking about how the traitor guy was just in Baltimore the day before. He probably heard about the whole Chalky Bounty thing and was gonna go back and let a couple dudes know he found him.
"Can't trust the brown", I think it was Narcisse ol'girl

"Weems aint go to no Baltimo'e!!!" - Oscar

I thought it was that dude that grilled Chalky on the way out...

:lol: :lol: @ them ragging on her cooking like that...

:lol: :lol: @ Means when he got arrested... Dude's vocabulary is unmatched...

Eli's done, he gotta get offed next episode. Can't see him making it out (unless history proves otherwise)

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