Book Club...What are you reading?

Ever since I got iphone 5 in november, I've been reading every day. The Nook app is amazing.
Currently reading this:

It's the sequel to Tainspotting. If you're into dark, urban tales. If you enjoy stories of friends growing up together and getting into trouble. You'll love these books. I suggest reading the original nove firstl:


It's difficult to understand at firs with all the scottish slang used but after the first couple of pages you'll get used to it. Comes with a glossary for translations at the end of the book.
Anyone else doing a 52 week challenge where you read one book per week?
I got this book from barnes and nobles last week.A very interesting book about the history of humans, and factual evidence that suggests that AB's (Advanced Beings) (beings more advanced than humans ) exist
I know what you mean. I tried reading Ayn Rand in a week. No bueno. I counted that brick as two books last year but this year I'm determined.
I know what you mean. I tried reading Ayn Rand in a week. No bueno. I counted that brick as two books last year but this year I'm determined.
is it supposed to make u a faster reader?....i mean timing urself like that......
read Catching Fire in a day and Mockingjay the day after. i been sick in bed though so nothing else to do. fascinating book, i can see why so many people like it. just a easy yet heartpounding book. Was looking forward to the little jumps that the end of each chapter would give you.

im looking for another read soon. im gonna skim through this thread. anyone got anything along the lines of suspense/adventure?
I know what you mean. I tried reading Ayn Rand in a week. No bueno. I counted that brick as two books last year but this year I'm determined.

i dont know if anyone can do it really, if you did get to read an ayn rand in a week ur probably not gona understand it. hahah.
is it supposed to make u a faster reader?....i mean timing urself like that......
I wouldn't say it made me a faster reader but made me better at time management. Instead of listening to my iPod on the train, I would read instead, etc. As for Ayn Rand, that's why I counted it as two books haha. I might reread The Fountainhead again to get a better understanding.
copped that jericho book for da kindle. currently reading ready player one. haven't had time to really dive into it. also on the list is a play by martin mcdonagh titled the pillowman. friend of mine raved about it and he has outstanding taste.
I started reading Friday Night Lights: A Town, a Team, and a Dream, and I've got at least 12 books I really want to get into in the next 2 months. Anyone into World War Z and books of that nature should check out Apocalypse Z by Manel Loureiro, it's a series in diary format of a normal guy forced to deal with an outbreak. Got the first book in the series from Amazon's Lending Library, and waiting for the next ones to be translated now.
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