Boondocks Season 3 - Sun. May 2nd, 11:30pm Adult Swim

Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Originally Posted by gangsta207therevolution

Barack is pretty close to being an uncle tom personality wise.
What are the personality traits that define an Uncle Tom? And which of these traits does Barack Obama possess that would make him viewed as "pretty close" to an Uncle Tom?
I do remember Haze calling you one.

But I should have put the Uncle Tom thing in quotes. I don't personally believe they exist, however the idea is that they typically try and fit in with jokes that arent funny and lowering their level of intellect. Ignorant things of that nature. When its human nature to try and fit in. Barack having a black wife helped him too. America isn't going to accept a black man and a white woman ever.  I have never heard a clear and complete definition of the meaning.   In terms of media, and what Aaron was trying to show that it is his opinion that Barack and Tom aren't that much different in their interpersonal mannerisms (at least what we see), except Barack isn't as forced and he exudes a confidence that allows him to cross over. 
Being in Chicago defiantly helped how he portrays himself. You have got to remember that Barack lost an election to current congressman Bobby Rush, because Rush was able to portray Barrack as an "Uncle Tom" and that's the simple truth of the manner .

Will I am is an fool if he really just repeated what Thugnificent said at the end of the episode, and added the bit about Arizona. 

Originally Posted by gangsta207therevolution

Originally Posted by I AM KNOWLEDGE

Appreciate that.

Did you all see where Aaron was getting at with Tom and his wife? I know I'm not reaching, and I wouldn't be surprised if some toes got stepped on.

Tom was the man, fancy smancy lawyer, yet when there's a "new" powerful black man available, Tom isn't worth a damn to his wife, and she's ready to dip.
I think I could look at it further.
Barack is pretty close to being an uncle tom personality wise. The only difference in their personalities is that Barack isn't as corny.
Tom wasn't ever worth a damn to Sarah. That's why she was all over Usher. She likes black men, and she will jump to any black man that presents himself as being more sensual than Tom. She wants her needs fulfilled and Tom either cant (its not clear to me) or is career focused.

But as far as Barack and his presidency It's weird. I have not expressed it here but as a black man I would prefer a white president especially now that we know America would elect a black one, cause I would prefer to have black people not being lulled to sleep. I mean lets look at the reality of George Bush as a president. Half of the agenda he pushed was "Republican" in nature meaning that it would be pushed by any Republican president. Now who's to say that Iraq wouldn't be pushed by a black man? Afghanistan ( as mentioned) has been infused with more troops and more money so its not like the man is totally against war.

I find myself  laughing at the ignorance. To watch this and actually analyze the show though I have to almost transform myself to my real state of mind.
Don't get me wrong I love what Huey represents as a character, but he has got to learn to lighten up a bit.
Its something I have personally went through and its like you have got to change your surroundings. People who are unwilling to learn are pretty much always going to be that way.
I think the SATIRE is dead on...but it just isn't FUNNY to me. Like i've never watched it alone and geninuely laughed. If I've ever felt the need, it was because i watched it with a friend.

I get it, I really do. Its comical...but it isn't funny. I'm glad people enjoy it though. Its a powerful cartoon.
Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Originally Posted by gangsta207therevolution

I do remember Haze calling you one
So it's like that, huh?  I was just asking a genuine question.

I don'tpersonally believe they exist, however the idea is that they typicallytry and fit in with jokes that arent funny and lowering their level ofintellect. When its human nature to tryand fit in. I have never hearda clear and complete definition of the meaning. 
That's what defines a typical Uncle Tom? Laughing at unfunny jokes, and lowering their level of intellect? If so, how has Obama done either? In what cases?

Dude did you not look at:
I don'tpersonally believe they exist
or this:
I have never hearda clear and complete definition of the meaning.
And the way you just came at me was like you was butt hurt that I mentioned it.
truth is I remember you 2 arguing over it, and don't know what context he said it in.
I have a feeling it was in reference to your political views. And it might have come from an ignorant place within him.
But, believe it or not that's what people look at when they describe an uncle tom.
I am not saying I agree with it, and I have actually had a discussion with my mother stating that " A black person never came up with that term"
So what follows is what defines it to me.

Now do I think that a lot of Barack is manufactured? Yes, but that's cause I don't trust politicians. Would I say that his personality resembles what others call uncle tom? Yes, but I could argue that although they cater to "black culture" a lot of people are close to if not being uncle tom's even if they make it appear more natural.  I mentioned Bobby Rush and here is an quote attributed to him.

 "Barack Obama went to Harvard and became an educated fool. Barack is a person who read about the civil-rights protests and thinks he knows all about it."
Rush doesn't explicitly say "Uncle Tom" the implication is there

I don't know about you, but Malcolm X was distinctly critical of the entire Civil rights movement, and also implied that Martin Luther King was an "Uncle Tom"
The bottom line is this
Black people have a detain for people who assimilate into white culture, and reject black culture, whatever the person placing the judgment know it to be.
And if I were extra critical I could say all rappers who sell their souls to work for pennies compared to what their work generates, and portray images that are not uplifting, they are Uncle Tom's. Its all Ignorance and what I would call political posturing. But at the same time

You wouldn't have asked that question if the term doesn't offend you

"This is my level %%!@ if it get you mad" Nasir Jones "What goes around" Stillmatic

Edit: I respect you for calling me out on not clearly defining and stating my personal views.
I was just picking your brain because you used the label, and I never really understood what would make someone use that against another person. I guess I was trying to force you to give an answer you didn't have.
Can someone explain to me what today's episode was really about? Cause It seemed as if the creator of the show was trying to down play the accomplishments of Barack Obama becoming the first black president of the United States.

And to my man who said "as a black man I would rather have a white president". Don't look at skin color as the leading qualification for a job if your more then qualified to get the job done compared to your compition regardless of skin color, sex, and/or religion.
Uncle Tom is a pejorative term for a black person who is perceived by others as behaving in a subservient manner to white authority figures, or as seeking ingratiation with them by way of unnecessary accommodation.
Originally Posted by roboski

Can someone explain to me what today's episode was really about? Cause It seemed as if the creator of the show was trying to down play the accomplishments of Barack Obama becoming the first black president of the United States.

And to my man who said "as a black man I would rather have a white president". Don't look at skin color as the leading qualification for a job if your more then qualified to get the job done compared to your compition regardless of skin color, sex, and/or religion.

It's mainly about how people jumped on the Obama bandwagon during election. They're really only supporting him because he's a black man running for president and it was cool to support him, but they don't really know what he was really planning on doing with the country or what his policies were. Then when he was finally elected, they realized that he didn't exactly live up to their expectations and quickly hopped off the bandwagon.
I enjoyed. I admit there wasn't that crazy super lol moment. It was some good ones there but not on season 2 level. It's just the first episode though so give it some more time. Wii I am catching feelings lmao. I think this episode was purposely made to seem political to match the political theme of the episode (did I say that right?) I believe it was done to get people talking, and debating things which it has (^^couple post above proves MY theory). I maybe reaching but that's how i see it.

Just glad to se a Real @!%@* on tv again LOL. My @!%@* riley had me straight laughing and the D' ridin Obama was the perfect touch.

PS - Anybody catch the first song thugnificent was performing. That #@$ was bangin'
Originally Posted by the north west

Uncle Tom is a pejorative term for a black person who is perceived by others as behaving in a subservient manner to white authority figures, or as seeking ingratiation with them by way of unnecessary accommodation.

**cough** Michael Steele **cough**
Limited Retro OG,

thanks. It's like the creator of the show either wanted McCain to win or wanted more black people to not care about the election process of 08 cause the don't know a lick about politics and they look stupid trying to support a presidential canidate based on his skin color.

But I look at it like this if a Mexican, or an Asian American canidate is running for presidency of course his or her fellow counterparts are going to follow suit and vote for the Mexican cause there Mexican and so on and so on. I do personally think Aaron McCrudr needs to come off his high horse with today's episode and look at the accomplishments of Barack Obama rather then be little a small group of individuals who grew up in times of racial oppression and segregation were when they see a black man have a fair and legitimate chance of winning the highest job in the world they become overjoyed. Aaron shouldve show'd a little more compassion with today's episode and a disclaimer for today's episode wouldve really helped his cause, because all we have is pure speculation on our part.
I went "Eh" when my teacher kept asking me how i felt about having a black president.
she was looking kinda mad that i didn't have much to say, but she already had every black guy in class stand up and talk so their wasn't anything different i could say.
Loved the first ep. Was needed more during the election. Aaron McGruder summed up some of my feelings on it.

I wonder how many of you !%#!*! doing all this arguing right now don't know the 3 branches of the U.S. gov't
Originally Posted by roboski

Limited Retro OG,

thanks. It's like the creator of the show either wanted McCain to win or wanted more black people to not care about the election process of 08 cause the don't know a lick about politics and they look stupid trying to support a presidential canidate based on his skin color.

But I look at it like this if a Mexican, or an Asian American canidate is running for presidency of course his or her fellow counterparts are going to follow suit and vote for the Mexican cause there Mexican and so on and so on. I do personally think Aaron McCrudr needs to come off his high horse with today's episode and look at the accomplishments of Barack Obama rather then be little a small group of individuals who grew up in times of racial oppression and segregation were when they see a black man have a fair and legitimate chance of winning the highest job in the world they become overjoyed. Aaron shouldve show'd a little more compassion with today's episode and a disclaimer for today's episode wouldve really helped his cause, because all we have is pure speculation on our part.
And that's dead wrong to do.
I have to say I am happy with the principals of Health Care Reform, But I have not read the statute as of now.
I cant see how Aaron McGruder would come across as arrogant.
Its not speculation when you have eyes that hear and ears that see.

I personally don't care who the president of this country is. I don't care what his qualifications are. Does that mean that I don't like Barack Obama? NO. Do I wish that John McCain were voted president? NO But I know like you do that people tend to look at the separation of people by circumstances beyond their control as a way of voting .
So with that being said. I would prefer a white man as president so that those who do care about who the president is wont elect someone who doesn't agree with their personal stance on the issues they find prevalent because they are blinded by the skin color or political party. And that's exactly what Aaron was trying to convey.

Aaron wasn't providing a satire on the Civil Rights Movement, and never has. He has never belittled the civil rights movement. And I would like to know how you feel he has.
He belittled Robert Freeman, a man whom he has portrayed in previous episodes as a man who had fictional involvement with the movement, but whom wanted credit for sitting with Rosa Parks in the black section and refusing to stand. As if the credit is something that would define him. Robert Freeman has within the context of the lifetime of the show never done anything real within that movement, and has been portrayed as having other obligations when people were getting sprayed with a fire hose. Even in this fictional portrayal this is not belittlement you could say that Robert Freeman being able to make these claims to the media speaks to the strength of the movement.
this thread took a serious turn. i'm not gonna hop in the debate but this episode def. left a cliff hanger (unless I missed it). The show never explained why Huey was apathetic/ his views on the election. Maybe next week's episode may go into it but most likely Aaron was just being consistent in portraying Huey as a radical. The season opener was solid and better than expected. We must start a petition to keep Boondocks on the air!!!
Originally Posted by PatentBoy23

this thread took a serious turn. i'm not gonna hop in the debate but this episode def. left a cliff hanger (unless I missed it). The show never explained why Huey was apathetic/ his views on the election. Maybe next week's episode may go into it but most likely Aaron was just being consistent in portraying Huey as a radical. The season opener was solid and better than expected. We must start a petition to keep Boondocks on the air!!!

to me it explained exactly why huey felt the way the felt, he stands for EVERYTHING against what was going on with black culture during the obama election, like others have said, people just jumping on the obama hype-train cause he was black, having no idea what he stood for, pretty much just a giant circus, "dont make me call my man o'beezy"

i think the apathy he displayed during the questions was because in his eyes, its "just another guy" getting elected, and now that i think about it, i think that hueys view might even be that we shouldnt even be celebrating the fact that hes black

he could have been out there "educating" people like he always is but i think his mood was that this was just too big a fight for even him, a whole nation of misguided black people on a hype train, which is why he felt like he needed to leave the country, the whole "im retired" thing was pretty deep to me

best line of the night for me was at the end when riley goes "i heard he works for the fed"
I don't know about you, but Malcolm X was distinctly critical of the entire Civil rights movement, and also implied that Martin Luther King was an "Uncle Tom"
The bottom line is this
Black people have a detain for people who assimilate into white culture, and reject black culture, whatever the person placing the judgment know it to be.
And if I were extra critical I could say all rappers who sell their souls to work for pennies compared to what their work generates, and portray images that are not uplifting, they are Uncle Tom's. Its all Ignorance and what I would call political posturing. But at the same time

You wouldn't have asked that question if the term doesn't offend you

"This is my level %%!@ if it get you mad" Nasir Jones "What goes around" Stillmatic

Edit: I respect you for calling me out on not clearly defining and stating my personal views.
Malcolm was critical of that civil rights movement at one point in his career as an activist but after his pilgrimage to Mecca you can tell he was done with that political bull !%$$. You can even see them reference that in this episode how they put Grandad in that legendary picture of Malcolm and Dr. King.
Uncle Tom is a pejorative term for a black person who is perceived by others as behaving in a subservient manner to white authority figures, or as seeking ingratiation with them by way of unnecessary accommodation.
I agree with this. However, if you're a black male, educate yourself, and talk with proper grammar you can catch this label EASY if your not careful. I study to better myself, and on a bigger picture, my people. But at the same time I've had my people tell me what I'm doing is "acting white"....

I don't catch feelings over that because I understand the truth and why they would think that under our position in the narrative of history. The underlying problem is how people associate the concept of knowledge and scholarly with being white, and how that is reinforced in the academic curriculum, the entertainment business, and western culture in general . 

That's why we need Obama as an image and we need programs like the Boondocks to be critical of whats going on out there. Even though it may not seem like it from our perspective of now they are the 'change'.
Originally Posted by PatentBoy23

this thread took a serious turn. i'm not gonna hop in the debate but this episode def. left a cliff hanger (unless I missed it). The show never explained why Huey was apathetic/ his views on the election. Maybe next week's episode may go into it but most likely Aaron was just being consistent in portraying Huey as a radical. The season opener was solid and better than expected. We must start a petition to keep Boondocks on the air!!!
i thought they implied that obama is a politician first and foremost and that all politicians (white, black, red, or blue) are all tangled up in the "system" and can not really "change" too much. things were never going to change dramatically just because a black guy (half black guy) got up in the office

plus he was obviously mad about a bunch of people who knew NOTHING about obama were speaking on the man like they did. the thing is there were even more white people who don't know anything about politics who were doing the same for palin and mccain. so he was a little too one sided imo. it wasn't JUST black people being foolish.
DubA169 wrote:
PatentBoy23 wrote:
this thread took a serious turn. i'm not gonna hop in the debate but this episode def. left a cliff hanger (unless I missed it). The show never explained why Huey was apathetic/ his views on the election. Maybe next week's episode may go into it but most likely Aaron was just being consistent in portraying Huey as a radical. The season opener was solid and better than expected. We must start a petition to keep Boondocks on the air!!!
i thought they implied that obama is a politician first and foremost and that all politicians (white, black, red, or blue) are all tangled up in the "system" and can not really "change" too much. things were never going to change dramatically just because a black guy (half black guy) got up in the office

plus he was obviously mad about a bunch of people who knew NOTHING about obama were speaking on the man like they did. the thing is there were even more white people who don't know anything about politics who were doing the same for Palin and mccain. so he was a little too one sided imo. it wasn't JUST black people being foolish.

Thats exactly what i was thinking after watching this episode. Im pretty sure a good number of McCain supporters voted for McCain simply cause he was white and didnt want to vote for Barack cause he was black. 

I would really like to know who Aaron McCruder voted for and why or did he even vote at all. After watching yesterdays episode.
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