Bored as hell at work. (Pics of how I am workin)

Boss caught me on NT one day she was like "whats that Black Screen on your Monitor?"

She said I dont mind as long as your work is done, I dont have a problem.

Laid back, kind bosses FTW!!
Im at work right now...we got a wii, two xbox 360's, flat screens, gym, i want a ps3.....but then again i work in a youthcenter.
Originally Posted by doctorjay507

where do u work?

Originally Posted by VanillaGorillaDX

What's your job?

Originally Posted by richKarlmarx

what do you do?

they asked at the same time
Originally Posted by fivefivenine


i work at a teen drivers ed & training school, it's so damn slow, all i do is answer the phone and tell people our prices, which rings like 4-6 times a day.
lmao nice pic
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

son really has 3 computer monitors set up and is playing 360
that must be nice, I'd kill for a job like that

that's my set up at home
. laptop, secondary display and 24" monitor for xbox. oh yah, netbook for torrents
First thought when I saw the 2nd dudes picture was "I'm puttin in that 2 day notice tomorrow".
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