
Dec 11, 2010
we have any NTers that are above average bowlers?   im talking about 200 and up.   i just started and wanted to learn how to hook the ball.   im using all wrist which is no bueno
I average 180.

Invest in a quality ball, get it drilled for you, get fingertips put in them...the weights in these balls are designed to make the ball hook.

When you practice, try the "hand shake" method. Upon release, pretend you are going to start shaking hands with someone, and then follow through. Works for me.
Move to Sports Forum?
Research balls (lol) for the amount of aggression you want. You should be able to get stuff that was big last year for cheaper than the newer ones... look out for a cheap Virtual Gravity or Marvel.
As for the actual throwing of the ball... make sure that youre releasing the ball clean off of your hand and letting your finger flick through on your follow through. The ball should rotate and do its job on its own.
everything the last 2 comments said and just practice its dollar bowling here after midnite so me and my friends used to go like 2/3 time a week
then i turned 21 and other viable options opened up

i used to bowl around a 185 avg high game was 270 its not all about strikes work on your spare shooting aswell
try to mimic your shots down to the t when you find your strike line
any recommendations on balls and shoes as well as brands?  also, any more tips for hooking the ball?  I can't seem to put enough spin on the ball which never ends up hitting the pocket. 
Inside curve:

!%!* the shot
Swing arm in motion for shot [hand should be underneath the ball]
Release that ball [hand should be on the outside of the ball when released to begin spinnin' motion]
Swing arm behind your head in a "comb my hair back" motion [at least that's what I do]. Dependin' on the speed and motion, that determines how much you curve. Stay close to the gutter on your dominant hand side.

Outside curve

!%!* the shot
Swing arm in motion for shot [hand should be on the outside of the ball]
Release that ball [hand should be on the inside of the ball when released to begin spinnin' motion]. Aim for the opposite gutter

Wow, I don't like typin' as much as I thought.
Highest score was like 270 something... and ever since then, I thought I was big shot and proceeded to challenge everyone. 

Let's just say I haven't got past 100 since then.
Originally Posted by The4Fifteen

any recommendations on balls and shoes as well as brands?  also, any more tips for hooking the ball?  I can't seem to put enough spin on the ball which never ends up hitting the pocket. 

I stay loyal to Hammer...their balls [pause] never fail me.
If you cant hook the ball, dont stress. I dont get too many revs on my ball either, my main concern is getting to the pocket. Experiment with what board you stand on, holding the ball lower at set-up, and if all else fails, slow the ball down. If you have a good ball, and you slow it down, it will hook, I promise!
*raises hand*

As tee said... you most definitely want to invest in a good ball.

You'll definitely notice the difference.

Are you using house equiptment or do you have your own?
real life...

i used to be an avid bowler... no leagues... id just go and bowl have a beer or two (knew the guy at the alley sold to me underage) and played with my friends...

never copped my own ball, i thought that was doing to much... i do stil have my own bowling shoes and people always assume im good at bowling haha....

stopped bowling becasue it got boring... now i just bowl, every once in a while for fun like a normal person... dates and stuff...

and yea having your own ball is way better... but i never copped becasue i mean they have balls there (the alleys i got to have pretty aight balls compared to some other alleys ive seen
Originally Posted by tee eye ehm

Oh yea...please don't be one of those 2 fingered bowlers. They always get the 
 from me.

why? i 2 finger bowl, its extremely hard to 3 finger bowl
I love to bowl and I average 200's myself.  Got a nifty ball collection too

and yeah, tee pretty much just told you what you needed to know.  After you get all that, it's just repetition which requires alot of focus and concentration
It all depends on your style on what to choose.  I actually work in a bowling pro shop.  The best way for someone to recommend you a ball is watching you bowl first.  Then based off that, then a ball choice as well as layout can be made.  If you go to a shop and they don't watch you bowl, than they don't know what they're doing.  With so many bowling balls and different technologies it not incredibly hard to set you up with a ball that works for you and your style.  But it is just as easy to go to someone and them set you up with a ball not knowing your game and getting screwed royally. 

If you are really curious just check out our website

I'm not trying to do a shameless plug on the company I work for, I just really take pride in doing things correctly.
Originally Posted by Primavera Vills

Inside curve:

!%!* the shot
Swing arm in motion for shot [hand should be underneath the ball]
Release that ball [hand should be on the outside of the ball when released to begin spinnin' motion]
Swing arm behind your head in a "comb my hair back" motion [at least that's what I do]. Dependin' on the speed and motion, that determines how much you curve. Stay close to the gutter on your dominant hand side.

Outside curve

!%!* the shot
Swing arm in motion for shot [hand should be on the outside of the ball]
Release that ball [hand should be on the inside of the ball when released to begin spinnin' motion]. Aim for the opposite gutter

Wow, I don't like typin' as much as I thought.
this has the making of a broken wrists.
Just adjust your stance either to the left or right. So practice practice practice. 
Thanks for the advice guys.  No matter how many times I read people's advice on how to hook, or how many times I watch videos on youtube, I can never get a decent hook down.  I'm also very inconsistent with hitting the pocket.  My best ever has been 178, and I consistently average low 100's 
.  I'm definitely looking to get a ball and bag soon within the next month or two.  Gotta get ready for summer bowling nights!
Ebonite is doing a demo day at the lanes near me. May be you can find a pro shop by you that will have one. You get to try out all the new equipment. Right now I am using a Lane Masters Black Diamond. Before the ball i was avg was 155, now im up to 176 with a high game of 277. Its all about finding a ball your comfortable with and the hook will come.
learned to play back in high school. i would consider myself a pretty good bowler.
probably around 180-200
once i learned slide the ball in a upward turning motion instead of just rolling it straight down the lane there was no issue
Originally Posted by tee eye ehm

Oh yea...please don't be one of those 2 fingered bowlers. They always get the 
 from me.

real life...
 i 2 finger bowl... only way i can hook it...

highest i ever gotten was like 250

avg was like 215
Originally Posted by The4Fifteen

any recommendations on balls and shoes as well as brands?  also, any more tips for hooking the ball?  I can't seem to put enough spin on the ball which never ends up hitting the pocket. 
Make sure your fingers are lifting out of the ball and adding rotation. You don't need any sort of violent turn of the wrist with a decent ball. Follow through... it's really all about getting good revs on the ball.
As for shoes... for the past like 10 years, everyone I've seen wears SSTs... those are a little excessive if you're just starting. To be honest, they don't matter that much as long as they feel comfortable and you can slide well with them.

For balls, Storm is still my favorite brand. Virtual Gravity Nano and the Marvel are still solid. A lot of people have been using DV8 stuff also, haven't thrown those yet though.

I'd post a video to show you how unnecessary it is to "force" the ball to hook, but that seems kinda narcissistic 
. Just trust the equipment and the person drilling the ball. Let them know what you want the ball to do when you get your ball drilled.
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