Boy dies after masturbating 42 times

Originally Posted by iYen

Originally Posted by RaWeX05

All the good jokes are taken.
I've been trying to think of a good joke to post but the lulz keep coming.
It's not funny...Bunch of jerks
Originally Posted by Menacin Methods

How the hell do they know he masterbated 42 times?
Was the mother counting?

They cut his wiener open and counted the rings.

Fappn' ain't dead

Fap or die
YYYYYYYOOOOO at my man who put the 4th dimensional baby from 2001 SPACE ODYSSEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I literallly screaamed!!!!!!!! I finished!
dude drained all his bodily fluids and dehydrated himself. Probably looked like dry mummy when they found him + all that tissue
If you masterbate too much you will go blind. RIP to the kid...he never saw it coming.
Originally Posted by 21shots

If you masterbate too much you will go blind. RIP to the kid...he never saw it coming.
Well he saw it coming at least 41 times.
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