Breaking Bad Thread - "El Camino" - A Breaking Bad Movie on Netflix 10/11

Between Walt and Hank, I'm pretty torn between the two. I can't decide. I love me a villain, but I can't help but root for Hank at the same time I'm rooting for Walt.
I've wanted Hank dead from the jump.

I was extremely disappointed when the twins failed. 
How could you not like Hank though...the guy might be one of the few "real" characters on the show in that he's true to what he is. Sure he comes off as cocky and maybe it rubbed Walt the wrong way sometimes but that's just who Hank's not like he's a bully, he just likes to act tough and joke around. And throughout the series, he's still always been there for the entire family to support them through everything.

When things go bad in these next 8 episodes, I'll probably feel for him the most because it's never like he was a morally bad guy that brought anything upon himself other than being the head of the DEA. Yeah he's always been cocky and had some false bravado but he's been humbled plenty of times in this series - from all the traumatic experiences he had dealing with the cartel/Mexico and surviving the shootout.
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Early on, I wasn't much of a Hank fan. He seemed like a joke and just a character to add a little comedy to the series.

As time went on, he's shown some of the most growth and change.

I'm not picking sides, though. I'm just going to enjoy the showdown. This final 8 episodes will be great.
Breaking Bad Season 5 (2012-13):  What is a good approximation of how much money Skyler had in the storage unit when she showed Walt how she stopped counting it?


Assuming the the duffle bags that Walt left Jesse after visiting him had the requisite $5 million that he was entitled to from the methylamine sale*, the money in the storage locker looked insane.

*I realize the duffle bag drop that Walt brought may have been an installment payment, but since shortly thereafter he tells Skyler that he is "out" of the game, I'm going to assume there was 5 MM in there.


During episode 8's cook montage we see that the purple bill wrapper is for $2000:


We'll use $2000 as the low estimate for every bill bundle. There are larger bundles ($5000?) in there, but there's no way to know how many of each type. We get a couple hints to the overall volume of the stack in other shots:


Width: 12 bills
Height: ~40-45 bundles


Depth: ~17 bills

Based on this nonscientific image analysis the minimum amount in the pile would be around $17,500,000. If every bundle were $5000 then it'd be $43,860,000.00. The actual value is likely somewhere in between those two estimates.
How could you not like Hank though...the guy might be one of the few "real" characters on the show in that he's true to what he is. Sure he comes off as cocky and maybe it rubbed Walt the wrong way sometimes but that's just who Hank's not like he's a bully, he just likes to act tough and joke around. And throughout the series, he's still always been there for the entire family to support them through everything.

When things go bad in these next 8 episodes, I'll probably feel for him the most because it's never like he was a morally bad guy that brought anything upon himself other than being the head of the DEA. Yeah he's always been cocky and had some false bravado but he's been humbled plenty of times in this series - from all the traumatic experiences he had dealing with the cartel/Mexico and surviving the shootout.

I don't think anybody is saying they don't like Hank. Hank has definitely become more humbled and away from being the cocky, bully type, but as far as wanting him to catch Walt, for me, I could never cheer for that. I actually like Hank, but Walt all the way for me.
Started watching from day 1.
Hank = a mans man
walt = a rat.

Oh, come now, my good sir... :smh: We're talking about a cancer survivor who lived out his dream and seemingly can't lose. He's an inspiration. :frown: He should be selling his meth with LIVESTRONG bands. :smokin
Wish Vince wouldn't have changed his mind and killed Jesse in the first season as planned. Hope Hank, Skyler, Gomez, Walt JR, Skyler's sister, Jesse, Lydia and Hank's boss all die.

I wanna See Walt, his daughter and and Saul chilling with their millions in the finale next year.
How is this gonna play out ? If Hank wanted to go after Walt why doesnt he just walk out of the bathroom and apprehend him, or go back to the station, get some cuffs, come back the next day and arrest him. I feel that would be to easy.
How is this gonna play out ? If Hank wanted to go after Walt why doesnt he just walk out of the bathroom and apprehend him, or go back to the station, get some cuffs, come back the next day and arrest him. I feel that would be to easy.

Not enough evidence. It wouldn't stick in court. He needs something SOLID before he moves
Hank is probably going to keep a very close eye on Walt and look into his finances and whatnot. I feel like he'd be conflicted because he wouldn't want it to be Walt, but he's been chasing this Heisenberg for so long he would want nothing more than to finally take him down.
Saul is my favorite character, hands down. Saul is that dude. He has a master plan for everything. You need a dude like that on the team.
I still don't see why you guys want this to be a showdown really, like the way this show has gone there is no hype behind Hank vs. Walt to me. If you had told me that before S4 or even S3 I'd say Hank is gonna die and just be looking forward to how it happened (same way I felt Mike was gonna die eventually). I can't really say the show has been building up towards them two facing off. Hank's just been collateral damage for Walt. Literally no one has won going after Walter White, we got losers who've tried to part ways with him completely and even that ended badly for them.

With all the vids about duality you'd think you guys would realize the showdown will be Walt against himself, Walt vs. Heisenberg or on a surface level Walt vs. Cancer.
How is this gonna play out ? If Hank wanted to go after Walt why doesnt he just walk out of the bathroom and apprehend him, or go back to the station, get some cuffs, come back the next day and arrest him. I feel that would be to easy.

Not enough evidence. It wouldn't stick in court. He needs something SOLID before he moves
If he did that he'd look even crazier than he did when he accused Gus of being a drug kingpin. Now yeah he was right about Gus but his own brother in law? Nobody is going to support him on that until he has all the evidence.

Otherwise, Gomey and Hank's boss is gonna think Hank has snapped after all of Mike's guys died. Hank is smart enough to go about this a better way.
Saul is my favorite character, hands down. Saul is that dude. He has a master plan for everything. You need a dude like that on the team.
I wouldn't be surprised if he has some serious dirt on Walt. It'd be interesting to see what he'd do if he finds out Walt killed Mike.
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Between 17 and 43 mil, in a storage unit. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
With all those storage war shows on tv, makes me wonder who will get the money if anything happens to Skyler or Walt. The auctioner will open up the door a little and people would probably crap themselves.
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