Breaking Bad Thread - "El Camino" - A Breaking Bad Movie on Netflix 10/11

Hank's Blog - You Have Ebola

Here's a joke: three guys go to see this world famous doctor, who says he can cure anyone of anything. He just looks at you, knows what's wrong, and then he fixes you: magic! Doctor calls the first guy in: "What seems to be the trouble?" Guy says: "I'm sad all the time and I want to kill myself." Doctor says, "Aha! You're depressed. Take some Zoloft, see a therapist, get over yourself. Next!" Next guy comes in limping. Doc: "What seems to be the trouble?" Guy says: "I cut my leg and now it's turning colors and I can't feel nothing." Doctor looks at the leg, which is black from the knee down: pus, goo, blood, real nasty stuff. "Aha!" says the doc, "You've got gangrene. That leg's gonna have to come off." Final guy comes in; doc asks what's the trouble. Guy says, "I can't eat, I can't sleep, and I'm bleeding from my ears and every orifice." Doctor looks at the blood trickling out the guys ears, says "Aha! You have Ebola!" Then he prepares a syringe of green liquid -- something weird, looks like jello or something -- shoots it into the guy's leg and sends him off: "You're cured!" The guy wobbles out, still bleeding. Doctor's nurse hears this and says: "Doctor, what are you doing? There's no cure for Ebola." Doctor: "Sure, there is." Nurse: "What is it?" Doc says, "Death. Call the coroner, would you? I just injected that man with cyanide and he should be dropping over any second now."

I didn't say it was a funny joke.

I just keep thinking about it. I'm not a doctor but I feel like I'm fighting a disease. I know: calling crime a disease sounds like I'm in one of those old-time radio shows where the cops are serious all the time and never swear. But still, that's what it feels like. I just used to think you could treat this ****. Help these douche-clowns see the error of their ways and turn back from sacks of feces into low-level human beings. Get control of the thing. Barring that, cut off the leg. You got someone on drugs, and you can't get 'em clean?Lock that ******* up, because it's only a matter of time before he gets it in his head to rape some kid or rob some grandma. There's no way to know when, so you just take the scalpel and cut the rot out.

You see where I'm going with this. Ebola. Incurable. Fatal. That's the situation on the ground. Don't believe me? I saw ten men killed today. Ten bodies, back to back, dead in ways you don't want to think about. Mostly stabbed and bled out. You ever see a man that's been burned alive? Yeah, I hadn't either. It's disgusting, man. Bloodier than you'd probably think. Pus and skin and a lot of fluid. It's not all black char and skeleton. It doesn't look like Luke's Aunt and Uncle in Star Wars. And the smell: burnt hair and a stale stink like old pork rinds. That's the fat, I guess, when it liquefies. Sticks in your nose. I hadda wash it out, use one of those saline snot-pots, no lie. Foul, foul stuff. I don't care that they were ****birds of the first order. I don't care. You see something like that and you know: this isn't a disease that has a cure. These aren't patients any more we're talking about. Calling them animals isn't fair to animals. They're not criminals, or drug-dealers, or even people. They're monsters. Plain and simple. All you can do with a monster is all you can do with a guy with Ebola. Put him down.

But first, you've gotta find him.
That's pretty cool. I'll regularly read The AV Club, Hit Fix, and the blog Warming Glow and between those three (and occasionally the Breaking Bad reddit), I'll get tons of great stories.
Still baffled at how Walt left that book just lying around in the bathroom like it was the latest issue of GQ.

And as of right now I'm part of Team 'Out the Game' Jesse.

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thanks to everyone who contributed to this thread, it is very informative. I am pleased with the final season and anxious for next year. I too am confused at the fact that Walt would leave the page in the book. The fact he left it in his bathroom isn't that serious, it's why would he leave that dedication page there? Was it an ego thing knowing how much Gale admired him? b/c he smiled when he took it out the box like he was reminiscing.

Also for the BrBa geniuses, in S3 ep13 "Full Measure" the flashback scene where Walt and Skylar are looking at the house. They mention he works for Sandia Labs, and Walt seems very ambitous like he is now. Bascially the sky was the limit type attitude. Even in the flashback scene with Gretchen he was so confident. What happened to him that he turned into such a timid underachiever? I mean no disrespect by that stmt, but he seems like he just ended up settleting for being a HS teacher. Even at Elliot's party when they were talking about him teaching why didn't ever teach at a Uni? Did they ever explain what happened to his drive? Did it have anyting to do with Walt Jr. and his disability?

Sorry for all the questions, but thanks to anyone who can explain.
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