Breaking Bad Thread - "El Camino" - A Breaking Bad Movie on Netflix 10/11

thanks to everyone who contributed to this thread, it is very informative. I am pleased with the final season and anxious for next year. I too am confused at the fact that Walt would leave the page in the book. The fact he left it in his bathroom isn't that serious, it's why would he leave that dedication page there? Was it an ego thing knowing how much Gale admired him? b/c he smiled when he took it out the box like he was reminiscing.

Also for the BrBa geniuses, in S3 ep13 "Full Measure" the flashback scene where Walt and Skylar are looking at the house. They mention he works for Sandia Labs, and Walt seems very ambitous like he is now. Bascially the sky was the limit type attitude. Even in the flashback scene with Gretchen he was so confident. What happened to him that he turned into such a timid underachiever? I mean no disrespect by that stmt, but he seems like he just ended up settleting for being a HS teacher. Even at Elliot's party when they were talking about him teaching why didn't ever teach at a Uni? Did they ever explain what happened to his drive? Did it have anyting to do with Walt Jr. and his disability?

Sorry for all the questions, but thanks to anyone who can explain.
We haven't gotten a direct answer to what happened.. only bits and pieces of his past. If I were to guess, I'd say that the extra pressures of being a husband (to a wife that we saw from the beginning wasn't supportive and uplifting to her husband) and being a father (to a child with a disability) could be factors to his declining ambition and drive. We could also assume that the slow decline all started when he left Grey Matter and once the company became massively successful and Gretchen married his old partner, he became resentful of his life and family some. When he saw all the success and glory he missed out on, perhaps he didn't even want to be a working scientist in the same world as his former partners and life. If he went to be a college professor, a job he'd be more than qualified for, would be too prestigious or respectable and at this point he'd be shying away from that life. Once he convinces himself that he's not worthy of admiration, respect, and success, then it would be a downward spiral to his average and mediocre life. 

In short, Walt gave up his chance at fame and fortune when he left Grey Matter, and while he was still working in his field in the flashback, he slowly retreated into himself, lost his ambition, and basically "gave up".
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thanks to everyone who contributed to this thread, it is very informative. I am pleased with the final season and anxious for next year. I too am confused at the fact that Walt would leave the page in the book. The fact he left it in his bathroom isn't that serious, it's why would he leave that dedication page there? Was it an ego thing knowing how much Gale admired him? b/c he smiled when he took it out the box like he was reminiscing.

Also for the BrBa geniuses, in S3 ep13 "Full Measure" the flashback scene where Walt and Skylar are looking at the house. They mention he works for Sandia Labs, and Walt seems very ambitous like he is now. Bascially the sky was the limit type attitude. Even in the flashback scene with Gretchen he was so confident. What happened to him that he turned into such a timid underachiever? I mean no disrespect by that stmt, but he seems like he just ended up settleting for being a HS teacher. Even at Elliot's party when they were talking about him teaching why didn't ever teach at a Uni? Did they ever explain what happened to his drive? Did it have anyting to do with Walt Jr. and his disability?

Sorry for all the questions, but thanks to anyone who can explain.
We haven't gotten a direct answer to what happened.. only bits and pieces of his past. If I were to guess, I'd say that the extra pressures of being a husband (to a wife that we saw from the beginning wasn't supportive and uplifting to her husband) and being a father (to a child with a disability) could be factors to his declining ambition and drive. We could also assume that the slow decline all started when he left Grey Matter and once the company became massively successful and Gretchen married his old partner, he became resentful of his life and family some. When he saw all the success and glory he missed out on, perhaps he didn't even want to be a working scientist in the same world as his former partners and life. If he went to be a college professor, a job he'd be more than qualified for, would be too prestigious or respectable and at this point he'd be shying away from that life. Once he convinces himself that he's not worthy of admiration, respect, and success, then it would be a downward spiral to his average and mediocre life. 

In short, Walt gave up his chance at fame and fortune when he left Grey Matter, and while he was still working in his field in the flashback, he slowly retreated into himself, lost his ambition, and basically "gave up".
Reading this makes me think of the Walt now and how he'd be so susceptible to flaunting his new wealth in front of the Grey Matter dude and wife when he isn't suppose to, wife who doesn't love him, disabled child, and newborn as well. He'd be so hyped to do it he probably wouldn't even acknowledge what he's lacking and only admit deep down inside.

The way he might see it, he took Ls with his career, wife, and kid. With a view like that it's pretty easy to see how Walt has become the type of person he is today and as twisted as it is understanding kinda makes me not see the ugliness of it all and root for him.
wowzerz, finished season 1 & I now know where iYen's old avatar is from :lol:

Finding out the source of a gif is an amazing feeling.

The Wire - Wee-Bey Gif
Curb Your Enthusiasm - Jerry Seinfeld Fed Up Gif
Hung - Dog chilling while dude is smashing Gif
A few more as well haha
Finding out the source of a gif is an amazing feeling.
The Wire - Wee-Bey Gif
Curb Your Enthusiasm - Jerry Seinfeld Fed Up Gif
Hung - Dog chilling while dude is smashing Gif
A few more as well haha
I found these a while ago.

Prison Break-asian guy face palm

some documentary on WSHH-black guy that gets money poured on him
Page 70 bro
how i feel
[if IE]><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="640" height="390" /><![endif]


thanks to everyone who contributed to this thread, it is very informative. I am pleased with the final season and anxious for next year. I too am confused at the fact that Walt would leave the page in the book. The fact he left it in his bathroom isn't that serious, it's why would he leave that dedication page there? Was it an ego thing knowing how much Gale admired him? b/c he smiled when he took it out the box like he was reminiscing.

Also for the BrBa geniuses, in S3 ep13 "Full Measure" the flashback scene where Walt and Skylar are looking at the house. They mention he works for Sandia Labs, and Walt seems very ambitous like he is now. Bascially the sky was the limit type attitude. Even in the flashback scene with Gretchen he was so confident. What happened to him that he turned into such a timid underachiever? I mean no disrespect by that stmt, but he seems like he just ended up settleting for being a HS teacher. Even at Elliot's party when they were talking about him teaching why didn't ever teach at a Uni? Did they ever explain what happened to his drive? Did it have anyting to do with Walt Jr. and his disability?

Sorry for all the questions, but thanks to anyone who can explain.
We haven't gotten a direct answer to what happened.. only bits and pieces of his past. If I were to guess, I'd say that the extra pressures of being a husband (to a wife that we saw from the beginning wasn't supportive and uplifting to her husband) and being a father (to a child with a disability) could be factors to his declining ambition and drive. We could also assume that the slow decline all started when he left Grey Matter and once the company became massively successful and Gretchen married his old partner, he became resentful of his life and family some. When he saw all the success and glory he missed out on, perhaps he didn't even want to be a working scientist in the same world as his former partners and life. If he went to be a college professor, a job he'd be more than qualified for, would be too prestigious or respectable and at this point he'd be shying away from that life. Once he convinces himself that he's not worthy of admiration, respect, and success, then it would be a downward spiral to his average and mediocre life. 

In short, Walt gave up his chance at fame and fortune when he left Grey Matter, and while he was still working in his field in the flashback, he slowly retreated into himself, lost his ambition, and basically "gave up".

Excuse me if I'm mistaken, but I remember in season 1 when Hank told the meth head prostitute that Jesse messed with that Walt Jr. was a Quarterback and got hit hard thus causing his disability. I think Hank even mentioned that he was on the Varsity squad - which, I think, is a rank reserved for High School; I could be wrong though. I know for a fact that when Walt and Skylar were looking at the house, Skylar was still pregnant. If I'm correct, we can't say that Walt Jr.'s disability was a factor to Walt's declining ambition and drive since that would be later on in Walt's life. Grey Matter's success and overall monetary gain that he missed out on is a more reasonable assumption as to why he "Gave up" and decided to be a High School Chemistry teacher. 
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walt jr has cerebral palsy which i am pretty sure he was born with. hank told the hooker that story to make himself feel comfortable/cool about walt jr's condition.
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Excuse me if I'm mistaken, but I remember in season 1 when Hank told the meth head prostitute that Jesse messed with that Walt Jr. was a Quarterback and got hit hard thus causing his disability. I think Hank even mentioned that he was on the Varsity squad - which, I think, is a rank reserved for High School; I could be wrong though. I know for a fact that when Walt and Skylar were looking at the house, Skylar was still pregnant. If I'm correct, we can't say that Walt Jr.'s disability was a factor to Walt's declining ambition and drive since that would be later on in Walt's life. Grey Matter's success and overall monetary gain that he missed out on is a more reasonable assumption as to why he "Gave up" and decided to be a High School Chemistry teacher. 

Nah Hank was just talking ish like he normally does. Walt Jr. has Cerebral palsy. Could be why they never had anymore children until 15 yrs later with Holly which was an accident. The fact that Walt wanted three kids in that flashback shows they didn't know about Jr's condition yet.
I've been thinking about Walt and that big *** machine gun in ep 1. This may be far fetched but I think Gus' Chilean past comes to the surface. Don Elaido mentioned that was the only reason he wasn't killed when Hector killed his partner in Mexico. In the say my name episode Walt let those guys know it was Heisenberg who was responsible for Gus' death. Anyone who was looking for Walt knew where to find, so I suspect it won't be hard for the Chilean crew to get at him and/or his family. Either they kill his fam or attempt to, either way Walt is getting revenge. I don't see him having a bigger enemy, especially where he would need that kind of gun.
Two pieces of information I have read recently:

Gilligan said somewhere that Walt was returning to Albuquerque to "protect someone." Not really a huge revelation, but.

Gus may return in some capacity, haunting Walt or something along those lines.

Edit: Oh, I forgot about what I read in the most recent Rolling Stone. Gilligan said that they have no idea how everything is going to transpire as of right now.
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