Breaking Bad Thread - "El Camino" - A Breaking Bad Movie on Netflix 10/11

Did anyone point out that in the pilot he thought the cops were coming for him when he heard the sirens and in the finale the same thing happened (thinking the cops were going to get him)
Good observation but which part are you talking about? In NH, at the end of Granite State he called the cops and led them to where he was while at the end of the Felina he didn't give a **** anymore and knew he was going to die. Cops weren't really a concern.

I wanted the ep to end with Walt in his underwear like in the ep where he first confesses. I thought we were half way there when he lifted his shirt to show he wasn't wired and thus untucking it.

Guess it would've been too wild to go through a sequence of events where he loses his pants again.

In the pilot when those fire trucks came with the sirens he thought it was the police coming to get him and in Felina when he was in the Volvo he also thought the cops were coming for him.
Oh ok but in Felina when he was in the volvo they were coming for him just didn't know he was in the car.
I've lurked more than Todd outside Lydia's bedroom window but I had to sign up and tell y'all how fun it's been to read this thread.
Welcome bro

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Todd definitely had a man crush on Walt because he only knew him after he already went full Heisenberg, he seemed like satan with a bald head and glasses.
Todd definitely had a man crush on Walt because he only knew him after he already went full Heisenberg, he seemed like satan with a bald head and glasses.
Most definitely. Just go back to the last episode of 5a:

Todd was having the time of his life...
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^No it doesn't look like that. Jesse gained some weight and his face filled out a bit in this last season. Looks nothing like Hank's.
I watched the finale again this morning and I still think it's perfect.

I never thought Todd would become such a compelling character but he really carried the second half of season 5. I hope Plemons gets some more work because he knocked it out of the park on BB.
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