Breaking Bad Thread - "El Camino" - A Breaking Bad Movie on Netflix 10/11

well... sunday just aint the same fambs

No kidding. With bb and dexter done, I'll be more productive.

Spartacus also finished earlier this yr. I have no series to watch now. Ppl have been trying to get me to watch walking dead and boardwalk empire, but I really have no interest in those.
I loved breaking bad and all but...

How yall still talking in this thread? Its over
My heart has a Jesse Pinkman sized hole in it. I might re watch last week's episode just for the hell of it.
This can't be stressed enough. I can't stand Low Winter Sun, like the bastard red headed stepchild that it is 
. Thank goodness AMC redeems itself next week.
My coworker interpreted the ending to BB as a dream. He had some pretty interesting points also.

He says that the first scene in "Felina" where Walt broke into the car and said "take me home" that he was dying and everything that follows was just him dreaming. In the final scene where Walt collapses is where Walt dies in the car he broke into.
How else would Walt:

- get the number to a local newspapers that he knew was doing a story on Gretchen/Elliot
- find out where Skylar was living + sneak passed the security watching the home
- get the number of that same gun salesman and be able to construct a device that would make the weapon fire without getting noticed purchasing those items (unless those items were a part of his purchase which I don't think were included)
- know the exact location of the Aryan area

anyone else share this same theory? when he told me was the first time I heared anything like it
Norm MacDonald also had a "It was just a dream" theory.

As far as your specific questions, didn't he just call Gretchen and Elliot's office pretending to be a New York Times writer and he was doing a story?

Finding out where Skyler was living might have been a stretch, so just accept that one won't necessarily be explained. He's Batman.

Maybe the gun salesman didn't change his number? And the same way he didn't get spotted in the diner is the same way he didn't get spotted buying the tools for the device.

He was invited to the Aryans hideout. It wasn't a surprise visit.
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How ******g easy would it be to find a local paper doing a piece on the founders of Grey Matter? Right after their interview on Charlie Rose where they talk about donating money to some rehab center for meth addicts and then go on to talk about the 3rd founder who was a meth kingpin? That's easily explainable.

Walt could've found out where Sky was living from the vacuum salesman dude. He did as Walt requested and got paid for it. He mentioned she was running some cab business, I don't see how it's a stretch a few months later that he could find out where she's living.

I don't see the problem with the gun salesman. When did he ever lose his # exactly? It's not like he threw away his burner, he did pack before he dipped and we know he was plotting revenge. Also there's no explanation for Walt creating that contraption for the M60. SCIENCE *******! That's like asking how did Walt make that poisonous gas that killed Emilio and greatly wounded Crazy 8? or how Walt created that exploding crack rock which he threatened Tuco with after he beat up Jesse. SCIENCE *******! Walt's science his way to victory numerous times. Next you're gonna ask how he made a bomb and rigged it to go off when Hector rang his bell. I repeat, SCIENCE *******!!!!!!!!!

As for the Aryan's spot I assume they told him at some point. It's possible he knew from way back. As we all should recall, Lydia talks about Walt training Todd with a few cooks, Walt talks about not coming back to do a few cooks before Jack convinces him otherwise when he asks them to kill Jesse, etc. There's a bunch of different times Walt could've got their location willingly from them or Lydia before **** went down.

The main thing that ***** on it was all a dream/hallucination for me is anything involving Jesse. How does Walt fantasize Jesse's exact situation? You mean to tell me just cuz Charlie Rose says there's still blue meth out in the South western area that Walt deduces Jesse must be alive? I mean we don't even know if it's high quality blue out on the streets. It could just be Todd's 76% shwag blue. I just don't see the point of the woodwork in the wood shop making a box momentary hallucination and most importantly why Walt would have to ask Badger and Skinny Pete about the blue on streets if it's all a dream/fantasy/hallucination before he dies in that car. If he's Batmaning everything else and he really wanted to be the hero, he would've killed Todd in some scenario where he almost kills Jesse not just watch as Jesse does something for himself.

Everything doesn't jive with the theory and I feel it has to for such a reach. I keep seeing that basis for it is Walt does everything without a hitch in any of his plans. My whole thing is he did not plan to get shot by his own device, he didn't know Jesse was being held as a meth cook slave, he was coming there to kill everybody and what's most critical is this whole ep was him settling things because his long term plan, and overall goal was already ****** up. That was the hitch, the second Hank died that was the hitch in his plans from here on out. There was no coming back from that. So there's no reason to wonder why none of his plans to get money to his family, see Sky, or kill his enemies didn't backfire. The whole basis of his prior plans, the point that he told himself (lied to himself about) was for him to survive and keep making money for his family before he died. Not be the guy excluded from the family, ending up sacrificing his family in order to reach that goal.
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