Breaking Bad Thread - "El Camino" - A Breaking Bad Movie on Netflix 10/11

Great episode. Awkward dinner scene was hilarious. Walt knew exactly what he was doing inviting Jesse to stay for dinner.

"I'm in the empire business." :eek :hat



Jesse is starting to mirror Mike so much now...I could see Mike calling someone "Ricky Hitler" and even the punch he threw on Todd reminded me of when Mike punched Walt in the bar. Ironic that initially in this series, Walt was the one who genuinely cared about Jesse and did as much as he could to try to get him to get clean. Then the people who were finally able to get Jesse clean successfully were Gus/Mike, even though they really didn't care for him and were just trying to divide him and Walt.
I predict a Scarface-esque shooting in the finale. Remember in the first episode Walt is loading up his trunk with that submachine gun or whatever and then a few episode's late they're watching Scarface and then in the last episode the way he's sitting in his chair drinking his scotch totally mirrored Tony Montana.

Just my prediction...
I don't know if it's been brought up yet, but I wonder if the shirt that Jesse wore to Walt's house is an indication of him taking a shot in the shoulder.

I really enjoyed the dinner was good to see a little comedy since this season has been so damn depressing.

Also :lol at the Milton Berle big weiner reference by Saul.
:lol I really would like Gilligan to jokingly fit in the whole Malcolm In The Middle angle. Just for laughs so it can be possible. Whether it's the prequel or sequel, I'd need to see where Grey Matter fits in.

Like how wild would it be if Frankie Muniz showed up on BB in the 2nd part of the season in a scene where Walt says "That's Malcolm. Hello, son." :eek :rollin
What if Jesse tries to teach Walt how to rollerskate this season, the something happens to Jesse... leading to Hal's fear of rollerskating?! Maybe Jesse catches a bullet as soon as Walt puts on the skates?
Im very imlressed with the show being able to mke walts drastic change believable.

Who would be offended with 5 million dollar offer? Someone who lost out on billions. His pride has been played up and the show actually gives you realistic reasons

Who wouldnt be scared of guns? A man who went through cancer and doesnt have much anymore.

Jessie bringing up how walt did the exact math was perfect. If he was really doing this to help out, he would take the 5 million and by JR all the breakfests he could bever hope for

I also think u are being harsh on skyler. Shes made mistakes but walt is becoming a very bad man. He already is. And honestly i was rooting for him to get shot. I dont see bkw people think hes the good guy anymore
A poster on Reddit made an excellent point/observation on why Walt is still selling. Not solely for power or the thrill....
Walt's speech about Grey Matter tied the entire series together, and I think that it will be a vital talking point when Walter White the character is discussed years down the line. Here's why.
In the scene with Jesse in his house, Walt basically put the final piece in a puzzle that the viewers didn't even realize the construction of. Now, for the first time since the show began, we truly know why Walt does what he does. For years, he had been embarrassed by his failure at Grey Matter, and his idiotic mistake of taking the $5000. This is something that has haunted him for his entire life (he checks Grey Matter's value weekly, apparently).
Now think back to the pilot. He and Hank watch the news report about Hank's bust. He sees piles upon piles of cash, more money than he could ever imagine making as a teacher. Now, we're made to believe that his first thought is of his family, but after tonight's episode, I think differently. I think his first thought is of his mistake at Grey Matter, and of the potential money that he could make cooking meth.
At first, of course, providing for his family was a big part of the plan. But at the end of the day, it all came back to his self-centered nature. He doesn't just want to make the $737k for Skyler and Walt Jr. For him, making the money is a way to prove that he hasn't wasted his life. He is using his chemistry skills in an incredibly profitable way.
So he keeps going. And going. And going. For a while in Season 3, he splits with Jesse, and what is it that gets him back in the business? His arrogance over Jesse cooking with his formula. At this point, it's no longer about providing for his family. It's about making money, proving to himself that he can be better than Elliott. More importantly, he's now seen Gustavo Fring. He's seen how far someone can go in the meth business. He's seen his ultimate goal.
Walter is a man who is primarily driven by jealousy and a desire to be better than others. This is prevalent in everything from his meth business to his marriage. In "Buyout", he revealed what's been driving his choices, his emotions, this whole time. His mistake at Grey Matter, and his potential loss of billions (with a "B") of dollars. I don't think Walt will be truly satisfied until he leads a meth empire that rivals Grey Matter in terms of worth. I'm planning on rewatching the series from the beginning, and I guarantee that little hints of this character aspect have been present from the beginning. Here's one you might remember, just off the top of my head.
"Do you know what would happen if I suddenly decided to stop going into work? A business big enough that it could be listed on the NASDAQ goes belly up. Disappears! It ceases to exist without me."
-- Season 4, Episode 6, "Cornered"
Remind you of anything?

:lol I really would like Gilligan to jokingly fit in the whole Malcolm In The Middle angle. Just for laughs so it can be possible. Whether it's the prequel or sequel, I'd need to see where Grey Matter fits in.
I'm surprised Walt hasn't taken some kind of revenge on them. Maybe he will before the show is over. If someone screwed me out of all that money they'd be on my hitlist.

The awkward dinner :lol

There should be a lot of outtakes for that scene
I was expecting Skyler to say some inappropriate stuff to Jesse to make Walt mad. The food looked good and I want to taste those green beans.
Looks like Mike ends up getting his *** kicked next episode.


Jk, screenshot from ER.
Looks like Mike ends up getting his *** kicked next episode.

Jk, screenshot from ER.

Thanks bro, appreciate the blatant spoiler. :| Some of us don't look at pics from upcoming episodes because we want to be surprised.

Put all that **** in a spoiler next time. :{
:lol I knew that screenshot looked old. Plus somebody wouldn't be so flagrant to post a spoiler pic not in a spoiler.

Yall too much with the Malcolm in the Middle vids. I've watched every ep of that and it is very funny. I'm guessing for anyone that's a fan of BB that never watched the show it'd be way more surreal to watch that after BB instead of somebody like me who saw Cranston all funny first and then see him serious in this. The first ep alone of MITM with Hal all hairy being shaved in the kitchen is enough to throw you off :lol
For some reason  think the ending of breaking bad is Madrigal is gonna find walt and out him to work on chemical warfare stuff
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I've seen people saying that the song Walt was whistling was Queen's "Lily of the Valley"

Don't know the song so can't confirm but it would be another cool nugget
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I know everybody knows Cranston from being Hal on Malcolm in the Middle, but does anybody in here watch How I Met You Mother?
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