BREAKING NEWS: Dallas TEXAS officer shoots UNARMED man FOUR TIMES in airport

Why are black men seemingly always super powered in cops eyes so much that the only way to take us down is with multiple bullets but others aren't

Guns have always been their advantage. They used guns, to get us over to America over 400 years ago.
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Ok, there's a lot of ignorance flying around in here and I'm gonna catch a lot of flame for this but I don't care.  

First to meet the prerequisites made by @toast1985

I am a police officer.

I've completed two of the hardest academies in the country totaling about 45 weeks of training (not a year but close enough).

I've also done a **** ton of use of force and police brutality training because of all the current events in the US and the world.

And to set the record straight, I'm not going to defend the cop at all because I'm not going to make any opinions based off of a half assed news report and a cell phone video that really doesn't show or prove a damn thing.  I'm just going to lay down what most likely went through the mind of officer when dealing with this particular suspect.

1.  Lets assume that he was told that there was a man armed with rocks destroying the windows of a car.  Because of this, he has to assume that the man is violent and willing to harm people, because that is how he was trained.

2.  Lets assume that the officer confronts the suspect, the suspect doesn't back down, and he sees that the suspect is holding a baseball sized rock (another assumption for the sake of simplicity).

3.  This is the point where I want everyone else to put themselves in the position of the officer.  You see the suspect "lunge" (as it was written in the news report) towards you with a rock.  What would happen if he hit you in the head and knocked you out.  Could he have taken your weapons and harmed other people?  Could he have cracked you skull then and there killing you? Could you have fallen and cracked you head on the ground?  Could he have gone for another person potentially injuring them or killing them? Police are not trained to meet force with equal force, they are trained to meet force with superior force.  And generally speaking, if a person is armed, tasers, pepper spray and batons are out of the question.  Even if the suspect could potentially kill or seriously injure  an officer or another person, guns are coming out.

4.  There's a lot that we also do not know either.  We don't know the story of the crime behind the car and why the suspect was acting in the fashion he was.  We don't know if the officer saw another weapon.  We also don't know how accurate the eyewitness statements were (ie: most eyewitnesses suck, so good cops don't rely on them, they rely on hard evidence).  We don't know the conversation had between the officer and the suspect.  We also don't know if the officer and the suspect had prior history or if the suspect had a history of violent crime or not.  Let's also consider that at an airport, the stakes are higher because it is a small area with a lot of people packed together.

The biggest point I'm trying to make is that nobody should jump to conclusions before all the facts are out.  But that people will because we are all biased and love to **** on the police even when the police do everything right.  It sucks that a man got killed and that all those people had too see it, but I'm encouraging everyone to think critically about this before the debate devolves into everyone yelling **** the police.
Sad situation, but the man charged the officer with a weapon in hand. The officer responded accordingly.

My only qusetion is why so many people walked towards the shooting instead of running away? There very few street savy patrons at the airport today.
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I'm going to make a few assumptions here. Tell me if I'm in correct...

-You're not a cop.

-You haven't gone through extensive Academy training (1 Year +)

-You haven't sat through risk assessment videos/trainings, in wake of the recent Police Brutality accusations.

I could be wrong on these, let me know.

Tasers has proven to be effective in apprehending suspects, but most importantly, saving lives.

A Rock is not a reason to shoot aman.

I'm going to make a few assumptions here. Tell me if I'm in correct...

-You're not a cop.

-You haven't gone through extensive Academy training (1 Year +)

-You haven't sat through risk assessment videos/trainings, in wake of the recent Police Brutality accusations.

I could be wrong on these, let me know.

Tasers has proven to be effective in apprehending suspects, but most importantly, saving lives.

A Rock is not a reason to shoot aman.

you are correct with everything you said except the last line. 
but i still don't think it's the cops fault this time...and im no police apologist by any stretch.

i agree i don't think he deserves to die but i what do you expect charging at a cop?
what do you personally think would happen if you were to go throwing big *** rocks at a car and then charge the cop in an airport?

would you charge at anyone with a gun?

Ok, there's a lot of ignorance flying around in here and I'm gonna catch a lot of flame for this but I don't care.  

First to meet the prerequisites made by @toast1985

I am a police officer.

I've completed two of the hardest academies in the country totaling about 45 weeks of training (not a year but close enough).

I've also done a **** ton of use of force and police brutality training because of all the current events in the US and the world.

And to set the record straight, I'm not going to defend the cop at all because I'm not going to make any opinions based off of a half assed news report and a cell phone video that really doesn't show or prove a damn thing.  I'm just going to lay down what most likely went through the mind of officer when dealing with this particular suspect.

1.  Lets assume that he was told that there was a man armed with rocks destroying the windows of a car.  Because of this, he has to assume that the man is violent and willing to harm people, because that is how he was trained.

2.  Lets assume that the officer confronts the suspect, the suspect doesn't back down, and he sees that the suspect is holding a baseball sized rock (another assumption for the sake of simplicity).

3.  This is the point where I want everyone else to put themselves in the position of the officer.  You see the suspect "lunge" (as it was written in the news report) towards you with a rock.  What would happen if he hit you in the head and knocked you out.  Could he have taken your weapons and harmed other people?  Could he have cracked you skull then and there killing you? Could you have fallen and cracked you head on the ground?  Could he have gone for another person potentially injuring them or killing them? Police are not trained to meet force with equal force, they are trained to meet force with superior force.  And generally speaking, if a person is armed, tasers, pepper spray and batons are out of the question.  Even if the suspect could potentially kill or seriously injure an officer or another person, guns are coming out.

4.  There's a lot that we also do not know either.  We don't know the story of the crime behind the car and why the suspect was acting in the fashion he was.  We don't know if the officer saw another weapon.  We also don't know how accurate the eyewitness statements were (ie: most eyewitnesses suck, so good cops don't rely on them, they rely on hard evidence).  We don't know the conversation had between the officer and the suspect.  We also don't know if the officer and the suspect had prior history or if the suspect had a history of violent crime or not.  Let's also consider that at an airport, the stakes are higher because it is a small area with a lot of people packed together.

The biggest point I'm trying to make is that nobody should jump to conclusions before all the facts are out.  But that people will because we are all biased and love to **** on the police even when the police do everything right.  It sucks that a man got killed and that all those people had too see it, but I'm encouraging everyone to think critically about this before the debate devolves into everyone yelling **** the police.
What made you want to be a police officer?
Some of yall really think cops shoupd just let people run up at them and risk taking thier weapons to harm other people. Cop was completely un the right unpess im missing something.
I mean...he could  have tased him...

But ya really gonna act like this dude was just chilling and the cop came to him with drama?

He was acting a fool and got shot. Sad...and I wish cops would use tasers more often...but I can't say I'm surprised or his own actions didn't contribute to his demise...
What made you want to be a police officer?

I didn't want to spend the rest of my life behind a desk. It is the most fun job in the world and I wanted to serve the public even knowing I would probably never get any recognition for it.
 It is the most fun job in the world 

I mean...he could  have tased him...

But ya really gonna act like this dude was just chilling and the cop came to him with drama?

He was acting a fool and got shot. Sad...and I wish cops would use tasers more often...but I can't say I'm surprised or his own actions didn't contribute to his demise...
Seeing how big them rocks were, ehh. Plus he's not dead. Yet. Not an equivalent escalation but it is what it is.
welp i just saw the full video and this dude deserved to get shot. they had guns pointed at him and gave him plenty of chances to chill.

he had a big *** rock in his hand and he still charged the cop.
They just had the new segment with additional videos. They guy drove from MD to Dallas to confront the chick. The video they showed was him smashing the car windows in with a traffic cone. Whatever rock he had in his hand doesn't really look that big from the video.

There were two cops. One had a gun out and the other had a taser out. Cop with the gun shot him 4 times after he charged and then an additional 5 times while he was on the ground.
They just had the new segment with additional videos. They guy drove from MD to Dallas to confront the chick. The video they showed was him smashing the car windows in with a traffic cone. Whatever rock he had in his hand doesn't really look that big from the video.

There were two cops. One had a gun out and the other had a taser out. Cop with the gun shot him 4 times after he charged and then an additional 5 times while he was on the ground.
he shot him once and then 4 more times after he tried to get up

and the rock was the size of a softball
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