BREAKING NEWS: Dallas TEXAS officer shoots UNARMED man FOUR TIMES in airport

Ya just saw the video. They gave the guy forever to surrender, the whole time he was walking towards the cop making the cop back up than ran at him.
A taser gun can hit you from 20ft away. Plenty of space and time to do that in this situation.
yeah blame the guy with the taser for not shooting the guy with the rock so he couldn't attack the guy with the gun.

sounds legit
yup cop literally backed up 20-30 steps.

tbh he deserve to get shot for what he was doing to ol girl's car
I didn't know the cops were standing there the whole time he was trashing her car. 
with how the state of cops vs "bad guys" is...

dont do anything stupid when dealing with an officer.

problem solved.
I didn't know the cops were standing there the whole time he was trashing her car. 

Why wasnt he tased? Seems to me they were aware he was outside of his mind and they were jus waiting for a chance to put him down. Could you imagine if american cops had to throw hands with Cops in the UK? :x theyre so afraid to get a scrape they rationalize away loss of life like nothing.

Couldnt have tackled dude? Couldnt have called in more units and subdued/tased him?

Nah. Dudes crazy he had to be put down :smh:

Protect and serve... themselves. Let the ladies car be destroyed then killed a man. Situation averted... or esculated?
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I'm curious as to why the other people at the airport continue to stand around watching the whole thing go down with seemingly not a worry in the world.
The guy had a rock and threatened officers. I get that part.

My question, as it is in many cases like this, why do the officers shoot to kill?

Like can't you pop him in the leg?

You have back up. You outnumber him 2-1

can't you diffuse the situation? he has a rock....
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Sucks buddy got shot, but he was clearly doing the most. You can't walk down a cop with his gun drawn and expect a positive outcome.

His girl was #NTthick though, right?
I'm curious as to why the other people at the airport continue to stand around watching the whole thing go down with seemingly not a worry in the world.

People want to get footage unfortunately. But seriously, I doubt they even thought the cops were going to shoot him. Dude wasn't really a threat. He wasn't hitting his girl or even cared to. Just throwing **** at her car and hair flipping his locks like a scorned woman.
Or his relationship with the community, diffusing tense situations, saving lives, being allowed to somewhat roam freely throughout your day without being micromanaged Etc etc. To break it down to just those things is ignorant, and I have no love for these cats when they're on that ********.
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