Breaking News::::: NORTH KOREA has fired FOUR short-range missiles..... (South Korea confirms)

The Koreans have good reason to hate America. America tore their country apart for its own reasons and ever since kept it a pariah, denying it a place in the World because it doesn't fit the American model. No wonder the Koreans hate the Americans. Ditto the Vietnamese, Iranians, Iraqis, Afghans, Somalis and all the other countries that sent America packing every once in a while.

What the hell are you talking about? The people were oppressed before the US says/does anything and if the United States didn't exist the people wouldstill be oppressed. These countries commit human rights atrocities on a daily basis.

No country in the world in on the "American model". Even the United States itself isn't even on an American model and hasn't been since thelate part of the 19th century.
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

North Korea is like an annoying little brat kid lighting off fire works directed toward your house just to try & get you to pay attention to them.... because no one actually cares or likes them & everyone knows an adult (America) could just go smack the kid (North Korea) and make em stop what he's doing

For first time I gotta say that I agree with you TBONE. Good to see that your starting to lean to the middle a bit more, good jobchamp.
Originally Posted by Biggie62

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by Mo Matik

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

North Korea is like an annoying little brat kid lighting off fire works directed toward your house just to try & get you to pay attention to them.... because no one actually cares or likes them & everyone knows an adult (America) could just go smack the kid (North Korea) and make em stop what he's doing

I don't think we should look at it like this. To underestimate any enemy in a time of nuclear technology could turn out to be a big mistake.
Either way. No country wants it with us.
United States > any country in the world
North Korea knows that....
They just are trying to get stuff from us and other countries and being really annoying in the process and need to be dealt with in some fashion

Lol. Another arrogant American thinking this way. This is the same reason 90% of the world hates the US. Their superiority complex. I'm a naturalized US citizen myself and I love the US, but dude you have to realize that if India, China, and Russia would make an alliance the US would be big trouble. There is much more to war than just technology. I'm curious how the US would react if some country actually reached its mainland. Since the US hasn't had a foreign power on its mainland since the war of 1812.
I am sort of with you.....50/ make some good points but there are some things we all have to face. Even if 90% of the world hates us,then why does everyone try and come here. I am not trying to be the cheerleader type saying "America! we are the best"....but I am saying that wereally are the best.....we would never let an "armed force" reach our mainland a la Red Dawn...but in todays wars that might not be the best way tofight.....I am still a proponent of a stronger border philosophy, getting what we have now on solid ground, then attacking outside enemies...we have so manyproblems here that need to get fixed, I believe our "implied strength and force" are enough to keep other countries at bay while we correct our owninter country needs...
they finna getg bodied real quick lol
NORTH KOREA has fired two short-range missiles..... (South Korea confirms)
STILL aint shook of these dudes ... they arent a threat to us , some of yall need to stop getting shook everytime they make some type ofnoise

and when TBONE says 'United States > any country in the world' hes talking about military power
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

North Korea is like an annoying little brat kid lighting off fire works directed toward your house just to try & get you to pay attention to them.... because no one actually cares or likes them & everyone knows an adult (America) could just go smack the kid (North Korea) and make em stop what he's doing

This pretty much sums up my thoughts..When else do you hear about the Koreans in the news...?
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

North Korea is like an annoying little brat kid lighting off fire works directed toward your house just to try & get you to pay attention to them.... because no one actually cares or likes them & everyone knows an adult (America) could just go smack the kid (North Korea) and make em stop what he's doing

For first time I gotta say that I agree with you
TBONE. Good to see that your starting to lean to the middle a bit more, good job champ.
I can't believe I'm typing this but TBONE and Fede are actually making some sense.

A lot of you other dudes that are sympathizing with Iraq, N.Korea and Afghanistan sound like some communists to me.

@ dudes saying my comments were arrogant

get out of here

it's the damn truth, if you can't handle the truth... that's not my problem
Originally Posted by TBONE95860


@ dudes saying my comments were arrogant

get out of here

it's the damn truth, if you can't handle the truth... that's not my problem

Learn to be humble. Arrogance never gets you anywhere. Look at the Persian and Roman Empires. Dominance lasts only so long. They US could lose a lot byinvolving itself in even more wars. And like someone said earlier. We have enough problems in our own homeland to waste another trillion dollars on anotherwar. And lets add to the fact that people are considering a move to the Euro as the world currency for trade. Which would make the dollar drop even more invalue. Thus weakening the US. Damn arrogance, it only leads to downfall.
Originally Posted by dalilboy

a really bad time to live in cali were gunna get hit first
why can't/haven't we just handled this problem already? black ops team, wipe out the bloodline, done deal. send in john cena
haha im in russia right now....only thing they could send this way are checks. but forreal, I dont understand how they wanna be isolated and wantattention at the same time.
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