BREAKING NEWS: RIP - Mike Tyson's daughter dies after hanging accident

RIP. A parent should never have to bury their child.

Who the *%!@ let's two children wander around a house with that type of equipment around?
RIP to Tyson's daughter.

Mike has been going through hard times throughout his life, and this tragedy is going to be another hard pill to swallow (no pun intended).

I hope Mike can get over this. This isn't looking good for him at all. I wish him and his family in his prayers.
I was hoping that she was going to pull thru. I know it's hard for parents to have to bury their children especially when they aint even lived a decade.I'm really upset right now
I thought she was going to make it maybe...

RIP.. That must be the worst pain to lose a son/daughter.
R.I.P...just last week he was doing shows/interviews and was all happy. sucks...
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