Breaking News: Two Journalists Shot Dead on Live TV

His FB vid was sickening, absolute filth. RIP to the victims and their families
Suspect is LIVE tweeting while being pursued? Wth....

WARNING: graphic


I want to believe this is fake somehow .. seriously :x

Im trying to put the ladys words in that vid with the news vid. Cant make it out do they match up.

Alison even looks at him though ...

That had to be before it happened, got me thinkin he was there to do it, couldnt, walked away then came back n did it. Just from her looking at him and then turning back like nothin was wrong is odd. Then the news broadcast shows shots coming from the back and the tweet is from the side.

Not saying it wasnt him but the tweet vid may have been before it actually happened
The FB vid is clear as day, he pulls out the gun and shoots. My heart is literally pounding after watching that. One of the worst things I've ever seen.
The Twitter is gone already...
With THEE quickness
It actually stretched back to 6 weeks ago with about 47 tweets. Deleted after the quick strike shooting vid 
Why hasn't dude put a bullet in his head or simply hand himself in?...joint is WILD
Damn man, **** crazy.

Its a few NTers who seem to be trying to steal the spot light in this thread but please don't quote or give them any attention.

Always be aware of your surroundings, everyones aa mark.
Looking at dude's FB, the mentally ill argument might be in play. He might actually have narcissistic personality disorder posting "modeling" pics of himself and reminiscing about the days of being voted homecoming prince in HS.
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Why hasn't dude put a bullet in his head or simply hand himself in?...joint is WILD
never understood why people just dont kill themselves after they have the guts to take another humans life

they rather rot in a cell for life
Video is very confusing

dude stood like a foot from her and pointed the gun right at her like 20 seconds before he shot

dude appears to be the worst shot ever

the way he was standing there it's like they didn't even notice he was there

a lot to process

very disturbing tho

people are sick
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