Breastfeeding in public appreciation vol pics


Oct 27, 2005
Every time you see females holding babies, the baby always goes right for the tittie and you're like [Dave Chappel]C'mon titty![/Dave Chappele] hopingthe baby is just going to rip it out.

Last week on the plane to New York, before even taking off, I notice this baby who is just grabbing his momma's ******* while sucking the hell out of histhumb. Wait that isn't his thumb. Is that? Could it be? That's a titty! Well God Bless America. I was a row behind and 2 seats left. Funny thing is,her 13ish son was next to her so if she knew she wanted to breast feed, for privacy she could have taken the window seat or at least used the window mosttittie, but she was using the aisle titty. So naturally, I took a picture of it. She was decent looking too, I probably lightweight chubbed. Old dude sittingto my left was going crazy

Originally Posted by Put em up

yo virgin, you need to get some bunns ASAP.
I know, right? Dude said he got aroused watching this go on....prolly his first time seeing a breast.
That's some pervert stuff man.

Different if a girl whips out a titty for you, but she just feeding her baby.
Originally Posted by CIDMAN911

That's some pervert stuff man.

Different if a girl whips out a titty for you, but she just feeding her baby.
Aisle titty, she wanted everyone to see.
There is nothing hot about that. If you go that crazy over a lady breastfeeding in public (which shouldn't be allowed anyways) you got some major issues. Isuggest you get professional help.
Not a good look for u dude, u could have just kept this to urself. Now ur riskin a ban which u totally deserve. By they way if u need chicks, holla, WGIFC lol
Originally Posted by DatzToothLess

I probably lightweight chubbed. Old dude sitting to my left was going crazy
havent heard that expression in awhile.

its understandable but making a thread with pics in it is pushing it.
sheesh. no sense of humor on a Saturday morning. Bunch of Debbie Downers. And why would I get banned? You cant see anything unless you go to my dashwire forthe full sized pic
I went to see a friend a couple weeks ago. She started breastfeeding her kid in front of me. A multitude of thoughts began to run through my head ranging fromutter shock to curiosity but the most prevalent one being "GTFOOHWTBS"
Originally Posted by DatzToothLess

Every time you see females holding babies, the baby always goes right for the tittie and you're like [Dave Chappel]C'mon titty![/Dave Chappele] hoping the baby is just going to rip it out.

Last week on the plane to New York, before even taking off, I notice this baby who is just grabbing his momma's ******* while sucking the hell out of his thumb. Wait that isn't his thumb. Is that? Could it be? That's a titty! Well God Bless America. I was a row behind and 2 seats left. Funny thing is, her 13ish son was next to her so if she knew she wanted to breast feed, for privacy she could have taken the window seat or at least used the window most tittie, but she was using the aisle titty. So naturally, I took a picture of it. She was decent looking too, I probably lightweight chubbed. Old dude sitting to my left was going crazy


and you'll be one for a long long time
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