Breastfeeding in public appreciation vol pics

Originally Posted by loonyrobert

Funny thing is if you wouldn't have posted pics people would be saying "pic or tales of duck".
first off you do fail for taking a pic and making a post about and being all excited...

second, NT is full of a bunch of hyprocrits...if this dude had not posted a pic, everyone would be asking for one...

not a surprise why a bunch of OG heads barely come on anymore...
Originally Posted by copped

Originally Posted by loonyrobert

Funny thing is if you wouldn't have posted pics people would be saying "pic or tales of duck".
first off you do fail for taking a pic and making a post about and being all excited...

second, NT is full of a bunch of hyprocrits...if this dude had not posted a pic, everyone would be asking for one...

not a surprise why a bunch of OG heads barely come on anymore...
Who gives a +@#* about the OGs. Everything changes over time and there will be new people to replace them. As if being called a Niketalk OG issomething to brag about. +@#* outta here.
Originally Posted by dunksnjordans1992

yo i was at the food court at the mall and seen that... its soo nasty
Wow, are you six?

The OP has gone the other way though with being all excited about it - and I can't believe you took a pic.

It's a totally natural thing that shouldn't even elicit a reaction - whether you get turned on or repulsed.
Originally Posted by TypeRPinoY

Originally Posted by Fade On You

There is nothing hot about that. If you go that crazy over a lady breastfeeding in public (which shouldn't be allowed anyways) you got some major issues. I suggest you get professional help.
Originally Posted by SaltineWarrior

Appreciated?I find it repulsive. I understand a baby has to eat but have some decency for the people around you. I know people who put in bottles just for that reason or they find a secluded place to do it.

op - maybe you should have done a classic NT illustration instead
You have no integrity. It's one thing to beast over it (which is sick), but to take a picture and post it here?

Originally Posted by sreggie101

Originally Posted by DatzToothLess

Every time you see females holding babies, the baby always goes right for the tittie and you're like [Dave Chappel]C'mon titty![/Dave Chappele] hoping the baby is just going to rip it out.

Last week on the plane to New York, before even taking off, I notice this baby who is just grabbing his momma's ******* while sucking the hell out of his thumb. Wait that isn't his thumb. Is that? Could it be? That's a titty! Well God Bless America. I was a row behind and 2 seats left. Funny thing is, her 13ish son was next to her so if she knew she wanted to breast feed, for privacy she could have taken the window seat or at least used the window most tittie, but she was using the aisle titty. So naturally, I took a picture of it. She was decent looking too, I probably lightweight chubbed. Old dude sitting to my left was going crazy


and you'll be one for a long long time
Originally Posted by JFMartiMcDandruff

this dudes gettin flamed for having pics, and the lol thing is that he'd still get flamed if he didn't post pics at all haha


this is creepy though.
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]If she wanna pull out them bad boys to feed her kid....i'm not gonna mind it....ain't likeshe covered up them knockers.....She's feeding her kid, he's getting his nutrition....i get some Fap material....we all win[/color]
SMH at all the people that need to get off their high horses in the first 3 pages of this thread....story was actually hilarious.
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