Breastfeeding in public appreciation vol pics

Originally Posted by loonyrobert

Funny thing is if you wouldn't have posted pics people would be saying "pic or tales of duck".
Exactly what I was thinking.. but back to topic why are you taking pics of mommas breast feeding
hahahaha i appreciated, but not gonna hide in the corner and take a pic any time soon
this dudes gettin flamed for having pics, and the lol thing is that he'd still get flamed if he didn't post pics at all haha

Anyway, unappreciated. I was in the Philippines riding a jeepney and some woman busted out her boobie out of nowhere for her kid. It was unexpected, and mebeing immature, had a lil chuckle.
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Can't believe this pervert actually took a pic...

This the woman is FEEDING her kid. I understand sneaking a look at her breast but getting hot over that and taking a pic is just
Originally Posted by Fade On You

There is nothing hot about that. If you go that crazy over a lady breastfeeding in public (which shouldn't be allowed anyways) you got some major issues. I suggest you get professional help.

Originally Posted by Fade On You

There is nothing hot about that. If you go that crazy over a lady breastfeeding in public (which shouldn't be allowed anyways) you got some major issues. I suggest you get professional help.
why shouldnt it? i dont understand why ppl find breast feeding offensive. its a freakin baby it can eat where ever and when ever it wants.
Appreciated? I find it repulsive. I understand a baby has to eat but have some decency for the people around you. I know people who put in bottles just forthat reason or they find a secluded place to do it.
wow bro. this is not okay.
and I don't understand why people think breastfeeding is disgusting. I am sure most mothers would breastfeed their baby whenit was hungry. plus breast milk is better for babies anyway.

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