Brethren, Where Do You Keep Your Cellular Phone When Showering At Shortys House? No PASSCODES

Originally Posted by seth k

Originally Posted by ceemcee

Originally Posted by Regis


I always just delete whatever needs to be deleted.Texts, calls, etc.For some reason though, I can never bring myself to fully erase pictures that girls send me of themselves or their bodies or whatever. I always gotta hide em strategically....I usually just email them to my other email address and save em that way haha.

Never understood saving chick's it's cool in the moment but I ain't gonna sit and reminisce down the line.
you'd be surprised.
Anyways, I'm sad--- this is what it's come to, being so suspicious that you gotta worry about your phone when you showering. I checked a dude's phone ONCE back in college, never have since then. It's stupid and childish. If they make you that insecure you don't trust their texts then it's somebody you don't need to be with. 
Originally Posted by whyhellothere

Originally Posted by cap1229

If my dude has a password im crackin it. I can crack passcodes.
Ima put a passcode on mine but he cant have one.
Women logic ftw.
Ima go through your $%#$ i dont even care.





Cap how old is theeYou sound mad immature
Just tell her, "I don't operate the way you and your past "personals" operate. I don't touch your phone, you don't touch my phone. What I do with my phone is my business, what you do with yours is your business. " Nothing to discuss. Keep it with you at all times.
Originally Posted by cap1229

If my dude has a password im crackin it. I can crack passcodes. Ima put a passcode on mine but he cant have one. Women logic ftw. Why because dudes get sooo slick over text message. Men will lie before tellin the truth over certain things because they dont want to get in trouble. Ima go through your $%#$ i dont even care.

I can't tell if you are serious. LOL @ You thinking you can crack any code. Sure buddy. My phone, you wouldn't touch it. I wouldn't touch your's either though. But that means I have something to hide right according to some of yall's logic?
Giving her your passwords, letting her search your phone, elaborate applications to hide from your girl.. SERIOUSLY? I feel bad for you guys because you're destined to let girls walk all over you your whole life. Maintaining privacy doesn't imply guilt. Have some self respect, jeeze.
Originally Posted by eight2one

maaaan, I went to go use the bathroom, and left shorty around my phone...i even gave her my passcode cuz I honestly didnt have anything to hide, plus I had just got the phone...

Why why why why why do you dudes do this? The whole, "I have nothing to hide" nonsense has to stop. God. It is YOUR phone. She isn't entitled to it. You aren't wrong if you don't let her look. Grow balls, not being a jerk but forreal man up 

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by Coolidge Effect

i live with my privacy.

she knows my social, my email password, my Facebook password.

my happiest moments are when I have the house to myself
i'm married.. my wife still doesn't know those things
we have a shared email account, as well as our personal ones

I'm putting in my will/living trust the password to my password keeper, in case something ever happens to me.

Why? Seriously, why? I am sure you have a logical reason but I just want to know..........why?
Originally Posted by Solerunner

Originally Posted by whyhellothere

Originally Posted by cap1229

If my dude has a password im crackin it. I can crack passcodes.
Ima put a passcode on mine but he cant have one.
Women logic ftw.
Ima go through your $%#$ i dont even care.




Cap how old is theeYou sound mad immature
I've sounded immature in the past so it wouldn't be the first time.
He also edited stuff out of my post. I have a reason to be like that. It sets the stage so if your gonna do dirt HIDE it from me. If I get a whiff of it I'm not gonna be happy. I want you to go to great lengths. Be cleverer than me cause I'm clever. If it's not worth all the hassle then just don't have anything that would upset me if I were to see it.
Originally Posted by cap1229

Men will lie before tellin the truth over certain things
Originally Posted by cap1229

Be cleverer than me cause I'm clever.

You realize that anyone who lies will lie before telling the truth? If you're lying, you obviously aren't going to tell the truth first... you're supposed to say something like "men will get punched in the face before telling the truth".

I'm not saying I'm clever, but...
Originally Posted by Solerunner

Cap have you been cheated on a lot before?
No but I'm friends with cheaters who like to talk.
If a dude is cheating okay whatever I can't make him not cheat but DON'T let me find out about it. I won't stay once I find out and is it worth losing me cause you got your d wet or some chick sent you nudes that you kept? I don't put anything past anybody but I respect digression.

DC you don't know what I do for a living. Cracking codes could just come naturally or be my profession.

You wouldn't have my phone in your hand to even attempt to crack my code. Why do you feel like you would be entitled to even attempting that?
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by Coolidge Effect

i live with my privacy.
she knows my social, my email password, my Facebook password.
my happiest moments are when I have the house to myself
i'm married.. my wife still doesn't know those things
we have a shared email account, as well as our personal ones

I'm putting in my will/living trust the password to my password keeper, in case something ever happens to me.


Just killed my Asian mod crush 
lol.  I'm going to be dead... I'm not going to care about people looking in my accounts at that point.  
It makes sense for my next of kin/estate to have all the passwords to my accounts and especially my financials.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Dirtylicious wrote:

we have a shared email account, as well as our personal ones

The email was used for a bunch of wedding planning.. it made no sense to have vendors emailing us individually, since we both were involved in the details.  One email that both of us could log into to check on any updates made sense.  Any new web accounts for household purchases also get pushed to that email. It's just easier in the information sharing.

Now we use it for the calendering feature on our phones. If I know an event is coming up that is for both of us, like a friends bday party for their kid, I put it on there, and it gets pushed to both our phones.  

We don't email out from it to our friends and family...We have our individual emails for that.
I always take the phone into the bathroom with me when I shower in case I get a call from someone important no matter what, I leave it on the side of the bathroom sink. Never been asked questions by my girl because she does the same thing. I thought everyone did this but apparently not.
I have my text message set up to not pop up from certain people and they go into a hidden location. What ++!@$@ me up once was a facebook notification though, chick sent me a private massage and I have notifications set to off for facebook but for whatever reason it popped up. I'm laying on my bed all smiles thinking the world is good watching my girl walk over thinking we about to smash and she turns to look at my phone on my charging dock and I finally turn and see it's lit up and I see the facebook logo. My face instantly dropped 
Originally Posted by Night Marcher01

Y'all bunch of scared little boys. Grow and be a man! A real man don't need to explain to !$+#$*@! They should already understand and know not to touch a man's phone.

Y'all are bunch of Betta little girls. Scared of females? Paranoid?
Get the hell outta here and join ISS.
Originally Posted by AyoDun

I always take the phone into the bathroom with me when I shower in case I get a call from someone important no matter what, I leave it on the side of the bathroom sink. Never been asked questions by my girl because she does the same thing. I thought everyone did this but apparently not.
I have my text message set up to not pop up from certain people and they go into a hidden location. What ++!@$@ me up once was a facebook notification though, chick sent me a private massage and I have notifications set to off for facebook but for whatever reason it popped up. I'm laying on my bed all smiles thinking the world is good watching my girl walk over thinking we about to smash and she turns to look at my phone on my charging dock and I finally turn and see it's lit up and I see the facebook logo. My face instantly dropped 
sheesh.. it's not even worth it.
I know some dudes just give out their google voice number

another guy I know has 3 phones.
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