Brett Favre to retire

wow.. this is like finding out Clemens used roids. i'm shocked but not surprised. its about time. Favre was truly one of the greats of this generation.he's one of the guys you really feel privileged to have watched play.

but it never really sat well with me the way the media worshipped the guy...
at the dude coming in here hating on Favre in a post dedicated to a greatfootball player who had a great career. Find something better to do with your time.....obviously trying to stand out on Niketalk consumes most of your thoughtsand time. Find your e-celeb status somewhere else.

Anyways...other than 12 year olds down grading the man's career, I'm glad people are showing love to Brett. One of the last athletes to even give acrap about their job.

Here's to you Mr. Favre
Originally Posted by GORDON GARTRELLE

now, i usually agree with most of your posts and you know what the hell you're talking about 95% of the time but seriously:


that has to be one of the dumbest posts i've ever seen on S & T

to say he's NOT one of the best QB's to ever play is ludicrous (and i'm not a statistics nerd but HELLO!...he's basically #1 at every important one there is at QB...that says a lot about his endurance + level of play)

@ Favre just being a "really good" QB

alright, man
That's cool, I'm not one for statistics either, but when I think of "greatest QB" names like Joe Montana, John Elway, Terry Bradshaw, Tom Brady and others like them come to mind a lot more readily than Brett Favre's name. To me he's been a really good quarterback who's been treated with kid gloves for most of his career playing for the same team while racking up numbers that have benefited his career more than his team. Calling Brett Favre a really good quarterback is hardly heresy. When I wrote that he played for a team that allowed him to become successful, I meant that I didn't think he would've had the room to operate the way he did (on the fly, improvising, and at many times, just being erratic and reckless) under a different system/organization. The Packers are an anomaly when it comes to the rest of the NFL. It's a very different system. The Packers possess a different set of rules, which govern the team. His tenure with the Packers has allowed both his passion & ability to transform himself into an icon to shine brighter than his actual successes with/for the team. I think most other organizations would have traded him considering his last five years of less than optimal decision-making and increased disappointment. This doesn't mean I think he sucks. It just means I don't see him in the same light as the true great QBs to have played the game.

He's the only 3 time MVP... Yea, def. not a true great.

Bradshaw had a near 1 : 1 INT : TD ratio, he was one of the ultimate big game QB's though. (1.06 : 1 to be exact about the ratio, he threw 12touchdowns more than interceptions in his career...)

Brady's playoff success and success in general is under heavy questioning (and his defense carried him quite a bit, this season aside). (2.29 : 1...Helped a lot by this season though, still amazing)

Elway was pretty sub-par before 93, and we all know that Superbowl in 98 was NOT won by him. (Terrell Davis
) Note: 1.33 : 1 (TD : INT)

Montana was surrounded by some of the all time greats, but he easily is the best on this list. (1.96 : 1 TD : INT)

I included those TD : INT ratios just to make a point (I know you're not a stats guy but, it's hard to ignore), even though Favre was the ultimategun slinger in many ways, he still had a better ratio than all but two of those "true greats". His ratio was 1.53 : 1. It seems to me you valuechampionships quite a bit, and that's just fine, but please keep in mind the other aspects.

Your idea that if the Packers could predict the future they would have traded Favre 5 seasons ago is CRAZY, financially that would suicide.

That is one of my favorite highlights. Running with his helmet in his hand like a little kid. One of my favorite players.
at the dude coming in here hating on Favre in a post dedicated to a great football player who had a great career. Find something better to do with your time.....obviously trying to stand out on Niketalk consumes most of your thoughts and time. Find your e-celeb status somewhere else.

Anyways...other than 12 year olds down grading the man's career,

Yeah, ummm...I hope you're not referring to me because you would be wrong all around.
Its a sad day for FOOTBALL...... BUT a good day for THE COWBOYS!!!!! one down one to go, lets go get the Giants BOYS!!!!
as a life long resident of green bay this is one of the saddest days of my and all of green bays lives
God, Peyton Manning, Tony Romo, and Brett Favre walk into a bar...
God asks Peyton Manning first " What do you believe?"
Peyton thinks long and hard, looks God in the eye, and says, " I believe in hard work, and in staying true to family and friends. I believe in giving. Iwas lucky, but I always tried to do right for my fans."
God can't help but see the essential goodness of Manning, and offers him a seat to his left. Then God turns to Tony Romo and says " What do youbelieve?"
Tony says," I believe that passion, disipline, courage and honor are the fundamentals of life. I, too, have been lucky, but win or lose, I've alwaystried to be a true sportsman, both on and off the fields. "
God is greatly moved by Tony's sincere eloquence, and he offers him a seat to his right.
Finally, God turns to Brett Favre: " And you, Brett, what do you believe?"
Brett replies," I believe your in my seat."


John Madden was in Dallas to announce a football game one weekend when he noticed a special telephone near the Cowboys' bench. He asked QB Tony Romo whatit was used for and was told it was a hotline to God. John asked if he could use it. Tony replied, 'Sure, but it will cost you $200. John scratched hishead, then thought, what the heck, I could use some help picking games. He pulled out his wallet and paid $200. John's picks were perfect that week. Thenext week, John was in Indianapolis when he noticed that same kind of phone on the Colts bench. He asked what the telephone was for and Manning told him,'It's a hotline to God if you want to use it, it will cost you $500.' Recalling the previous week, John pulled out his wallet and made the call.John's picks were perfect again that week.
Last weekend, John was in Green Bay, when he noticed the same kind of telephone by the Packers' bench. He asked Brett Favre 'Is that the hotline toGod?' Brett said, 'Yes , and if you want to use it, it will cost you 50 cents.' John looked incredulously at Brett and said, 'Wait a second, Ijust paid $200 in Dallas and $500 in Indianapolis to use the same phone to God! Why do the Packers only charge 50 cents?
Brett replied, 'Because in Wisconsin , it's a local call...
As a Chicago Bear fan, it's been instilled into my DNA that I should hate Green Bay, the Packers, and Brett Favre. I hate Green Bay, I hate the Packers,but I admire and respect Brett Favre.

The man gave you 110%, and that's all i ask out of a player. He genuinely loved the game and played to win. Favre will be missed, but as a Bears fan,I'm happy to see him go.
Straight from a Patriots fan, Brady doesnt belong in the same sentence as Favre, yet. Obviously one day he will, but right now? No way.
Dude was Nice & all but why are they giving this coverage like he died
Man i woke up this morning and thought i was dreaming....about 15 text messages on my phone with the first reading " FAVRE!" thats all i needed toread.

Just wanted to say brett was and always will be my favorite athlete of all time and good luck to him at whatever he does in the future. I wouldnt be surprisedif he unretired though. But if not, hopefully A-rodg is ready, which i think he is.

theres few people i root for that arent on the cowboys ... brett was definitely one of them ... how can you be that great and have your last pass be a intthough? i dont think he will be retired for long ... all we need is tom brady, peyton manning or tony romo to get seriously injured and he will be back
Brett Favre will forever be a dude that I will always root for. Thanks for the show B-Farve. Idol in my NFL eyes.
Im still mad for what he did to Javon......
He's still one of the greatest of all time.... But that was dirty...
<<<<< avy check

Sad to see Brett go, I'm lucky to have been able to watch him.
For some reason I think he'll still come back but we'll see
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