Bring on the Snow Northeast...picked up my new whip!

Correct, probably a 2008 by next year .. I'm not buying a 2013 DB9 , but I'm also not buying one with 40k+ miles (which still isn't alot).
I'm still in college, but with my co-signer, I only have to put about 10-15% down. So technically, i can afford both. But I'm trying to put much more so the interest and payments can be lower. My priority is the home, anything bought after is just a luxury. I really want to own a home before I graduate .
The envious dudes I was referring to are the ones giving OP a hard time for his purchase. I've had to deal with guys like that my whole life.
Can't hate on dudes who dream big. Props fam. 

I'm probably gonna get the 370z outta college. But if the price for the Tesla Model S drops by the time I graduate and the charging infrastructure is right, I would pick it up with the quickness
His overhead is also 2-3 more as well, so it wouldn't take much for me to surpass what he can spare vs what i can spend
Freely due to how he's doing what he does. Sometimes i wish ya thought i was a complete moron, so when i do finally get something
That gets da jimmies rustlin i can have da complete element of surprise..bit alas soon enough ya seen whay im talkin bout. 8)

So you live the way you do with a plan?...I get the whole saving money, but you realize one day you'll die and won't take any of it with you? living your life scared to live, wrapped up in the comfort of the same room you grew up in, the hood you chilled are trapped fam...I'm sure you can spend more than I can spare, like I said if I chose to stay at home, living single and with no car note, my bank account will stack up too...if hit a milli in about 6 years with all the extra stuff I do to earn money, the irony is that what if at the end of those 6 years I wake up one day and get shot in front of those dear steps of my building?...the **** was the point of holding out on life to sack as much bread as I wanted to?...c'mon you I guess, but your priorities as a grown *** man are wrong, period.

To agree with ur idea of "living" would mean that me & you share da same dream.. trust me duke, we dont.

I wasnt brought up on project living, ive had it pretty sweet, so to think i wanna

"Settle down" when i aint even scratch my prime isnt me, no knock to you, but that aint me.

Im privileged to have da opportunities and positions im chillin in, so of ya think a few online detractors is gonna

Phase me hmph.... :lol: & like i said, ya only know what i feel like disclosing. Carry on.
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To agree with ur idea of "living" would mean that me & you share da same dream.. trust me duke, we dont.
I wasnt brought up on project living, ive had it pretty sweet, so to think i wanna
"Settle down" when i aint even scratch my prime isnt me, no knock to you, but that aint me.
Im privileged to have da opportunities and positions im chillin in, so of ya think a few online detractors is gonna
Phase me hmph.... :lol: & like i said, ya only know what i feel like disclosing. Carry on.

Yeah we all have a different dream, I can respect that.

But how can you say you live good when you wake up in the same bed you probably did when you were in High School?...I'm not even knocking the fact that you still with mom dukes because I know dudes due to circumstances can't leave home because their moms now depend on them...but you come in here and brag about how "fortunate" you are to live in a shoebox apartment with cracks on the walls in a not so good neighborhood, taking your moms car and not even pay for her insurance, because if you did that would negate yoir idea of staying away from comittments and the reason you dont have your own car and still feel like you are doing it right?...fam you are nearly 30 years of age, leeching off your moms BY CHOICE and not taking full advantage of the sacrifice she probably made coming to this country to better the family like you are stuck in neutral and happy about it....the fact that you actually CAN do better but choose not to is what blows my mind.
Fair enough, just found it odd that you're talking about envious dudes and make that comment. I'd imagine that DB9 with 10-15k miles has to be mid-2000s model year? Those are $200k new, right?
I don't want to count other people's money, it seems a little backwards to buy even a $70k car if you don't have enough money for a down payment on a well.

Correct, probably a 2008 by next year .. I'm not buying a 2013 DB9 , but I'm also not buying one with 40k+ miles (which still isn't alot).

I'm still in college, but with my co-signer, I only have to put about 10-15% down. So technically, i can afford both. But I'm trying to put much more so the interest and payments can be lower. My priority is the home, anything bought after is just a luxury. I really want to own a home before I graduate .

The envious dudes I was referring to are the ones giving OP a hard time for his purchase. I've had to deal with guys like that my whole life.

I'm really not trying to hassle you but I'm still confused. First, where do you live/plan on buying a house? Still in college but buying a $70k car, with a co-signer so you only have to put 10-15% down. I thought you said 30-40% towards the car (which would be $21-28k on a $70k DB9), but now it's $7-10k basically? And since you can afford it and want to put 90% of your money towards a house, you either have around $100k available since you technically can afford both based on the ~$10k down.

I mean, if you're a college student, you're doing really well if you have $100k saved. You do realize you need to have good credit & income history, reserve money, low debt ($60k car note is not and I hope you don't have student loans), etc...unless you're buying it all cash. But even if it's a $100k house (where and what?) but you're buying a $70k car...with a co-signer? Hmmm...

Yeah, now I'm counting your money. I just hear someone talking about how they might not post pics of the DB9 they get because of envious NTers (I'd just be impressed, I love that car). It's just none of what you're saying is plausible unless your parents or someone is paying for the majority of it and then is it really money you have saved? Nothing wrong with having loaded parents but if that's what it is, fine.
I find it funny that the Evoque was Motortrend's SUV of the year last but he avoids that when he bashes it
Sick bro,
and thank you. I definately don't think I'm better than ANYBODY. I respect everyone equally, all life is precious man. What you have shouldn't determine who you are as a person., but I understand it isn't really like that in real life.
Some people are in different situations than others but that's just life. I wish I was one of those dudes that won millions in a lottery, but since I'm ME, I'm not going to look at him with anger and wish he was wasn't doing well. Na bro, I'm going to focus on me and MY life, and say god bless the guy.
Your success determines how much you are able to accomplish given your opportunities and situations. A billionaire's son is going to have more opportunities than the average Joe, but that doesn't mean the average Joe can't be a success. He most likely wont make hundreds of millions , but once he looks back at where he WAS , he'll notice how much he's accomplished.
Exactly how I feel fam. I worry about myself. I will never wish ill against another man. I can only control me and what I do. If i achieve the goals that help define a person to be successful, I can live happily. 
steezy...........ninjahood is obviously set in his own ways...........................its not gettin thru to em.

lol &$^% is depressing now.
Lets put this simple...

Evoque ugly car
Evoque hideous car
Evoque entry level car
Eff the evoque shoulda went with the sport range or autobiography

Now you can google and bing all the magazine articles, motor trend and car and driver and consumer report

I don't give eff about that bs

If you are content in the evoque...aight that's you...

evoque is ugly trash garbage to me.

That ain't hate. That's the truth.

I love aesthetics.

I love good looking cars like I love good looking women.

If you like the evoque. Daz kewl too

To me that evoque is basura papi

If you feel some way too bad.

This a forum to discuss and express thoughts and exchange ideas.

Don't post your stuff if you gonna get irate.
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Lets put this simple...
Evoque ugly car
Evoque hideous car
Evoque entry level car
Eff the evoque shoulda went with the sport range or autobiography
Now you can google and bing all the magazine articles, motor trend and car and driver and consumer report
I don't give eff about that bs
If you are content in the evoque...aight that's you...
evoque is ugly trash garbage to me.
That ain't hate. That's the truth.
I love aesthetics.
I love good looking cars like I love good looking women.
If you like the evoque. Daz kewl too
To me that evoque is basura papi
If you feel some way too bad.
This a forum to discuss and express thoughts and exchange ideas.
Don't post your stuff if you gonna get irate.
go rest yo fingers homie
Like son is proud to inherit his moms old *** apt, most dudes can't wait to build their own

Da fak?
Lets put this simple...

Evoque ugly car
Evoque hideous car
Evoque entry level car
Eff the evoque shoulda went with the sport range or autobiography

Now you can google and bing all the magazine articles, motor trend and car and driver and consumer report

I don't give eff about that bs

If you are content in the evoque...aight that's you...

evoque is ugly trash garbage to me.

That ain't hate. That's the truth.

I love aesthetics.

I love good looking cars like I love good looking women.

If you like the evoque. Daz kewl too

To me that evoque is basura papi

If you feel some way too bad.

This a forum to discuss and express thoughts and exchange ideas.

Don't post your stuff if you gonna get irate.

Realtalk evoque is a sexy car it looks like one of those sleek concepts companies refuse to produce, it has nice lines and curves and looks stealthy.

This car aint ugly
Like son is proud to inherit his moms old *** apt, most dudes can't wait to build their own

Da fak?
because unless its yours to own, then my old *** apt is no different then da spot your staying at.

da difference is im paying dirt cheap for this and other's aint as fortunate.

rather have dirt cheap rent and save for w/e i want OR blow it at will then to be bogged down in:

-a rented room like 90% of da cats i know

-a 30 year mortgage, da thought of me living in a suburb is wack, imma urban *****.

i aint married, no kids, no obligations, me on my lonesome in a 2 bedroom apt is AWESOME.

now you combine that with da fact that w/e i make ill get to keep 80% of it after i knock off da puny bills here..pssh im still not seeing

where's da downside. and not for nothing b, my neighborhood>*
ay real talk though... how do you go grocery shopping? Do you take a taxi?? or do you just carry it on the train?
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