Broadcast of David Ortiz roast cancelled b/c of racist jokes...

Then you bust his ***. Or come back with something racial too. You got the power.

Dude these people will flip the #fearedformylife switch on you before you blink. Watch the airport video of the old white dude ranting on the spanish dude and how he flipped the whole encounter to being harrased
My point is do what you feel. The consequences are another story.
I'm a white person but yes I would agree that fighting racists definitely doesn't seem like a good idea in terms of consequences. If the racist instigated the fight, a minority would be far more likely to get the blame either way, and if that racist then decides to press charges, that once again puts the white racist at a significant advantage. The criminal justice system is not fair to people of color by any stretch of the imagination, and I'm sure those racist whites know that and wouldn't hesitate to exploit that. That could have serious consequences for adults. 

I don't know what it's like to be a person of color obviously so I can't really imagine what goes through y'all's head when faced with direct racist remarks etc. But fighting sounds like it would end up hurting the victim more in the end than the racist instigator. I don't know what the "right" way to respond is either and it's not my place to decide that. But either way I would be cautious with a response that the instigator can easily exploit, such as criminal charges. 
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Fighting racists made sense until I was of age to go to actual jail for it, and that's how we handled it back then.

I'd still do it if they got physical though. I'd rather roast you into red faced rage at this point and make you feel stupid.
I'm a white person but yes I would agree that fighting racists definitely doesn't seem like a good idea in terms of consequences. If the racist instigated the fight, a minority would be far more likely to get the blame either way, and if that racist then decides to press charges, that once again puts the white racist at a significant advantage. The criminal justice system is not fair to people of color by any stretch of the imagination, and I'm sure those racist whites know that and wouldn't hesitate to exploit that. That could have serious consequences for adults. 

I don't know what it's like to be a person of color obviously so I can't really imagine what goes through y'all's head when faced with direct racist remarks etc. But fighting sounds like it would end up hurting the victim more in the end than the racist instigator. I don't know what the "right" way to respond is either and it's not my place to decide that. But either way I would be cautious with a response that the instigator can easily exploit, such as criminal charges. 
I can only speak for myself, I m not the spokesperson for minorities. I fight, idagf. I completely understand why we wouldn't. But I do. That's just how I was raised.
I can only speak for myself, I m not the spokesperson for minorities. I fight, idagf. I completely understand why we wouldn't. But I do. That's just how I was raised.

I think you should "GAF". Fighting not only potentially get's you in trouble with the law, but racists won't be less racist, much less towards you. You'd only reinforce their opinions about certain minorities and groups. Personally fighting over stuff like this is silly and makes both parties ignorant and foolish. But that's just me.
I think you should "GAF". Fighting not only potentially get's you in trouble with the law, but racists won't be less racist, much less towards you. You'd only reinforce their opinions about certain minorities and groups. Personally fighting over stuff like this is silly and makes both parties ignorant and foolish. But that's just me.
I don't though, I get into a lot of altercations. I've gotten better but in my soul I fight. I just got physical with an older white dude in bk. It got violent, he didn't care. Some white people really don't.But at the end he ll always remember now. I don't care if I reinforce anything. Obviously I'm comparing jokes to a physical altercation. But i just don't think we should respond in a different manner outta fear.
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I don't though, I get into a lot of altercations. I've gotten better but in my soul I fight. I just got physical with an older white dude in bk. It got physical, he didn't care. White people don't. But at the end he ll always
Only fools would risk their freedom for something they can't change. Violence won't change anyone's racist viewpoint, just incite fear or more hatred. Try starting with a conversation.
Then you bust his ***. Or come back with something racial too. You got the power.
Accomplishes nothing though, pissing in the wind. You have to think about your future. What if said racist pulls out and stabs you in the neck? Which wouldn't be surprising because they're cowards by nature. As hard as it is to do, you have to just walk the F away sometimes,
Only fools would risk their freedom for something they can't change. Violence won't change anyone's racist viewpoint, just incite fear or more hatred. Try starting with a conversation.
Of course, no argument here. I'm not an instigator.
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Accomplishes nothing though, pissing in the wind. You have to think about your future. What if said racist pulls out and stabs you in the neck? Which wouldn't be surprising because they're cowards by nature. As hard as it is to do, you have to just walk the F away sometimes,
Agreed like I said do as you feel. I'm not saying fight everyone you disagree with. But I understand.
Say an old man is spewing racist **** to you. What you gonna do? Punch him? Push him? What if he dies? You gonna catch a body over some racist old man thats gonna end up dying angry and miserable anyways?

You gonna argue with him? Hes racist and ignorant, nothing you can say to him will ever change his thoughts/feelings. Hes a fool. You gonna argue with a fool? Guess what that makes you a fool too.
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Say an old man is spewing racist **** to you. What you gonna do? Punch him? Push him? What if he dies? You gonna catch a body over some racist old man thats gonna end up dying angry and miserable anyways?

You gonna argue with him? Hes racist and ignorant, nothing you can say to him will ever change his thoughts/feelings. Hes a fool. You gonna argue with a fool? Guess what that makes you a fool too.
Case by case homie. For the most part yes. But my last incident was an old white man who pushed me first. I confronted him he pulled a bike lock on me. Homie got a skateboard straight to the face and I was out. Lucky I didn't get caught. But sometimes things go down. Life is meant to be lived hapy with pretty girls. Nothing cool about fighting. But **** happens.
While I agree that violence isn't the answer, we're all on a message board speaking about this with a clear mind.

I can tell you firsthand that when that **** really hits you, sometimes all you can do is react. When someone is being ignorant and hurtful and choosing to voice those opinions, you can't expect me to not punch you right in the face. Consequences be dammed. I get the point, but that point holds no water when your blood is boiling.

I'm thankful I haven't experienced any outward racism recently, just the passive aggressive kind. You never know where a person is mentally, **** around and let the wrong word slip around the wrong person and you may end up with a bloody nose. Whether I'd be right or wrong is moot.
The thing is minorities arent the ones complaining, we can take jokes.

We learned to take jokes because there was't anything else we could do about it. 2nd class citizen was the butt of jokes, even when we werent allowed to be in the audience, what were we going to do?

Should comedians stop making jokes about their own people as well? Comedy about race, gender, sexuality, religion won't go away as long as there are still audiences for them and the jokes are good. Audiences do like hearing about their group and stuff they can relate to.
I will never understand this protection of the "old guard" of comedy.

We progress as a society but comedy cannot? Why?

**** was mad problematic back in the day and society is now cognitively aware of how these types of jokes contribute to stereotypes and perceptions of minorities.

Watch this and tell me Godfrey wasn't a huge ******* ******* to a person who may have been a rape victim or knew a person with that trauma.

We're talking about "friendly" jokes that are borderline harassment but because they're intended as comedic folks are supposed to ride with it? Nah.
Nope, we aren't progressing though. You just have people walking on eggshells now a days. I see the difference between now and 10 years ago. Its wack now. I dont need upper middle class white people dictating what's PC and what isn't.

pretty much.

Senator Al Franken (of SNL fame) was a guest on NPR da other day and he had to explain to da host why he was "allowed" to say a jew joke...

once jokes have to be qualified by who's saying em & their ethnicity to be funny instead of da merits of da joke, we've gone too far.....
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I think that’s oversimplifying it.

If you are a talented comedian, you can get away with a lot. Go take a peek at Louis CKs special. When you understand delivery and cadence and how you hold the audience’s hand through a joke the right way, you can joke about almost anything because there is nuance to the joke.

What we’re talking about is an athlete yelling out and stumbling over jokes that someone else wrote for him. I don’t get how you guys have conflated this to be an example of political correctness and liberal sensitivity.

Thinking outside of that political box for a second you’d see that there were a number of other factors that makes perfect sense for them to have pulled it.

I mean, I sat and watched that clip of Gronk’s set and didn’t as much as chuckle once. If the **** if offensive AND not funny you’re going to have a problem.

So if you want to say some wild, toeing the line, type **** about race, it better make everyone in that crowd laugh. It’s the risk you take, and seasoned comedians understand that.

Some comedians take those chances and succeed (the good ones) and other come off looking ignorant. It’s all about the person delivering the jokes.
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Wait, racist jokes in comedy are unheard of / unfunny now?

They are big in comedy because they draw laughs.. if no one laughed, they wouldn’t be in there.

And before anyone says “it’s all white people” look at Russell Peters :rofl:

This world is getting more and more vanilla every day. We should all avoid offending anyone, even when you’re going to a comedy special when we know it’s a joke? Give me a break.
Wait, racist jokes in comedy are unheard of / unfunny now?
No. Well this one was unfunny.

It just seems to be in poor taste to be poking fun at race relations with police in an era where police are killing people on an almost daily basis and we're literally seeing live feeds of it.

Like I wouldn't find a joke about Syrian casualties "funny."

It's serious sh*t. Life and death sh*t.

Put yourself in their shoes.
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