Is that what happened? I posted multiple pics of myself and stayed in there just fine. You're trying too hard to not "drail" bro.

And I remember that pic. I ran a marathon that summer. I was pretty happy with that accomplishment.

You're here trying to put me down and say i do such and such. End of story
Mmmmk buddy 
In a row or not 500 is boss as hell
that's why I said good work nonetheless.

20 pullups every two hours is doable though. 
Umm I don't believe your 500 chin-ups daily bro. Sorry but that sounds like a severe exaggeration.
I'm sure he's not doing them all at once :lol: if he's as serious about his workout as he seems, he probably has set times to do them throughout the day
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Umm I don't believe your 500 chin-ups daily bro. Sorry but that sounds like a severe exaggeration.
Bruh I could easily do that 

Its also summer so I have nothing else to do 

I usually do 200 pull-ups 200 pushups and 400 abs 

I can usually pump out 100 pushups/pullups in 10 to 20 minutes with 4 sets of 25 

If I'm feeling really brolic, I'll do 2 sets of 50 for that extra workout strenuous on da muscles 

If I wanted to do 500, I could just mix in abs between push/pull ups 

Best thing for overweight people that I've seen or people with a lot of excess fat is too walk

Once you start shedding pounds you can start doing different workouts/ physical activities 
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How many of yall can't see ya peen when you look down without a mirror? If that aint motivation I don't know what is.
Ex fat boy checking in. I was the lovable funny fat guy that got friend zoned.

Lost 60 lbs, confidence up, I don't even know that the friend zone is anymore.

Plus my knees don't hurt, no more heart burn, and I don't lose my breath going up stairs.
I played ball for 6 hours yesterday bros, I was out there killin em...they underestimated me/my skill because of my size...silenced that real quick
if you got some charm, confidence, and some can pull chicks easily. dont even care if you are overweight, there's enough girls in the world
Bruh he's fat. He gotta keg sittin right there. He's just also muscular and athletic.

Let them be great.
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