Butch Lesbians Appreciation

I've only met a few butch lesbians that are cool for the majority of those I met, I'd rather give them that CB treatment
Originally Posted by ttuhoney85

studs stand up
here i am >

pay no mind to the username, registered it years ago and cant figure out how to change it, lol

get at me on downelink: www.DowneLink.com/552488

Originally Posted by NyStAtEoFmInD5150

Damn why is there so much hate towards butch lesbians (studs)? I dont think they're trying to be a man, well some of them might be but who cares if they want to wear mens clothing, rock it harder than most males do and take your chick and turn her out. Some of you guys are funny how you are whinning in this post and complaining about lesbians, obviously they doing something right. Looks like the roles have been reversed. Looks like ya'll got your panties in a bunch. How you going to hate a person because they fell in love with someone of the same sex? Just think about it, does that sound right? For someone to say they know for fact that a strap-on can't do what a real man can do,then they must be speaking from experince (BobbyBrownPacks)
..................Need i say more? i dont think so!
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