So my little bro is tired of having to depend on me for rides everywhere. He told me he has alil money saved up and wants me to help find him a car. We came across a guy selling taxis and cop cars lol....Is buying a ex taxi/cop car a good or bad idea??
So my little bro is tired of having to depend on me for rides everywhere. He told me he has alil money saved up and wants me to help find him a car. We came across a guy selling taxis and cop cars lol....Is buying a ex taxi/cop car a good or bad idea??
I always thought cops would mug you, but it looks dumb for cops pulling over replicas.
I always thought cops would mug you, but it looks dumb for cops pulling over replicas.
smart buy, simply because they where very closely monitored and serviced properly so miles don't mean to much.
ex cop cars should still have a "chip" in it making it faster
fun stuff.
smart buy, simply because they where very closely monitored and serviced properly so miles don't mean to much.
ex cop cars should still have a "chip" in it making it faster
fun stuff.
Son its a toss up... Yes the car has been abused like no other but it has also been maintained regularly aswell. Will the seller agree to take it to a mutually agreed upon mechanic?
Son its a toss up... Yes the car has been abused like no other but it has also been maintained regularly aswell. Will the seller agree to take it to a mutually agreed upon mechanic?
Originally Posted by MF Doomer

I always thought cops would mug you, but it looks dumb for cops pulling over replicas.

Most cities departments are soo broke, I'm sure they dont mind looking dumb.
Originally Posted by MF Doomer

I always thought cops would mug you, but it looks dumb for cops pulling over replicas.

Most cities departments are soo broke, I'm sure they dont mind looking dumb.
I know that cop cars are modified so they could go very fast (in case of speed chases), they probably spent a pretty penny doing that. If you do get one, get it cleaned, you don't know what's been in the front and backseats. Oh, and be prepared for people braking when you drive behind them.
I know that cop cars are modified so they could go very fast (in case of speed chases), they probably spent a pretty penny doing that. If you do get one, get it cleaned, you don't know what's been in the front and backseats. Oh, and be prepared for people braking when you drive behind them.
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