Call me Can't Get Right because I stay catching Ls

Beat your **** up then go job hunting bro. Ain't gonna help to stay mad, translate that energy into something good.
I make good money now not doing much but that 40k promised to me would have made things super great for me. They also promised a company car and other bonuses, which would have saved me a grip of $$.They straight up pulled the carpet from under my feet today and said you'll be considered for a promotion next year. Had me picking out whips, office materials etc, then told me today that they went with the boss's son in law. I'm considering suing,but not sure if it's worth if if I get a promotion next year. Today they told me I'm next in line for a promotion, but not sure if I can trust them after today. I'm def taking long breaks and not busting my *** like I did in the past.
Not worth being down about for too long...give it a few days. If I were you I would apply and interview for other jobs, but also keep things productive as usual at your current job. Let your boss know you are mature and can handle setbacks professionally, ideal qualities for a team leader

Stay true to your work and who knows that promotion just may come sooner than you think. Be positive
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Not worth being down about for too long...give it a few days. If I were you I would apply and interview for other jobs, but also keep things productive as usual at your current job. Let your boss know you are mature and can handle setbacks professionally, ideal qualities for a team leader

Stay true to your work and who knows that promotion just may come sooner than you think. Be positive
Thanks bro, great feedback
Man same situation happened to me a couple years ago. Was told to my face I was getting a promotion. Next week, got pulled into a meeting and was told I need to jump through more hoops. I interviewed and took a new job elsewhere a month later and don't regret a single thing. More money, better work and a brighter future.

Look around OP. 40k would be fantastic, but the disrespect they showed you shows they done value you as an employee. Move somewhere that does
Man same situation happened to me a couple years ago. Was told to my face I was getting a promotion. Next week, got pulled into a meeting and was told I need to jump through more hoops. I interviewed and took a new job elsewhere a month later and don't regret a single thing. More money, better work and a brighter future.

Look around OP. 40k would be fantastic, but the disrespect they showed you shows they done value you as an employee. Move somewhere that does
Thanks bro truly appreciate this post. I'm hurting but seeing this post and experiences like yours help me cope. Was legit feeling super down but this post makes me feel better.
You gotta sooner or later realize that you can't control circumstances that are independent of you. You can't let that dictate how you feel, it is a faulty thinking.

It is most likely a blessing you didn't get the position you were seeking, specially when you are witnessing favoritism. You gain rapid promotions by jumping from one end to another constantly.

That same-place-multi-year effort for a promotion is an outdated concept.
You gotta sooner or later realize that you can't control circumstances that are independent of you. You can't let that dictate how you feel, it is a faulty thinking.

It is most likely a blessing you didn't get the position you were seeking, specially when you are witnessing favoritism. You gain rapid promotions by jumping from one end to another constantly.

That same-place-multi-year effort for a promotion is an outdated concept.
Thanks bro your words are def helpful.
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I wouldnt trip honestly. It's very likely that the bosses son in law is going to crash and burn in that position and they will come to you to cleanup his messes and he'll eventually end up getting demoted or fired out right.  The job will then be yours, and you'll likely endup with an even larger salary package than you wouldve initially.  Good story right?  Happens all the time. So id stay prepared and cope in the ways you wanna cope. But dont do anything rash.
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Thanks bro your words are def helpful.

All good.

Remember, nothing worse than waking up in the morning and realizing that you went back on 16 month long of succesful abstinence because of something you have no control off.

That self inflicted L is always the worst. It opens a floodgate of L's. Guaranteed, 3 months out from now you won't remember this trivial BS and you have gotten the job you wanted elsewhere.
So I interviewed for a promotion at the job that prob would have made me set for life. Unfortunately, I didn't get the promotion and I've legit been contemplating getting hammered even though I've been sober for 16 months. The person who got the promotion is less qualified than me but is married to my boss's daughter. I'm some what of a perfectionist and don't take failure lightly, even though I've made several mistakes throughout my life and am a flawed person. This is hard though because I felt I had the promotion because promises were made to me. My life sucks major balls, it's like I take one step forward but can't get past glass ceilings. My drinking problems in the past stemmed from me not being able to handle rejections and failure. I'm at wits end but fighting to keep a level head and stay sober, but I can't catch a break in life. This thread is for those who catch Ls although I'm prob the biggest loser on this forum lol
Man up. YOu missed one promotion. Its not the end. IT means your not ready but at some point you will be. Put in that work and the chance will come again. Whether it be this job or another moment of happieness that is on your way bro. Don't drink
At this point, start lookin for other gigs elsewhere. When you're offered another gig, take it and tender your resignation professionally.
i know the feeling man.

i was up for a promotion last year which wouldve made my job regional (company car and a considerable raise).

my position is kind of a niche job, and they ended up picking a person from a different department that had absolutely zero experience doing what i do.

the decision was handed out by the director of my department and even my regional manager was surprised i didnt get it.

the criteria for promotions at my company has nothing to do with performance, but how much brown is on your nose.

ive been looking constantly since then for another job and have had no luck yet. :smh:
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I wouldnt trip honestly. It's very likely that the bosses son in law is going to crash and burn in that position and they will come to you to cleanup his messes and he'll eventually end up getting demoted or fired out right.  The job will then be yours, and you'll likely endup with an even larger salary package than you wouldve initially.  Good story right?  Happens all the time. So id stay prepared and cope in the ways you wanna cope. But dont do anything rash.

Actually more likely he maintains his position while cleaning up his incompetent manager's mess for him.
Damn, OP. Sounds ike your in the dumps. Read the Holy Bible and lay down or kneel down and talk to god about your problems. He'll respond to you and show you how to go about solving these problems. Trust me man.
I'd definitely start looking for something else. In the meantime though, take that frustration and go get some yambs b.
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