Call of Duty: Ghost | OT | Xmas Gun Camo LIVE for X360, ONE and PC, PS4/3 on 12/18

How the heck is amplify only a 2 point perk. It's overpowered perk AND dirt cheap. Amplify camping is straight abuse. Kill cams be straight 180 and fire or spraying when you hit a corner.
How the heck is amplify only a 2 point perk. It's overpowered perk AND dirt cheap. Amplify camping is straight abuse. Kill cams be straight 180 and fire or spraying when you hit a corner.

Never used that one. I usually win my 1 on 1 gun fights. AK12 with a grip and a silencer is teflon. Aim at their feet they're all trying to perform drop shots anyway.
How the heck is amplify only a 2 point perk. It's overpowered perk AND dirt cheap. Amplify camping is straight abuse. Kill cams be straight 180 and fire or spraying when you hit a corner.
Use dead silence or amplify yourself.  If you don't use counter perks to counter tactics people are using against you then whats the point of playing the game.

Its similarly silly to me when people whine about ieds which I also hate but its as easy as throwing sitrep on.
I use DS, footsteps can still be heard with amplify, just slightly reduced.

Using amplify on the move will have you paranoid if teammates are around and I can't subscribe to becoming a camper to beat other campers.

My kd's good and I deal with it fine but it blows my mind that nothing can actually cancel it, but they nerf weaker exploits.
I use DS, footsteps can still be heard with amplify, just slightly reduced.

Using amplify on the move will have you paranoid if teammates are around and I can't subscribe to becoming a camper to beat other campers.

My kd's good and I deal with it fine but it blows my mind that nothing can actually cancel it, but they nerf weaker exploits.
Actually you've got it backwards, using amplify mutes your own and teammate footsteps almost completely which is one of the primary reasons I have it on every class.  DS highly reduces your footsteps it just doesn't mute you completely when you sprint, which is why I don't use it at all on an all out rushing class.

Soundwhoring is a part of call of duty, always has been.  You can either join them or don't let it bother you.
Amplify is only really hurtful if you're playing "camp" games like S&D or TDM. Playing other objective games will more than likely have hella activity going on so it'll be a waste IMO. I don't ever play TDM and S&R and S&D only for clan wars. Not that I don't see people using Amplify but I've stopped using sleight of hand in favor of Dead Silence. So that and the fact that theres explosion or gunfire going on in a sense helps me counter Amplify.

I've been more focused on earning patches/headgear/uniforms lately. Just wrapped up the latest clan war and took first again so we scored that Reaper headger. Eagerly anticipating new maps but sad that the season pass might go to waste if Titanfall is a beast game. I heard there will be absolutely no quickscoping or no scoping in Titanfall so I'm glad about that.
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im trying to get the guille suit can i set up a private match with someone and off them 800 times?
How the heck is amplify only a 2 point perk. It's overpowered perk AND dirt cheap. Amplify camping is straight abuse. Kill cams be straight 180 and fire or spraying when you hit a corner.
Use dead silence or amplify yourself.  If you don't use counter perks to counter tactics people are using against you then whats the point of playing the game.

Its similarly silly to me when people whine about ieds which I also hate but its as easy as throwing sitrep on.
i usually agree with your post deeds but i cant let this one go. countering perk tactics would be possible if there was an actuall counter to the amplify perk. like dead silence cancels itself out. two players with dead sillence wont be able to hear eachothers footsteps. a player just camping with amplify will kill any player moving around with amplify + dead sillence. he will pre-aim/pre-fire the direction the player is coming from. free kills.

so i will need amplify + dead sillence + remain stationary to counter? 
In other words, fight camping with camping or just deal with it. There's no way to get the upper hand on a corner camper with amplify and a good headset.

Sure it's been going on before ghosts, but with shading and overall darkness, it's straight blindside to the unsuspecting.

And I'm predominantly TDM so it can be frustrating especially on sovereign.
Use the two main perk and equip the tac 12 once u know dudes on the other squad r camping. shotties will clear out a room quickkk hah
Should have about 5 damn K.E.M strikes...

Always chokin on 23/24 kill streak.

Still have 2 though


Best game so far is 46-0
How the heck is amplify only a 2 point perk. It's overpowered perk AND dirt cheap. Amplify camping is straight abuse. Kill cams be straight 180 and fire or spraying when you hit a corner.
Use dead silence or amplify yourself.  If you don't use counter perks to counter tactics people are using against you then whats the point of playing the game.

Its similarly silly to me when people whine about ieds which I also hate but its as easy as throwing sitrep on.
i usually agree with your post deeds but i cant let this one go. countering perk tactics would be possible if there was an actuall counter to the amplify perk. like dead silence cancels itself out. two players with dead sillence wont be able to hear eachothers footsteps. a player just camping with amplify will kill any player moving around with amplify + dead sillence. he will pre-aim/pre-fire the direction the player is coming from. free kills.

so i will need amplify + dead sillence + remain stationary to counter? 
To be fair, a player sitting stationary in a corner will almost always have an advantage on the player moving regardless of perk usage.  I just don't stress or attempt to account for the camping player unless you know that someone is in the same spot all game.  There will always be someone that plays the corner to corner game and if you can't beat them at it then you don't have to continue to engage them unless its an objective game type.  People get obsessed with revenge kills when playing team deathmatch like there aren't 5 other people on the team you can kill.

I use amplify on every class except when I play without a headset and I get knifed or killed from behind all the time by players with dead silence and crouchwalkers without dead silence or amplify.  The is no perk to hear crouchwalking, so when you know that dude is camping around that corner or in a building then that may be the approach.  You give up speed but still have element of suprise.
How do I join the NT clan? I'm on PS4. PSN id - Zero23

Been playing mainly Kill Confirmed. As always rushing with SMGs ninja style. K/D is 1.31 bc I was doing the Akimbo Magnums with ACOGs on them challenge Lol. But done with that and running around.
How do I join the NT clan? I'm on PS4. PSN id - Zero23

Been playing mainly Kill Confirmed. As always rushing with SMGs ninja style. K/D is 1.31 bc I was doing the Akimbo Magnums with ACOGs on them challenge Lol. But done with that and running around.

DL the app to your phone and register, its free. then I will be able to send the invite in game. it will be under barracks. I can do it tonight after work
How do I join the NT clan? I'm on PS4. PSN id - Zero23

Been playing mainly Kill Confirmed. As always rushing with SMGs ninja style. K/D is 1.31 bc I was doing the Akimbo Magnums with ACOGs on them challenge Lol. But done with that and running around.
DL the app to your phone and register, its free. then I will be able to send the invite in game. it will be under barracks. I can do it tonight after work
Just did the phone app and registered. I'll wait for an invite. I got some other clan invite but they look like they suck. I'll wait for the invite tonight. Thanks!
How the heck is amplify only a 2 point perk. It's overpowered perk AND dirt cheap. Amplify camping is straight abuse. Kill cams be straight 180 and fire or spraying when you hit a corner.
Use dead silence or amplify yourself.  If you don't use counter perks to counter tactics people are using against you then whats the point of playing the game.

Its similarly silly to me when people whine about ieds which I also hate but its as easy as throwing sitrep on.
i usually agree with your post deeds but i cant let this one go. countering perk tactics would be possible if there was an actuall counter to the amplify perk. like dead silence cancels itself out. two players with dead sillence wont be able to hear eachothers footsteps. a player just camping with amplify will kill any player moving around with amplify + dead sillence. he will pre-aim/pre-fire the direction the player is coming from. free kills.

so i will need amplify + dead sillence + remain stationary to counter? 
To be fair, a player sitting stationary in a corner will almost always have an advantage on the player moving regardless of perk usage.  I just don't stress or attempt to account for the camping player unless you know that someone is in the same spot all game.  There will always be someone that plays the corner to corner game and if you can't beat them at it then you don't have to continue to engage them unless its an objective game type.  People get obsessed with revenge kills when playing team deathmatch like there aren't 5 other people on the team you can kill.

I use amplify on every class except when I play without a headset and I get knifed or killed from behind all the time by players with dead silence and crouchwalkers without dead silence or amplify.  The is no perk to hear crouchwalking, so when you know that dude is camping around that corner or in a building then that may be the approach.  You give up speed but still have element of suprise.
my style wont allow me to crouchwalk around every corner. guess im just mad because i have to counter allot of **** in ghost. as a result i cant play like i want/used to in other cods. focus+amplify+sitrep are a must in ghost (counter ied, flinch disbalance, soundwhoring). leaving less options for speed and stealth. 

 could someone post the stats of the nt clan?
my style wont allow me to crouchwalk around every corner. guess im just mad because i have to counter allot of **** in ghost. as a result i cant play like i want/used to in other cods. focus+amplify+sitrep are a must in ghost (counter ied, flinch disbalance, soundwhoring). leaving less options for speed and stealth. 

 could someone post the stats of the nt clan?
I totally understand how you feel about sacrificing your style of play just to account for how a couple people will play the game, I'm exactly the same way.

All my classes are also set up with Focus+Amplify+Sitrep.  Don't really have much of a choice.
Something about this game is just different from the previous games. I don't know if it is the perks, less health, or the weapons but I have struggled to keep a K/D positive. I also dislike the large maps so I only play cranked now. I do sprint a little more then I should, but i try.

That being said, I haven't played this game much at all since the first week of 360 and just picked it back up over the weekend. It is growing back on me.


league play is coming back in ghost and they are going to modify dead silence and amplify function. i hope they come through .... its still infinity ward. 
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