Call of Duty: MW3 -Official Xbox360 Thread-Out Now!- Got 99 Problems but Sales Ain't One..

so the type 95 has been deemed unmanly because its a a strong version of the m16?

im about that burst life...although when i use automatic guns i shoot in bursts...this just does the job for you in my opinion...
Originally Posted by freelythinkingmind

i need to grab this game... do you think itll be 10 off on black friday?

look around for some black friday circulars,...but so far i havent seen it mentioned...just BF3 GOW3 and a couple others will be $30?
Sig Check fellas. Hit me up with a message or invite. BTW, how do you play gun game and team juggernaut and all that? i havent seen those but i heard they are here. I really want to play gun game. PLLEAASSEE
Originally Posted by venom lyrix

does anyone else feel that the 3 round burst guns just aren't as effective?

I'm so iffy on trying out the type95 because I don't feel like it will get the kills I get with the ACR.

Any tips on how to make the type 95 the most effective from a results standpoint?
gotta play a little more defensive and make sure to always get the first shot on them 
u can still rush and have success with the type 95 because the hip fire is very good...only thing is if u run into more than one enemy ur pretty much done 
so the type 95 has been deemed unmanly because its a a strong version of the m16?

Nah its just that the Famas is a french gun which automatically makes it unmanly, and the fact that its similar puts it in the same category
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

so the type 95 has been deemed unmanly because its a a strong version of the m16?
Nah its just that the Famas is a french gun which automatically makes it unmanly, and the fact that its similar puts it in the same category


To play Gun Game, and the other custom games you have to do a private match.
who ever is Push the tush or push that tush those guys that I was partied up with were clowns
Hopped on for a little bit.

Yo b. Camping is Crazy.

We ran into a dude who layed in the Deep Depth Corners of the map. With a Ghille Suit. Silencer. Thermal Sights. In the grass. Prone. And a bouncing betty not to far from him.

Dudes sitting around .. Sound Whoring. 

Or placing Bouncing Bettys (Which i just found out using a stun grenade to jam them doesnt work) on a stair case. With His sights aimed at the stairs for good measure.


Oh and to top it all off. My connection is still !*+. Like STRAIGHT !*+

And I spawned INTO A #@%%%# CLAYMORE!

On a positive note. I Finally got the Fall Camo for the ACR
... EOTech Holo, Silencer, Fall camo'ed ACR is straight ses looking.

Anyways, GGs..
I don't mind when people use the Type 95, but I HATE when people camp in a corner or window with it.

I also hate when people use snipers with ACOG sites.

The camping is pretty ridiculous now, but just wait until the Christmas newbs come along. It's just going to get worse. My boys and I don't even run hardcore TDM on here because people don't even move on around. We used to strictly play hardcore TDM on black ops. I kind of miss that.

I fell in love with the MK14. It just sounds so BOSS when I'm bucking that thing, man.
The P90 is nice as well, especially with rapid fire and a suppressor.
Originally Posted by jerry6d

Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

as far as ole boy prestiging...

i mean, you dont HAVE to lose your virginity ever, either...

its kinda like a pride thing...

i dont see a point in getting to 80 and wasting all other xp you ever aquire (and never recording any of the "prestige" accomplishments that stay with you throughout all prestiges)

just so you can cling to a certain gun....which you use as a crutch, cause you're not really nice at the game.....
. I use all the guns but prefer the ACR. Bad in this game? Not really. K/D sitting around 2.3 and I'm just getting used to the maps. My W/L around 2 could be better but I don't play with a full party all the time.

a k/d of 2.3 is extra impressive when youre on your second prestige.....(like cuzzo #!+%)

no prestige? eh.

i was slightly trolling you at the end.

send me a request, you can run with us. eNPHANATe

Originally Posted by CE0 Mal

the gun is cheap....just like RPGs and that grenade launcher sniper rifle secondary, i wont be using that lame $%$ @%#*@+@$....i have pride.

Don't you use Assasin, though?
, and i used cold blooded before

and i prefer to play HC TDM where i dont have to suppress my gun every round.....

but thats not cause i sit in crevaces and wait for people to come by (like you wish i did)

its so when im popping someone in the head, his 3 buddies that are following him around dont swarm me.

what perk should i run, instead, oh great one? blast shield?



when did using perks become "cheap" LMAO

Like dude said Type 95 = MW2 Famas = M16 CoD 4

Here in MW3.. i see no point in prestiging. When you can just keep guns perks & !%*% along  w/ unlockin custom classes before u even prestige if you have any tokens lying around. PLus the Titles & Emblems arent nearly as "cool" as Black Ops' stuff

actually, he said stopping power pro+FAMAS = type 95...which i agree with.

no point in prestiging when you can use the tokens to unlock things earlier?

i dont see why you wouldnt prestige...LMAO but suit yourself.

Originally Posted by Slicknick951

I dont see why people complain about guns or perks there is a way to get around everything and if there wasn't it wouldn't be in the game.


which is why i dont understand crying about perks.

a gun being slightly overpowered on release isnt too exotic a complaint

and regardless, i die like 3 times a night from someone using a type 95 anyway LMAO

Originally Posted by Jonbx5

besides the lag issues and hit detection the only thing im upset about is how they dont have anything to counter assasin

they should have kept the blackbird in this game

recon perk

recon drones

i wish they woulda made portable radars read have to throw it out like a bouncing betty and pick it back up

Originally Posted by adiosburritos

lol at kid calling famas weak

compared to the m16? id use the m16 with stopping power and FMJ and kill people with the first bullet of each burst....*shrugs* the famas fires not even finna sit here and debate with yall LMAO you can look at the rating bars.

weak compared to the m16.....which it fired faster than.....hence the tradeoff.

Mez 0ne wrote:
Originally Posted by Slicknick951

 is a way to get around everything and if there wasn't it wouldn't be in the game. 
Nothing can counter assassin pro.

well, when you jam a radar, they still have one, but they dont have the uav...

but you right.

they should make portable radars read assassins.

they broke cold blooded into two perks and just made 75% go to assassin and 25% go to blind eye...


i use both on ever class, so....

Originally Posted by 17

Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

AK-47 is just a manly gun, if you shoot from long range then its not the gun for you. Close range your done.

Type95 is cheap also, I noticed anyone I play against who uses it is always behind a structure playing like a girl, with silencer and assassin like they are nice.

i run this class

and here i was thinking i was pretty good at this game *shrugs*

*sees gamertag*.......naaaaaaaah


soulreaper stays going against us in lobbies LOL

hes the only dude who kills me...ill be like 14-4....all deaths from him...

Originally Posted by solefood229

I'm running with the pp90m1 plus with the perk tips curb posted a few pages back im doing work

im always looking out for my NTers man.....

Originally Posted by venom lyrix

does anyone else feel that the 3 round burst guns just aren't as effective?

I'm so iffy on trying out the type95 because I don't feel like it will get the kills I get with the ACR.

Any tips on how to make the type 95 the most effective from a results standpoint?

burst guns are weird. i played with them in mw2.

i find its harder to shoot multi targets at close range....even medium....

but each time you hit them, youll basically kill them

you just have to be accurate and get used to the bursts.

the acr is the best gun in the game tho...easy

Originally Posted by JJ1223

Sooo what exactly was that update supposed to address?  Spawning and sniping are both still atrocious
and lag issues don't seem any better either
i noticed a huge difference in hit detection....HUGE difference.

you know how in mw2 you could exchange fire with a guy for a whole clip each and not hit %#@%....that happened for the first time yesterday (or maybe the day before)

Originally Posted by iWhipMyHeadovv

so the type 95 has been deemed unmanly because its a a strong version of the m16?

im about that burst life...although when i use automatic guns i shoot in bursts...this just does the job for you in my opinion...

its not unmanly, i just personally think its a little overpowered

like i said before, ill pick someone else's up when im out of ammo and get 4 more kills immediately.....4 shots LMAO

Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

so the type 95 has been deemed unmanly because its a a strong version of the m16?
Nah its just that the Famas is a french gun which automatically makes it unmanly


The camping is pretty ridiculous now, but just wait until the Christmas newbs come along.
(._. )

Originally Posted by Joe Billionaire

Hardcore is pretty dope until u get hit by a noob tube smh

there is a special type of mark #++ buster to describe these guys.

why are you playing hardcore with that grenade launcher sniper rifle secondary? (they shoulda made that a primary, real talk)

more of a female dog than a female dog
I'm kind of up and down in this game, when I run around with patience I'll have an 18-4 game (which is hard to do when running with 6), last few games last night had a few 10-10, 12-12 games which usually start with an 0-5 then I go on a streak at the end, annoying.

I would like to play more consistently but the game overall is meh, still not crazy about the maps and I am trying to like them. I noticed my striker shotgun was a TON more weaker, I hope that was not part of the updates they've been having, cause otherwise there is no reason for me to play this game

Played black ops right after, 30 kills a match is so easy.
no reason to play if they toned down the striker?

imo, all the shotguns suck...i cant get kills with any of them.

whats wrong with running teams 75-12 all night? lmao

its very fun for me....

oh, and i just missed you last night, i had to play some dynasty games in ncaa
that mission on the plane with the Russian president was tooooo sick!!!!!

it had some inception (the corridor fight where they are floating around the air) vibe on some parts

awesome awesome game
Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

Originally Posted by adiosburritos

lol at kid calling famas weak

compared to the m16? id use the m16 with stopping power and FMJ and kill people with the first bullet of each burst....*shrugs* the famas fires not even finna sit here and debate with yall LMAO you can look at the rating bars.

weak compared to the m16.....which it fired faster than.....hence the tradeoff.
Bruh stop.

There is no trade off because the Famas is a better 3 round burst w/ stopping power or not

These are actual in game gun stats froim the actual game files taken from the PC... There is no difference in fire rate

And as u can see the damage drop off , especially for one bursting, is at a longer distance for the famas..
so there is a damage drop?




(look on xbox, the gun ratings, the m16 has more power than the famas. you can tell when shooting both that the famas fires faster)

im not finna argue dumb %+$# back and forth with you man LMAO

i cant see pics posted at work, either.

i dunno why you acting like we havent played in the same lobbies together man
im not saying you're wack for using it, but its definitely overpowered.

im not the only person saying that


g36 is the gun real men use, anyway.

i feel italian when im using it LMAO
Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

no reason to play if they toned down the striker?

imo, all the shotguns suck...i cant get kills with any of them.

whats wrong with running teams 75-12 all night? lmao

its very fun for me....

oh, and i just missed you last night, i had to play some dynasty games in ncaa
When I run with the 6 of us I pretty much HAVE to use marathon because there are not enough bodies, I'll run around the entire map and the score is 2000-500 and I'm 2-1

The striker was just what made it fun, especially on the flanks getting triple kills. Just makes me laugh using it, entertainment value = HIGH.

Same with SPAS or riot shield on MW2

I think I just need to find the time to play more, just been busy with other %$$%.
any tips?

i usually dont play online but started getting into it with black ops and now with MW3 but damn i suck so much hahaha

i always beat the campaign in hard but these cats online just thrash me

i usually kill like 8 and get killed like 20 times

i like domination and capture the flag

any tips?
Originally Posted by hostos

any tips?

i usually dont play online but started getting into it with black ops and now with MW3 but damn i suck so much hahaha

i always beat the campaign in hard but these cats online just thrash me

i usually kill like 8 and get killed like 20 times

i like domination and capture the flag

any tips?

There are tips throughout this thread, and a great number of them in the PS3 MW3 thread, just asked yesterday actually. Rather than copy/paste, just look at the these two threads.
Too add to what has been said, find a gun you feel is solid and keep using it. Use the same loadout so that you can become familiar with things, so grenade times, flash animation times, red dot sights, ect, all become second nature. 

Set low killstreaks or use support killstreaks. A predator missle is easy to get and usually guaranteed 1 kill.

On Dom, pick two Dom points and go back and forth between them. Alot of times rushing the third will get you outnumbered and killed easily. If your team has 1 or none captured, stick with a group so you can outnumber and work to capture a point.

CTF either defend your flag, or be a runner. Runner's usually have alot lower kill/death, but get more points with captures.

Just remember, camping will get you kills, but it wont make you a better player. So try and avoid it if you are looking to get better. 
Originally Posted by reener

who ever is Push the tush or push that tush those guys that I was partied up with were clowns

Hey, I'm Push That Tush.  Yeah, I was laughing the whole time while we were playing.  Wish my mic wasn't broken. 
Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

a k/d of 2.3 is extra impressive when youre on your second prestige.....(like cuzzo #!+%)

no prestige? eh.

i was slightly trolling you at the end.

send me a request, you can run with us. eNPHANATe
I prestiged yesterday for the first time. The only reason why was because I had double XP for 2 hours for signing up on Elite. I'm lvl 30ish now and my ratio is still around 2.3ish. Had some rough games yesterday, My 2 buddies and I kept running into teams/clans in TDM. Most of them running Assassin and UAV. So my early levels were a bit frustrating. Got some hate mail too from a stacked team that raged quit on Foghat.
Originally Posted by empirestrikesfirst

Originally Posted by hostos

any tips?

i usually dont play online but started getting into it with black ops and now with MW3 but damn i suck so much hahaha

i always beat the campaign in hard but these cats online just thrash me

i usually kill like 8 and get killed like 20 times

i like domination and capture the flag

any tips?

There are tips throughout this thread, and a great number of them in the PS3 MW3 thread, just asked yesterday actually. Rather than copy/paste, just look at the these two threads.
Too add to what has been said, find a gun you feel is solid and keep using it. Use the same loadout so that you can become familiar with things, so grenade times, flash animation times, red dot sights, ect, all become second nature. 

Set low killstreaks or use support killstreaks. A predator missle is easy to get and usually guaranteed 1 kill.

On Dom, pick two Dom points and go back and forth between them. Alot of times rushing the third will get you outnumbered and killed easily. If your team has 1 or none captured, stick with a group so you can outnumber and work to capture a point.

CTF either defend your flag, or be a runner. Runner's usually have alot lower kill/death, but get more points with captures.

Just remember, camping will get you kills, but it wont make you a better player. So try and avoid it if you are looking to get better. 

To add to this..
1. For Dom, let the team keep one of the 3 flags, and then you'll know where they'll be spawning from.
2. I used support killstreaks through most of my 1st run through to get used to the flow of the maps.  After I prestiged it was all Assault.
3. Killstreaks DO stack, so if you wanna do Assault, Predator-> Attack Heli -> 9/12 of your choice works great.
4. TDM (and all of multiplayer, for the most part) is all about the flow of the map.  After playing enough, you'll be able to predict where the enemy will go at the beginning of the match, where they'll respawn from, etc.  Also, keep an eye on where your teammates are.  They help indicate where the enemy is/isn't.
5. Hipfire is more important than a lot of players think.
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