Calling Shotgun (front seat in car) ....who still does this?

Sep 2, 2009
Was listening to the radio this morning and heard them discussing this...
I'm 26 and never really played this when I was younger...never saw the need to...
But if I were sitting in the back seat I would call "No (female dog)"
Cuz sitting on that hump is THEE WORST...
Anyway...I found a website (they have a site for everything it seems)
...and there is some interesting things on it...for instance...the HISTORY of ShotGun

The History
The history of calling "Shotgun" goes back to the days of covered wagons and the Wild West. On a trip across the plains, the driver of a wagon wouldhold the reins of his horse team and concentrate on driving. This left him and the occupants of his wagon susceptible to sneak attacks from bandits andthieves. To avoid this atrocious circumstance it became necessary for one person to sit next to the driver with a shotgun and fend off the enemy.

Defending against bandits is no longer the priority of Shotgun however, but it has evolved into a pre-driving ritual that isexperienced before almost every car ride across America and even the world. Because of the obvious evolution that has already occurred with Shotgun, we ask youto consider Shotgun as a living entity and be aware that it is always changing for the better good of society.

Have any of you played this b4? Do you STILL play it? What are the rules YOU go by?
If there's more than 4 people in the car I do. I %@$#+#% make sure I do. Or... I make sure I dont call it when the time calls for that strategy.
The only time I really do it is on roadtrips.
Most of the time im driving. if not then yes i do call it...and i run to the passenger side
Shotgun is no game. Its been a way of life for as long as I can remember

But no I dont use it anymore. Not that its childish but my friends that have cars have backseats with ample leg room
s0leFUNK wrote:
Shotgun is no game. Its been a way of life for as long as I can remember

But no I dont use it anymore. Not that its childish but my friends that have cars have backseats with ample leg room

I have a 2003 Honda Accord Coupe and the back of my seat touches the edge of the back seat...
I don't allow more than 3 ppl (myself included) in my car b/c I'm not gonna jeopardize my comfort for someone elses...
My roommates do it all the damn time, I've stopped because I really don't mind sitting in the back.
Originally Posted by Stixx

s0leFUNK wrote:
Shotgun is no game. Its been a way of life for as long as I can remember

But no I dont use it anymore. Not that its childish but my friends that have cars have backseats with ample leg room

I have a 2003 Honda Accord Coupe and the back of my seat touches the edge of the back seat...
I don't allow more than 3 ppl (myself included) in my car b/c I'm not gonna jeopardize my comfort for someone elses...

I feel coupe owners will have more shotgun experiences than sedan owners. (That would be an interesting study
No one calls shotgun when I drive my 96 Accord but sometimes I borrow my mom's car (99 Mustang) and get a shotgun every now and then.
Everyone I know that drives has a sedan
My boys do
Theres strict Rules to it too apparently..
Cant call it unless we are walking towards the car, and no seat checks, unless someone is going inside the gas station to buy Gars

I just hop in the drivers seat
Originally Posted by CE0 Mal

Shotgun. No Blitz.

But I usually drive everywhere.
Heard them say that Blitz thing on the radio too...
I didn't know there were rules to this shhh
I've played it quite a few times growing up. I would have assumed most people have also. But hey i guess i was wrong.
Calling shotgun isn't a game. It's just something that's become a part of riding in a car with friends. It's the same as calling left or rightnut when riding in the back seat. Nobody wants to ride the @@*** seat

The only rule to shotgun is the car must be in view.
The only rule I follow is you have to see the car before calling shotgun.

Then you can call "window" next so you get a window seat in the backseat.
Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Calling shotgun isn't a game. It's just something that's become a part of riding in a car with friends. It's the same as calling left or right nut when riding in the back seat. Nobody wants to ride the $!@#+ seat

The only rule to shotgun is the car must be in view.

yeah and my damn roommates childish as hell
Originally Posted by proper english

nah.. sitting in the back seat is
.. especially when nobody's in the front

I used to piss my fam off by always hopping in the back when it was just me and the driver

and hells yeah "calling shotgun" was serious business when I was in college
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