Calling Shotgun (front seat in car) ....who still does this?

you dudes sound like straight herbs. i've never witnessed a group of adults call "shotgun" in a car. wth..
Originally Posted by CE0 Mal

Shotgun. No Blitz.
wow no jousting on the list, that is one of the main components of calling shotgun you gotta say no joust or its straitght to RPS
im driving most of the time but when i do ride it doesnt matter to me but my friend always feels the need to call shotgun so i guess you could say i startedplaying it again because of my friend.
i really dont care about riding in the back at all as long as its not the back seat middle hump suck seat. but if there is no room in the back i make sure iget front because i am taller than most of my friends
My friends and I do it.. "Shotgun, no blitz" lol


"I ain't ridin' B****"

lol good times
I call shotgun all the time. I don't trip about sitting in the back seat, but I prefer the ample leg room available in the front seat.
If you are driving 4 or 5 in a sports car on a trip longer than 45 min. Im definately calling it. Sitting in the back of a sports car when your 6' is nofun.
Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Calling shotgun isn't a game. It's just something that's become a part of riding in a car with friends. It's the same as calling left or right nut when riding in the back seat. Nobody wants to ride the @@*** seat

The only rule to shotgun is the car must be in view.
Thats exactly how we do it except only other rule is that if you intentionally call it and have no clue where the car is, you are automatically inthe back.
Originally Posted by McFlyyy

you dudes sound like straight herbs. i've never witnessed a group of adults call "shotgun" in a car. wth..
It's not like everyone does it driving to a business meeting or with the in-laws, I'm guessing it's strictly with friends and it'sall jokes. No one is pouting if they have to sit in the backseat, it's not that serious dude.
Originally Posted by dope like louboutins

Originally Posted by 18th letter

Originally Posted by dope like louboutins

I'm tall so I usually get offered the front seat or I take it upon myself to sit in the front. Calling shotgun? #weoffthat
I see your -_- and raise you with a

I see that and raise you with a solid

all in!!!!

it is that serious. I'm 6'5" and I need my leg space. If I don't call it first ill just mean mug my way into the front seat.
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