Calling Shotgun (front seat in car) ....who still does this?

"Shotgun!" is a daily routine with me and my boys.

If you fail to call "Shotgun!", then you bet be quick to call "Window!" because no one wants to be riding #+*%%.
Originally Posted by proper english

nah.. sitting in the back seat is
.. especially when nobody's in the front

if you push the front passenger seat upright and all the way foward, its like you sitting in the back of a phantom
i used to always do that when i rodewith my ex. whenever i did that, my ex knew it was smash time.
me and my LB's play this all the time when it's the 5 of us in one car.
I'm always driving. Plus I drive an RX300 so it's comfy as hell in the back. Don't remember the last time someone called shotgun while I wasdriving.
Originally Posted by Big J 33

The only rule I follow is you have to see the car before calling shotgun.

Then you can call "window" next so you get a window seat in the backseat.

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