Calling the Philippines

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Hey guys, here's my situation...there's this girl I met in the Philippines last summer that I've been calling occasionally. The problem is the call rates to the Philippines is pretty high (the service I'm using is charging me 23 cents/min). I tried using those 5 dollar phone cards and that @#%$ sucks because of the disconnects that I go through. I'm about to try using some pc to phone calling service thats about 15 cents/min. What you guys think? Is there anything cheaper than that?
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i use the $5 phone cards and i never get disconnected. it's the cheapest way. what about YM or skype? they're free.
Team Philippines
Member No.80
i have a asia plan through sbc which costs $10/month, but you get 60 mins with it and every min over that 60 is only $0.12. if you want to use those $5 cards, i usually use tipid pinoy or super philippines, use the local access number and i call a landline which is always better.

you can also use chikkatxt to e-mail her text messages to her cell. it's free for you and it's only P2.50 for her to reply. if she has access to highspeed internet you can use your computer and camera to chat for free. if she has a camera phone have her get mms so she can send you pics to your e-mail.

there are many ways to communicate with a girl in the philippines that don't cost that much...i've been doing it since early 2001. the key is to find anyway to save money on the communication so that you can buy a plane ticket to go back there. :)
i use Hello Asia $10, gets me about 50mins to an hour per card
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Located in NJ // [email protected] // AnabolicGardo (Aim)
where are you at?

the best deal i found was in NYC, in chinatown - they'll sell you a $20 card for $8, and it last for about 2 hrs if you call a cell, and 5 if you call a landline.
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while your gun's raisin', mine is blazin'​
Thanks for the help guys.

vungaw- yea I was using those 5 dollar cards too, but I was getting alot of disconnects, and every time i got disconnected, it seemed like they rounded up like 15 min of the card. That's why I kinda abandoned using phone cards.

peks03- Imma check out that chikkatxt...text messaging from my cell sucks also at .20 to the philippines. That sbc plan doesnt sound too bad either. That's what I'm planning on doing as well...tryin to save up some money to fly back over there. Since you've been calling since 2001, how's your phone bill looking every month?

255forLife- I'm in california. I haven't found any deals like that though...I'll prolly check out the chinatown around here for a deal like that.

Thanks again for all help guys. I was afraid that if my phone bills were gonna be high again for a third consecutive month, I was gonna have to unload some jordans....You guys prolly saved me from that fate :D
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skype's ur best bet i think...
free pc to pc phone calls... or have her call u through skype out which is like a cent per minute.

2nd option would be vonage.
it's either she gets one or you get one for her. billing address has to be in the US though.
20 bucks a month... cheap for you since your phone calls to her would register as a local call.

btw, she would need a highspeed connection for both skype and vonage...
yea, she doesn't have high speed, so I'm looking at pc to phone calling. Skype's kinda expensive when it comes to that...I was looking at their rates and they charging .28 per min. with vat included. With vonage it seems a little better with .23 per min., but I think you gotta pay a monthly with that, and install some kind of adapte to your cable modem.

I'm checking out Yahoo Voice and these rates come up. rates for philippines I haven't found anything lower than that, but I'm wondering if there's any additional charges. What do u guys think?

Btw, how is the quality of pc to phone calls? That's another thing I'm considering. I currently have a cable connection.
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peks03- Imma check out that chikkatxt...text messaging from my cell sucks also at .20 to the philippines. That sbc plan doesnt sound too bad either. That's what I'm planning on doing as well...tryin to save up some money to fly back over there. Since you've been calling since 2001, how's your phone bill looking every month?
cingular text to the p.i. used to be free and unlimited on my plan before a couple of months ago so my phone bill was only around $70-80/mo., but since cingular is charging for their international texts my phone bill has jumped to around $150/mo. using chikkatxt helps out alot, because when she replies there it's only P2.50/text. another way to text is to get one of those local numbers there that they can text to for P1.00/text and when you text there it's only $0.05. my uncle uses it, but i forget what the service is called. if you have any filipino stores around your area they'll know what i'm talking about.

- the best deal i found was from SPRINGTIME phone cards

they're actually made to call taiwan, but they had the best rate for calling the philippines.
you ain't fazin' the amazin'
while your gun's raisin', mine is blazin'
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cingular text to the p.i. used to be free and unlimited on my plan before a couple of months ago so my phone bill was only around $70-80/mo., but since cingular is charging for their international texts my phone bill has jumped to around $150/mo. using chikkatxt helps out alot, because when she replies there it's only P2.50/text. another way to text is to get one of those local numbers there that they can text to for P1.00/text and when you text there it's only $0.05. my uncle uses it, but i forget what the service is called. if you have any filipino stores around your area they'll know what i'm talking about.
ed talking to her, cingular text messages were free, then they started charging. For the months of September and October I racked up a phone bill around 290. I call once a week now and the bill's gone down to around 120, with cingular texting. For the past week, I've tried out Yahoo's pc to phone service, and it's pretty good. I haven't been disconnected yet and the quality over the headset I'm using is alrite. Do you need another cell phone or another device to get a local number from over there? .05 per text does sound alot better than .20 per text that cingular's charging.

Thanks for all the ideas and suggestions. They're really helping me alot.
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Do you need another cell phone or another device to get a local number from over there?
you can use the same cellphone with the service my uncle is using, but i use a globe sim card w/ roaming on a second phone.
you shouldve asked the cell phone company to put your sim (or phone) on roaming

also, like the other dude said, some cpmpanies offer flat rates(to the PI) per month. i found this to be better than those phone cards with denominations in them because they dont get cut at all and your conversations are smooth. those phone cards are only good when theyre new but once everyone jumps on the certain brand, service becomes crap i.e. interrupted conversations because of signal (white noise) or it gets cut off randomly. we have STARTEC as our service provider and we pay $10cdn/hour.
I was man enough to go through it...are you?​
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