Make a Plan to Vote in the 2024 US Election

If you think we should give af what Putin or any other world leader thinks of us remember why we don’t have free healthcare.
We may be entering WW3 a people want that woman as the commander a chief ok. Do they know thats exactly who Putin wants lol
Did you watch the debate? There was only 1 candidate on stage who looked presidential. Poor ol orange man couldn’t even look a woman in the eyes. That sure screams masculinity. Wasn’t even going to shake her hand. I mean honestly what kind of guy do you honestly think he is? Trump would bend over backwards for Putin when given the chance.
Extremely sexist comment tbh

Not surprising from today's MAGA choads! To MAGA, women are "property" they want to control. Like haddix haddix posted, TFG didn't look at her ONCE SINGLE TIME! Couldn't do it. He can't look any woman who is powerful, successful, influential in the eye because he knows he can't control the narrative. The moment she walked to shake his hand, he was shook! He didn't expect her to do that.

If the OP, who posted that sexist comment, honestly thinks TFG would be tough on Putin, or any other of the gruesome group of dictators, he has his head in the sand! He would give Ukraine up to Putin in a second if Putin asked and that would be a crime in itself. But some people just don't see the truth in front of them.
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Poor ol orange man couldn’t even look a woman in the eyes.

Some women pointed out that Trump didn't say Kamala's name once during the debate. I never caught it.

honestly thinks TFG would be tough on Putin, or any other of the gruesome group of dictators, he has his head in the sand

In Helsinki, Trump looked like a lost dog who found his owner. Dude wrote love letters to the North Korean leader from the Oval Office. Even right now, he is telling us that his position on Ukraine is to make them agree to a land-for-peace deal.
The NTers posting from Moscow finally posting with Bass in their voices.

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