Can any of you guys think of a more annoying human being than....(pics)

I wish I could find a bigger picture but..


Dude from the TaxMasters commercials mostly on CNN.. I dunno why but everytime he comes on the tv I get so annoyed
He insists on screaming WHO WE? WE THE BEST!!! in every song he does.

Edit: how could we forget Billy Mays AKA the guy that sells oxi-clean
The N-word privilege really makes me laugh. Forget about empowerment through dis-empowering. The argument for use by one and taboo for another is incrediblyhypocritical. Its fine to be a hypocrite, it just also relieves one from being credible.
I'd say the average elitist hip-hop fan is probably the most annoying species on the planet.

It's like talking about a brick wall, to a brick wall.

I don't find any celebreties annoying. Mainly because I have the ability to change the channel.
Seriously this is the most annoying person on TV I've ever seen. I cringe when I hear her talk.....err I mean squeal.

I wish I could punch her through the TV. Besides the show sucking, she is the main reason I refuse to watch SYTYCD on fox.

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