Can I Hit Loser? - MySpace/Facebook - Vol 3. New Year, No Fear,and New Prospects (update on pg 1)

Originally Posted by 22stylez

planted a few seeds almost had one intercepted heres one i just got
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: her
To: me
Date: Feb 7, 2009 6:29 PM
Subject: RE: No Subject

hah oh okay, well you can add me if you want.

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: me
To: her
Date: Feb 7, 2009 6:23 PM
Subject: RE: No Subject

just judging from your piccc just thought you were kinda cute and seemed cool to talk to
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: her
To: me
Date: Feb 7, 2009 6:18 PM
Subject: RE: No Subject

you're not even my friend, and my profile is private. how could you read/see anything anyways...

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: me
Date: Feb 7, 2009 5:54 PM
Subject: No Subject

I was reading your profile and I like what I see/read.. if you feel the same then hit me back, loser =)
Originally Posted by da703trailblaza

i hate to repost, but i'm bored and feel like i could land this chick. should i send her this? or something shorter? Call me persistant if you will but what does a guy like me have to do to get a girl like you to respond to his messages. ha. 
It's like when you were a little kid walking the aisle of Toy 'R Us and you wanted a toy sooo bad but you couldnt have it. Thats the feeling I have right now. haha. 

A pretty girl like you deserves to have someone buy her a giraffe! 
Luckily for you, I know where these purchases are possible. 
Would you like a male or female one? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

You got that from one of my convos. Well done young Jedi Pimp.
As it goes, the line had no success for me (doesnt mean it wont work for you).
After reading your convo I would go with something like:

"Do you remember when you were a little kid and you walked the aisles of toys r us and wanted that toy barbie sooo bad but your parents wouldnt get it for you? Thats the way I feel about you right now.
Since it seems like you have a lot on your plate and you havent had a chance to get to my message yet, let me save you the time (im a hopeless romantic like that) and allow me to tell you about me first.
My name is ----. I love long walks on the beach, serenating beautiful girls named (insert her name) under the stars, candle lit dinners and bubble baths in the most exotic of oils. I was also my 6th grade monopoly champ if that impresses you"
Since I told you about me, i find it only appropriate for you to return the favor hun.
Would loooove to know more about you!"

Feel free to change the script cuz I came up with that in like 2 mins and im sure there are some holes in the play but you get the point.
Go with something along those lines player..
coaches girls be sayin you can add if you want but how did you find my page?

how should i give em an answer where at the same time make it look like ehh you don't gotta add me or somethin like thatt
Originally Posted by 22stylez

coaches girls be sayin you can add if you want but how did you find my page?

how should i give em an answer where at the same time make it look like ehh you don't gotta add me or somethin like thatt

When they ask how you found their page hit them with the:

I went to and typed in gorgeous female. I hit the "im feeling lucky" button and BAM! there you were!
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

pulling white girls!! good luck bro!

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]In my time spent in the league, I found it pretty easy[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]and if you using that google line, they are liable to hit you with the, "why the hell are yougoogling girls?"[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Personally, I'd be like "Well, I have no clue how I found you, but I'm glad I did
Originally Posted by Twistedb9

Originally Posted by 22stylez

coaches girls be sayin you can add if you want but how did you find my page?

how should i give em an answer where at the same time make it look like ehh you don't gotta add me or somethin like thatt

When they ask how you found their page hit them with the:

I went to and typed in gorgeous female. I hit the "im feeling lucky" button and BAM! there you were!
good one coach
Originally Posted by Sorkoram

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

pulling white girls!! good luck bro!

In my time spent in the league, I found it pretty easy

and if you using that google line, they are liable to hit you with the, "why the hell are you googling girls?"

Personally, I'd be like "Well, I have no clue how I found you, but I'm glad I did

After using the line a time or two, I've come to find that unless the girl is a complete moron and does not realize that you are messin about.. she'llusually laugh and carry on with the convo.
If she doesn't you just gotta adjust young player..
and i'm not accostumed to getting random messages from strangers or replying back to them because i'm pretty sure that's dangerous.

quick coaches gimme somethin to reply to thisss
Originally Posted by 22stylez

and i'm not accostumed to getting random messages from strangers or replying back to them because i'm pretty sure that's dangerous.

quick coaches gimme somethin to reply to thisss

Well, you responded to my message so I must have gained your interest by doing something right : )
The only dangerous thing about you responding to this message is that we may share a few too many smiles or maybe a bit too many laughs.
Are you the kind of girl that likes to smile and laugh?

(try to always include a question so that they have to respond back with something.)
Originally Posted by Twistedb9

Originally Posted by 22stylez

and i'm not accostumed to getting random messages from strangers or replying back to them because i'm pretty sure that's dangerous.

quick coaches gimme somethin to reply to thisss

Well, you responded to my message so I must have gained your interest by doing something right : )
The only dangerous thing about you responding to this message is that we may share a few too many smiles or maybe a bit too many laughs.
Are you the kind of girl that likes to smile and laugh?

(try to always include a question so that they have to respond back with something.)

damn homie

you even have me woed

Allright, I don't want to skim through this thread, but I'm in LA (county), tired of the wack $@*#$%% at my college, and believe it is time to dip intothe world of Facebook jumpoff's. I aways thought this @@#% was lame because I never needed it in NY but times is desparate.

Where do I start?
From a medical standpoint we use the SOAP method to ++!!@ and understand a patient's need.

S- Subjective

In the world of internet J.O. we can use a similar, big-brother method of SOAP; SOAPS

S- Subjective

Subjective: your subjective jump off
Objective: Can I hit loser? [note this will take some time to master]
Analyze: Make sure the subjective bird is jump off worthy [i.e. post pics for NT verification]
Plan: NT will also help you with this. Just post your updated conversation [c/w pic] for verification and an audible
Smash: If you don't smash you take an official L

aiight if my new best friend worldbefree is doing this, i want in.

I'm a free agent looking for a team.
Ok so I messaged this girl the other day. Only thing is that she doesn't speak english well. She speaks Italian. But did that stop me; absolutely not. Igot my babel fish translator and got to work.

Edit: Basically what she's saying is she doesn't understand me. So I hit her with a compliment saying you are a gorgeous woman. She's flattered andsays I'm kind and wants to know where I live. I tell her where I live and ask her the same thing. She says it's a pleasure to meet you. I tell her Ican help her with her english and maybe she can help me with my italian over some coffee. I ask her for the digits and she gives them to me.

----------------- Original Message -----------------

From: Her
February 6 at 11:28am

sì xxxxxxxxxx. chiamami

----------------- Original Message -----------------

From: Me
February 4 at 12:39pm

Inoltre. Forse potete aiutarli con il mio italiano e posso aiutarlo con il vostro inglese sopra un certo caffè forse. avete un numero?

----------------- Original Message -----------------

From: Her
February 3 at 7:56am

io vivo in _______. piacere di conoscerti

----------------- Original Message -----------------

From: Me
February 2 at 11:05pm

Vivo in __________. dove vivete?

----------------- Original Message -----------------

From: Her
February 2 at 3:37am

grazieeee..sei molto gentile ma di dove sei

----------------- Original Message -----------------

From: Me
January 31 at 11:27pm

Non parlo italiano ma siete una bella donna

----------------- Original Message -----------------

From: Her
January 31 at 8:11pm nn ho capito nulla

----------------- Original Message -----------------

hey gorgeous, just poked you to see if you felt me ..


R u fukn stupid?

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: ME
Date: Feb 8, 2009 5:40 AM

can i borrow u?

i'll give u back. promise
bence23 - keep ya chin up!! At least you can work with her response. She spelled 'are' with 'R', 'you' as 'u' hahaha

The worst is not getting any response!

Off game playing.
Went to a club.
Two birds eying me and my boy out all night. Him or I, I don't know.
Eventually approached them.
From what I can remember I took the less attractive one because my dudes in a rut lately and needs a hotty to dig him out.
Basically I was only talking to this girl to keep her friend+my friend occupied.
I quickly realized that this chick was SMOKIN'!
I was drnk.

"hey whats your name?"
"_________something HORRIED like olga"
"wow I didn't realize such a beautiful girl would have such a beautiful name"
"[stoneface] parents gave me my name :S:S:S:S"

then she pulled a casual confused girl and whipped out her cell phone pretending the need to meet someone.
Has she seen the playbook? Should I forfeit or run with the normal offense?


hahaha ok your rite

My name is ---- this guy named ---- is cuute and made me smileee haha monopoly is a good game and yes it does impress me if u can play one game thru thatimpresses me but a whole 6th grade thats REAALLY IMPRESSIVE u do sound romantic and thats what i like im not really a barbie doll i have diff kinds of friends,i like candle lit dinners, and going out and having fun, i like to party and can drink more than most guys can, i like rock and roll hardly any rap, my bestfriend's name is hailey, i drive a 2004 Nissan Skyline GT-R and love it more than anything, i've only had one boyfriend and it didnt last long, im nota #%% still a virgin actually =) uhm and i guess for the rest you'll have to find out

----------------- Original Message -------------
Date: Feb 10, 2009 9:17 AM
Subject: No Subject

Do you remember when you were a little kid and you walked the aisles of toys r us and wanted that toy barbie sooo bad but your parents wouldnt get it for you?Thats the way I feel about you right now.

Since it seems like you have a lot on your plate and you havent had a chance to get to my message yet, let me save you the time (im a hopeless romantic likethat) and allow me to tell you about me first.
My name is ----. I love long walks on the beach, serenating beautiful girls named ---- under the stars, candle lit dinners and bubble baths in the most exoticof oils. I was also my 6th grade monopoly champ if that impresses you.
Since I told you about me, i find it only appropriate for you to return the favor hun.
^^^^ Thats a baaaaad broad topshotta!
I'm tryin to find some skeezers like her that stay in the LA county. Not much success so far.
I got the lines down but I'm havin a hard time using the game on any ugly ol broad. ya dig?
The only messages I've sent out are to baaaad girls. Got most the numbers and a couple of broad beggin' for it but now it seems as i've run out ofvictems.

Anyone trying to help a teammate out and do a search for the 91768 area?
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