Can I Hit Loser? - MySpace/Facebook - Vol 3. New Year, No Fear,and New Prospects (update on pg 1)

my dude.

Aww!! Yes yes I remember those days! Lol anyway.. I am ! I just moved me and 3 of my horses to oklahoma and baught my own home.. I race and jump 3 of my 5horses I looove watching movies and going to the movies. My family and friends mean the world to me! I work at cvs as a pharmacy tech. I looove it! I will bestarting school in march! At a place called metro tech to be an aviation mechanic! And goin on to work at Tinker AFB to do a job that woman don't usuallydo that's what drives me to do it. I come from a family of 9 people.. 7 kids! And I love it I am tied for the 2 oldest! That's right. I have a twin,however I don't speak to her much and she doesn't live with my family she lives wih our grandparents she didn't like the big family thing so shemoved. I love animals and meeting new people!! Well I'm sorry I didn't reply before! Ill do my very best to keep in touch! Take care!!!


----- Original Message -----
Date:10 Feb 2009 9:01 PM

Do you remember when you were a little kid and you walked the aisles of Toys R Us and wanted that toy barbie sooo bad but your parents wouldnt get it for you?Thats the way I feel about you right now.
Since it seems like you have a lot on your plate and you havent had a chance to get to my message yet, let me save you the time (I'm a hopeless romanticlike that) and allow me to tell you about me first.
My name is -. I love long walks on the beach, serenading beautiful girls like you under the stars, candle lit dinners and bubble baths in the most exotic ofoils. I was also my 6th grade monopoly champ if that impresses you.
Since I told you about me, I find it only appropriate for you to return the favor hun.
I would loooove to know more about you!

LOL ur funny
------------ Original Message ------------
can i borrow you? i'll give you back promise

this chick actually goes to my school, any tips on how to proceed?
Originally Posted by cronicmole

Originally Posted by ToppShotta

Has she seen the playbook? Should I forfeit or run with the normal offense?


hahaha ok your rite

My name is ---- this guy named ---- is cuute and made me smileee haha monopoly is a good game and yes it does impress me if u can play one game thru that impresses me but a whole 6th grade thats REAALLY IMPRESSIVE u do sound romantic and thats what i like im not really a barbie doll i have diff kinds of friends, i like candle lit dinners, and going out and having fun, i like to party and can drink more than most guys can, i like rock and roll hardly any rap, my best friend's name is hailey, i drive a 2004 Nissan Skyline GT-R and love it more than anything, i've only had one boyfriend and it didnt last long, im not a #%% still a virgin actually =) uhm and i guess for the rest you'll have to find out

----------------- Original Message -------------
Date: Feb 10, 2009 9:17 AM
Subject: No Subject

Do you remember when you were a little kid and you walked the aisles of toys r us and wanted that toy barbie sooo bad but your parents wouldnt get it for you? Thats the way I feel about you right now.

Since it seems like you have a lot on your plate and you havent had a chance to get to my message yet, let me save you the time (im a hopeless romantic like that) and allow me to tell you about me first.
My name is ----. I love long walks on the beach, serenating beautiful girls named ---- under the stars, candle lit dinners and bubble baths in the most exotic of oils. I was also my 6th grade monopoly champ if that impresses you.
Since I told you about me, i find it only appropriate for you to return the favor hun.
Im in love with her 2 Toppshotta

...chick is running game on you, ain't no such thing as a 2004 Nissan Skyline GT-R
, on top of that, I'm sure that's not even shorty real pic...ole saving pic as, frontin @$@ female

Here is one chick I was talking to last week, she just sounded real dumb,
and the wayshe typed kind of annoyed me. I just gave up on talking to her. Although she hit me back up, I haven't even message her back
ill probably hit her back tomorrow...


----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Her
Date: Feb 6, 2009 12:34 AM

Mmn 000o0ok.. L0l.. u crazy. Im sad and c0ld...
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Me
Date: Feb 6, 2009 8:29 AM

lol, you're too funny. Anyways, I was just trying to get your attention that's all. So, what's up, how are you?

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Her
Date: Feb 6, 2009 12:21 AM
Subject: Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: Heyy!

I still dnt get it..

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Me
Date: Feb 6, 2009 8:17 AM

We can leave that up to imagination! I rather keep you cutie than borrow but it's all up to you

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Her
Date: Feb 6, 2009 12:05 AM
Subject: Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: Heyy!

But wut r u g0nna d0 wit me// h0w r u g0nna b0rr0w me.. //

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Me
Date: Feb 6, 2009 7:42 AM

Nope, not kidding
before we discuss the lease, tell me about yourself, btw my name is Michael or you can call me Mike

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Her
Date: Feb 5, 2009 11:30 PM

But theyre g0nna laught 0f me.. U g0tta be kidding me.. L0l

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Me
Date: Feb 6, 2009 7:27 AM

Recreational purpose, a few smiles and laughs, maybe a hug or two! So shall we discuss the terms of the lease

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Her
Date: Feb 5, 2009 11:06 PM

Huh// 4 wut// h0w//

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: ..Me
Date: Feb 6, 2009 4:00 AM

Can I borrow you I promise to give you back
Damn Dom, she could get it

and JDub -- man I can work with a first name, but J-Ville had a truckload of jumpoffs (reviewing the tape


Yo fellas, you may not score on the first carry, but I'm going to keep giving you the ball till that defense wears down

so how does this work we hit up random girls with a line and u guys helps us out and what about the hi can I hit loser save that for a little later in theconvo
i used this line
Greetings, my Goddess. How art thou? Me? Well...I've got a pocket full of hundreds that I'm about to drop off at the orphanage. It's a weekly habitof mine and I love it. (smile) You take care now and respond to me when you have time, you wonderful woman...YOU. (wink)


read but hasnt responded yet..coaches?
since this is a thread related to G'in girls...

u get a girls number that u met a party on friday/ the party u hit it off and let each other kno that u wanna chill sometime in ab a week or so.when do u hit her up?

sorry to go sort of off topic...but i share a similar cause with u dudes in here
cot damn my fault, having some computer difficulties over here

but good looks

and just wait, for it. In the meantime, just get at some more chicks
Originally Posted by nYcHipHopHippo

since this is a thread related to G'in girls...

u get a girls number that u met a party on friday/ the party u hit it off and let each other kno that u wanna chill sometime in ab a week or so. when do u hit her up?

sorry to go sort of off topic...but i share a similar cause with u dudes in here

That falls right in line with this thread fam

Hit her up within 1-3 days (ranging on how your initial conversation went)


and boost GOOD call, I didn't even see the skyline part
fumble.can i recover...

you can just get pics

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: me... (43828220)
To: her! (449417569)
Date: Feb 12, 2009 11:23 PM
Subject: RE: hello

alright i drop the 100 then you could just leave'em here after i borrow you........ i promise i'll give you back

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: her! (449417569)
To: me. (43828220)
Date: Feb 12, 2009 11:15 PM
Subject: RE: hello

why dont you drop one of those $100 in my paypal acount for some sexy +$@ pics of me, or my fresh worn panties!

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: me (43828220)
To: her (449417569)
Date: Feb 12, 2009 11:11 PM
Subject: hello

Greetings, my Goddess. How art thou? Me? Well...I've got a pocket full of hundreds that I'm about to drop off at the orphanage. It's a weekly habitof mine and I love it. (smile) You take care now and respond to me when you have time, you wonderful woman...YOU. (wink)

Originally Posted by ralphsody

i think i picked the wrong one, she wants me to buy her panties...
If it helps you get in em, go for BROKE! Victoria Secret always running those 3/$15 deal
Originally Posted by Sorkoram

Originally Posted by nYcHipHopHippo

since this is a thread related to G'in girls...

u get a girls number that u met a party on friday/ the party u hit it off and let each other kno that u wanna chill sometime in ab a week or so. when do u hit her up?

sorry to go sort of off topic...but i share a similar cause with u dudes in here

That falls right in line with this thread fam

Hit her up within 1-3 days (ranging on how your initial conversation went)
it went pretty ill actually. we planned to hit up a hookah bar during the break that some schools are gettin which is this fri-next sunday...but ifeel like that buzz that i had at the beginning wit her is kind of dying down now that i havent talked to her since that night.

would it be better to get at her tomorrow...cuz theres the chance she has something to do, and shes more likely to tell me that she'll just see me saturdayat this other party we're both invited to.

or should i wait around monday or so and hit her with the "i had an ill weekend and cant wait for this one party on friday, and the other one thatwe're goin to on saturday...but right now i have so much free time durin the break." hope that she gives something along yeah i have so much free timetoo...then go in for the kill (ok i kno that smashing should be referred to as the kill but i'm a rookie so i have different standards for a good game) andhit her with the "we should go to that hookah bar we were talkin ab."

i kno im bein a *%%%* and lookin too into it...but i need to get out of my slump badly haha
here are a few lines that might work fellas...

If i told you i slept with your bestfriend... would you talk to me?
(she will respond "No")
(You respond "good because i didnt... so my name is ____, whats yours")

Fair Lady... you look to be in need of a spanking? May I be the one to paddle thine behind? (terrible...but sometimes terrible works.... if you get a"lol" back)

since you open this message.... you might as well give me your name, number and Panty Size. (clearly if she responds back it will be negative, and then you hither with the "i was just playing i wanted to get your attention....etc....etc.... old play from Vol 1.)

Your page is Lame (just a shot in the dark... if she responds... hit her with the anit negatives again...)

Hey cutie, if the roles where reversed and you were trying to hit on me.... what would you say to get my attention?
(if she responds back with a line.... just copy and paste it back to her)
ex.... I would say hey sexy lets bone asap!...... then you reply.... "Ok well...... Hey sexy lets bone asap!!!! lol Im J/k but i see you have asense of humor, whats your name"

might work....might not.... ya'll can try if you want.
Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Originally Posted by ralphsody

i think i picked the wrong one, she wants me to buy her panties...
If it helps you get in em, go for BROKE! Victoria Secret always running those 3/$15 deal

naw on her page it says that she wears her panties for a couple a days and then sells'em...
with pics of her wearing, she says cuz it gets guys "off"
I think i found a fake HERE
Originally Posted by nYcHipHopHippo

it went pretty ill actually. we planned to hit up a hookah bar during the break that some schools are gettin which is this fri-next sunday...but i feel like that buzz that i had at the beginning wit her is kind of dying down now that i havent talked to her since that night.

would it be better to get at her tomorrow...cuz theres the chance she has something to do, and shes more likely to tell me that she'll just see me saturday at this other party we're both invited to.

or should i wait around monday or so and hit her with the "i had an ill weekend and cant wait for this one party on friday, and the other one that we're goin to on saturday...but right now i have so much free time durin the break." hope that she gives something along yeah i have so much free time too...then go in for the kill (ok i kno that smashing should be referred to as the kill but i'm a rookie so i have different standards for a good game) and hit her with the "we should go to that hookah bar we were talkin ab."

i kno im bein a *%%%* and lookin too into it...but i need to get out of my slump badly haha

You sound like a QB with happy feet
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Just relax and stopthinking about it so much. Personally, I'd text her and see what she's up to and if she says "oh nothing, I'll just sit around at home,"that's when you go in for the Kill and bring up that Hookah bar again rook[/color]
^last one has potential, just change the "hit on me" to something else (since admitting that you're hitting on her is probably not a good look)

the ones before don't stand a chance against tougher defenses.

the first one, she'd prob try to figure out who u smashed, not be able to figure it out since u dont have any of her friends as mutual friends, and thenask "%%* are u talking about"
Originally Posted by ralphsody

naw on her page it says that she wears her panties for a couple a days and then sells'em...
with pics of her wearing, she says cuz it gets guys "off"
I think i found a fake HERE


ralphsody wrote:
somebody gotta try and bag an old lady lmao

Im working on it bruhh.
Check this 34 yr old mom. She could get it.


From: me
To: her

Well, you know what they say... Laughter is the key to a girl's heart. Looks like im off to a good start : )

I didnt see a no to my question so, shall we discuss the terms of this lease?

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: her
To: ::me
Date: Feb 11, 2009 8:23 PM
Subject: RE: Hey Loser : )


----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: :me
To: her
Date: Feb 10, 2009 5:45 PM
Subject: Hey Loser : )

Can I borrow you? I'll give you back.
Promise : )
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