Can this be legal? Crazy long driveway, sign warns nobody gets out alive...

OP hurry the %$#@ up and do this!! If I lived anywhere close to there I'd be there in a heartbeat, I'm bout that life.
It looks like they have a watchtower and possibly a target range... militia group sounds very plausible right now.

It looks like they have a watchtower and possibly a target range... militia group sounds very plausible right now.

Damn! The updates were good but we need pics of the sign.. That "pool" definitely looks suspect also the bones picture what the hell is all that brown stuff that looks like oil
ruh roh

"listen here craig...matic....its friday, you aint got a job, and you aint got @*%% to do." so get ur *@@ out there
ruh roh

"listen here craig...matic....its friday, you aint got a job, and you aint got @*%% to do." so get ur *@@ out there
Damn! The updates were good but we need pics of the sign.. That "pool" definitely looks suspect also the bones picture what the hell is all that brown stuff that looks like oil
Originally Posted by Noskey

Make sure you're shooting a video and have it streaming to UStream the whole time. That way, when you're shot, we know who did it. RIP, btw.

Originally Posted by Noskey

Make sure you're shooting a video and have it streaming to UStream the whole time. That way, when you're shot, we know who did it. RIP, btw.

More snooping. Found a very hidden building out in the woods.


Pathway there



Now the FBI will know where Crag and Onlyjays will be held
More snooping. Found a very hidden building out in the woods.


Pathway there



Now the FBI will know where Crag and Onlyjays will be held
Originally Posted by JJ1223

Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

Originally Posted by JJ1223

Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

Originally Posted by Nktran001

So, all of a sudden we got tons of people from GR?
I'm sayin' though!  I swear I never knew there were this many NTers from G.R. before.  Where the hell were you all at when I was back home?! 

Kalamazoo52--WMU alum right here.  Chea!  Was just back there a few weeks ago--hit up Wayside on a Wednesday night...totally forgot how many broads are up there.  Makes me wanna go to grad school lol. 



LOL.  Central?  Really?  Have fun in Mt. Pleasant.  What's there anyways?  A casino?   

And if we're talking athletics...whatever.  It's the MAC homie....all schools in it are pretty much garbage.  Besides, nobody goes to MAC schools for the sports teams.  Pretty sure in all the years I was there I went to one football game.  We go to PARTY.  And Western takes the cake in that regard.  Kalamazoo is a college/party town....Mt. Pleasant?  Ehh...not so much.     
  you mad

Mad?  LOL....naw son.  Just not a fan of CMU.  I see a Chip, I gotta represent that Buster Bronco lol. 

By the way, could there be a worse mascot name than "Buster"?  Not sure who gave the go ahead on that one. 
Originally Posted by JJ1223

Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

Originally Posted by JJ1223

Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

Originally Posted by Nktran001

So, all of a sudden we got tons of people from GR?
I'm sayin' though!  I swear I never knew there were this many NTers from G.R. before.  Where the hell were you all at when I was back home?! 

Kalamazoo52--WMU alum right here.  Chea!  Was just back there a few weeks ago--hit up Wayside on a Wednesday night...totally forgot how many broads are up there.  Makes me wanna go to grad school lol. 



LOL.  Central?  Really?  Have fun in Mt. Pleasant.  What's there anyways?  A casino?   

And if we're talking athletics...whatever.  It's the MAC homie....all schools in it are pretty much garbage.  Besides, nobody goes to MAC schools for the sports teams.  Pretty sure in all the years I was there I went to one football game.  We go to PARTY.  And Western takes the cake in that regard.  Kalamazoo is a college/party town....Mt. Pleasant?  Ehh...not so much.     
  you mad

Mad?  LOL....naw son.  Just not a fan of CMU.  I see a Chip, I gotta represent that Buster Bronco lol. 

By the way, could there be a worse mascot name than "Buster"?  Not sure who gave the go ahead on that one. 
If ya look next to the first barn there a white car on the side which could be the white Lincoln that dude got chased by
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