Can this be legal? Crazy long driveway, sign warns nobody gets out alive...

Originally Posted by uncleo28

ayo ali if we go I'm not whipping the accord or your car lol. Who in the area has a fast black whip. We need 1) Teflon Vest 2) Good Slr camera 3) night vision goggles from that army hillbilly store in portage, 4) hummus 5) cell phones that get service in sparta.
hahahaha what?  i get the vest, the camera, the goggles, and the cell phone, but why would you need mediteranean chick pea paste for your covert mission? 

Originally Posted by uncleo28

ayo ali if we go I'm not whipping the accord or your car lol. Who in the area has a fast black whip. We need 1) Teflon Vest 2) Good Slr camera 3) night vision goggles from that army hillbilly store in portage, 4) hummus 5) cell phones that get service in sparta.
hahahaha what?  i get the vest, the camera, the goggles, and the cell phone, but why would you need mediteranean chick pea paste for your covert mission? 

For the past days its been NOTHING but talk. Comon' don't disappoint the NT fam
For the past days its been NOTHING but talk. Comon' don't disappoint the NT fam
Just read every page. This thread has potential to be post of the year. DONT LET US DOWN OP!!!!
Someone better come through with some good !!!$ tonight im following this thread like there's nothing else going on in my life right now
Someone better come through with some good !!!$ tonight im following this thread like there's nothing else going on in my life right now
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