Can this get me arrested?

Nov 30, 2007
I feel kinda lame for even asking this question on Niketalk but I'm trying to get an answer to this as soon as possible.

A processor just came to my mothers house (15 min ago) to serve her some papers. I didn't open the door. He asked if if my name was _______ _______ and Isaid no. He asked me if I lived there and I said no. So he starts harassing me and yelling through the door. He claimed he was gonna run the tags of the carparked outside (which isn't mine nor under my name) and come back with a sheriff who will run my ID. He finally left but my thing is this; I might (notpositive that I do) have a warrant out for failure to pay a speeding ticket ($768). If this guy comes back with a sheriff and they run my ID can the sheriffarrest me? Even though I'm not driving nor out on the street? Do I even have to open the door for the sheriff since this isnt my house and I'm not whothey're looking for (and I told the processor I don't live here)?
He's a processor and nothing more. He's just trying to scare you to serve your mom.
why didn't you accept the papers??

how fast where you going to get a monster fine?

yes, you will probably go to jail if he comes back with an officer. Highly doubt it though that he will return.
he was serving your mother with papers? why the hell would you not answer the door? papers are going to get served one way or another the more you kick andscream the more the police will take it personal and want to screw you as much as possible.

it doesn't matter if you are driving or not, if you owe the city money they will beat it out of you.

you just can't make good decisions can you?
Nah, you are fine he was just telling DT to scare you. Next time don't even answer the door pretend you aren't home.
Originally Posted by MvP07

why didn't you accept the papers??

how fast where you going to get a monster fine?

yes, you will probably go to jail if he comes back with an officer. Highly doubt it though that he will return.

I didn't accept them b/c then she would HAVE to appear in court. She doesn't live here and it would be a hassle for her to fly to FL right now.

117 in a 70. I feel like an idiot for not paying it now, but it was a ridiculous amount and I had a clean record.
cant do nothin if you dont answer the door.... tell everybody to #!#% up and youll be cool
do you not know how to pretend not to be home? use the peep hole next time, dog. if you don't recognize the person, don't answer.
Originally Posted by thejoker0077

have fun in jail

Wow. Should've paid it before the first due date or maybe it wouldn't have been so high. You can actually do time if you don't pay your *** thoughman.. gotta get on top of things (thats what she said)
Originally Posted by MissKickBack

I might (not positive that I do) have a warrant out for failure to pay a speeding ticket ($768).

wth.........what state do you live in and how fast were you going and what was the posted speed? that is insane. seems almost wreckless based on that amount.
I don't know if I can accept the papers for her either but my sister accepted them about a year ago when this all started.

A few years ago my mother dropped her car off to be serviced. They gave her a rental through Enterprise. I'm not exactly sure what happened but she endedup hitting a tree and almost died. She was in the hospital for over a month. The car was completely totaled and even though she took out insurance on the car,Enterprise sued her for the total cost (claiming negligence). There are so many details to the case that I don't feel like getting into but that is thejist of it. After the accident she didn't want to drive anymore and moved to the city where she wouldnt need a car. Shes not even living in the stateanymore.
No offense but does your family make it a habit of avoiding fines or bills?

Running from it isnt going to make it any better just get worse when they do catch up with you.
No we do not. I didnt pay the ticket b/c at the time I felt like that was crazy. Obviously I regret that decision.
usually when people serve you it is for a law suit, if it was for a trial they would probably arrest your mom.

sometimes sheriffs are hired to serve papers, they may come back to get you over your warrant if it's out there, but not for not answering the door
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