Can You Make It Through The Month With $1,000?

after trying again...

If I have to continue paying my student loans, then no; sans student loans, then yes--easily.

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Actually yes I can. Easy.

I like stuff and good food. But ive slept on a floor with no heat in winter been hungry before. Only things i really need in life are protein fats and carbs an my gym membership. Everything else is whatever. Ať my lowest point in life my own family had no idea how i was living. My pride and drive is too real.
made it all the way but felt really bad for my kids
I made it wit 300+. Light work moms had 3 little ones and I was the only one with a pops, the struggle used to be real
With ease.

Which one of you chumps chose server as a job? :nerd: :lol:

Messed up they gave you a kid in this scenario and you know I let that pet suffer and die.

:rofl: @ This game is sick. They really try to put you through the ringer and make every bad thing possible happen to you day by day :lol: 1st day I will admit I broke my kid's piggy bank, sold blood, etc. to sure up on extra cash.

One thing thoguh, I thought you'd be able to get another job if you lost the first one. If I hadn't confronted those co-workers for talking slick I'd have racked up more money most likely but meh, it was hypothetically worth it :lol:

In the end, due to some sacrifices, I made it through the month with $385 to spare while owing a friend $175, needing a $800 root canal, missing school plays, tutoring the kid myself, no after school activities, missing weddings, and gotta pay car registration (I don't know why they just gave you a car, I would've sold that and took the bus). This game obviously don't know how to hustle.
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Don't forget to click the menu button on the top left to donate plasma for $25 and smash your kids piggy bank for $16. Get that high score up. :pimp:
i did in this simulated questionaire, but real life would be tough
This is why I am never having a kid until I am financially set and can afford emergencies that may come up
With ease.

Which one of you chumps chose server as a job?

Messed up they gave you a kid in this scenario and you know I let that pet suffer and die.

@ This game is sick. They really try to put you through the ringer and make every bad thing possible happen to you day by day
1st day I will admit I broke my kid's piggy bank, sold blood, etc. to sure up on extra cash.

One thing thoguh, I thought you'd be able to get another job if you lost the first one. If I hadn't confronted those co-workers for talking slick I'd have racked up more money most likely but meh, it was hypothetically worth it

In the end, dude to some sacrifices, I made it throught he month with $385 to spare while owing a friend $175, needing a $800 root canal, missing school plays, tutoring the kid myself, no after school activities, missing weddings, and gotta pay car registration (I don't know why they just gave you a car, I would've sold that and took the bus). This game obviously don't know how to hustle.
Bruh I was saying the same thing. I'm wondering if I'm such a brokeboy why do I have a pet and a car?

Waste of ******* money. If they had free "shoot the dog"/"sell the car" options I would've taken them.

Had so much money I just spent all of it at the end. Finished with $103 and a rotten tooth

Got my lil man them new Js plus a sexy tutor to help him with his math and help me with my stress
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$911 left

didn't break kid's pigy bank or the donate blood or whatever on the side. 

life sucked for my kid though

also, i didnt know applying for scholarship for the gifted program was missing work and stuff. i wouldve paid the fee if i knew i was gonna get a strike

Does the grocery buying in the middle even matter at all? i spent stocked up on ramen and beans but only like 10 of each so it was $20. I bought some other stuff and spent about $50 but if you didnt buy anything, would it penalize you?
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The "ask friend for help" option is stupid, as well. You won't lose any money every time you use it. Basically, just keep clicking it and you'll end up with money left over.
^The way they phrase questions preys on your sense of self image and the idea of ppl talking about you or what they think about you and how you will react.

I'm sure it'd challenge ppl who had a lot more pride and ego that couldn't see themselves struggling to the point where they're borrowing from friends, having to not have their children in expensive clothes, etc. It shows a lot about what they put value in.

However, if you don't give a **** or jsut simply step back and realize this is just a game you can do w/e to survive :lol:

I could've saved a lot more money if I wantd but the way bad things kept happening I decided to get more food just in case they don't hit me with a "Your child has starved to death" or "Your child suffered food poisoning from the hot dogs you bought."
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I do this religiously because Im not tryna live off a deadend job all my life.

If yall want to be financially stable for the rest of yall lives this is a great way to start.
Hate this kind of loaded scenario: Came to the lunch money question, and the only two options were to purchase a meal plan ($3) or let my child go hungry. Where's the option for just making my kid's lunch every day for just as cheap (if not cheaper)? Or have we just decided that if you can't pay for a meal plan your child will go hungry.
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