CANADIANS: Get out and vote on monday!! United States election post: 10000000000 pgs. Canada: 1

Jan 22, 2007
Voter turnout has been great so far, hopefully it stays strong!

Read up on the parties:

CBC Party Issues

Here is a summary of the Conservatives, NDP, and Liberal's Platforms

Then vote!!!

Bonus pictures:


I wish someone could break it down and sum up each candidate's pros and cons in one sentence and lay it out for people like me 

OP, just out of curiosity, who are you voting for and why?
I wish someone could break it down and sum up each candidate's pros and cons in one sentence and lay it out for people like me 

OP, just out of curiosity, who are you voting for and why?
Originally Posted by FOG

I wish someone could break it down and sum up each candidate's pros and cons in one sentence and lay it out for people like me�

OP, just out of curiosity, who are you voting for and why?
I will be voting NDP. At the start of the election it was between NDP or the Green party because, although I really don't follow politics heavily, I agree with many of the stances those two hold. NDP has really won me over with Jack Laytons performance, he seems very trustworthy and that he will fight for what he claims. Some of what I like about them are:

* Their stance on the internet and copyright etc. This is from there platform:

• We will apply the proceeds from the advanced wireless spectrum auction to ensure all Canadians, no matter where they live, will have quality high-speed broadband internet access;
• We will expect the major internet carriers to contribute financially to this goal;
• We will rescind the 2006 Conservative industry-oriented directive to the CRTC and direct the regulator to stand up for the public interest, not just the major telecommunications companies;
• We will enshrine “net neutrality
Originally Posted by FOG

I wish someone could break it down and sum up each candidate's pros and cons in one sentence and lay it out for people like me�

OP, just out of curiosity, who are you voting for and why?
I will be voting NDP. At the start of the election it was between NDP or the Green party because, although I really don't follow politics heavily, I agree with many of the stances those two hold. NDP has really won me over with Jack Laytons performance, he seems very trustworthy and that he will fight for what he claims. Some of what I like about them are:

* Their stance on the internet and copyright etc. This is from there platform:

• We will apply the proceeds from the advanced wireless spectrum auction to ensure all Canadians, no matter where they live, will have quality high-speed broadband internet access;
• We will expect the major internet carriers to contribute financially to this goal;
• We will rescind the 2006 Conservative industry-oriented directive to the CRTC and direct the regulator to stand up for the public interest, not just the major telecommunications companies;
• We will enshrine “net neutrality
Originally Posted by Vendetta

I'm gonna take a wild guess and say 90+% of NTers are American.
Oh yeah, most likely a high percentage. But there is still a considerable amount of Canadians for sure!
Originally Posted by Vendetta

I'm gonna take a wild guess and say 90+% of NTers are American.
Oh yeah, most likely a high percentage. But there is still a considerable amount of Canadians for sure!
I vote Liberal but I just don't see Ignatieff being a good leader. I'll prob still vote for them since there will most likely be a coalition government. I'd be all for Layton leading that Government
I vote Liberal but I just don't see Ignatieff being a good leader. I'll prob still vote for them since there will most likely be a coalition government. I'd be all for Layton leading that Government
Originally Posted by Rolaholic

I vote Liberal but I just don't see Ignatieff being a good leader. I'll prob still vote for them since there will most likely be a coalition government. I'd be all for Layton leading that Government

If that is the case check out:

You can see who is more likely to be able to beat out Harper if that is what you want.
Originally Posted by Rolaholic

I vote Liberal but I just don't see Ignatieff being a good leader. I'll prob still vote for them since there will most likely be a coalition government. I'd be all for Layton leading that Government

If that is the case check out:

You can see who is more likely to be able to beat out Harper if that is what you want.
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