Melo & AI can't work, they are the same type of player. And George Karl needs to be fired ASAP
Maybe if Melo bothered to pass and rebound the ball rather than just scoring all the time, his teammates wouldn't quit on him
That's frustration talking right there. That huge defensive game my Lakers had has translated into this kid of interview.

Denver has imploded emotionally.
the only way Houston or Denver will ever get out of the first round is if they play each other. And even then, it'll go down to game 7.
I personally would love to play for George Karl.

He lets you be comfortable and play your game.

There's a downside though.

Since there's no real accountability, if you have guys who can get complacent and don't always play pridefully....these types of blowouts will happen.

I don't place all the blame on the coaching though like some people do -- Karl is a dude who lets you do what you do, and if you don't demand anydefense out of yourself, or if the team has no floor leader -- that's on the players too.
as I said before:

Piss-poor efforts like today from Melo is what people harp on when talking about complete 3's in the NBA. Ya'll are straight up making excuses for thekid by partially putting the blame on Iverson's presence. When this trade went down, some of you Nuggets fans were ready to hoist the championship bannerup to the rafters. The thing that is keeping Melo from being one of the best 3's in the NBA, is Melo. He quit and there is no getting around it. He is oneof the most skilled offensive threats in the L, but his head ain't on straight. After the DUI and other mishaps, maybe the Nuggets brass needs to step backand re-evaluate who is going to be on the floor for the 08-09 season. Whether that means TRADING Melo, I don't know. There needs to be a change in cultureconcerning hoops in Denver. You need more players who are going to leave EVERYTHING on the floor no matter what the score of the game is. It's one thing ifyour shots arent falling, because that happens all the time in the NBA. However, if those shots aren't falling you need to look at yourself in the mirrorand decide how you can help the team in other areas. Playing stellar D, hitting the glass, creating opportunities for your teammates, etc etc...Coming backfrom an 0-3 hole isn't's more on the side of improbable, but it can be done. The Nuggets will go into game 4 a deflated team. There isno question. I'm curious to see WHO is going to show up and compete. The NBA is more than collecting paychecks and decking yourself out in somegaudy/flashy Gucci. If you ain't doing it for the love of actually hoopin', then get off the floor. Let's see what happens in game 4....
Damn Melo looked like he was ready to cry...never liked him too much but always had respect for him.
Fire George Karl!!
All you guys need tos top defending Melo. I agree with DoubleJs....Melo needs to look at himself in the mirror and get his mind on right, because right now heis an amazingly gifted offensive player. He just needs to have soem heart, and desire to play defnese.

As for the series, its not likley the Nuggets will win. But, they can still make it interesting.
Melo meant every word and you can tell.
Dude did play hard, but if you watched that last game, it was like there was cover on the basket when he shot. NOTHING WOULD FALL.

He was also gettin hammered in the paint....i personally think he put forth 110% it was just the ball wouldnt go in.
Yeah ok dweeb. It's obvious you need to take R.I.F. public service announcements more serious. It's not that difficult. Yes, he accepted some responsibility, but who is this "we" crap that he continually keeps alluding to throughout the video? Saying "we" over and over takes the weight off his individual failures, which were huge last night. Did you catch his subpar and lifeless performance last night? I bet that's an aberration, right? So they lose bad and NOW he decides to take the helm as if he speaks for the entire team? A leader leads by example not by invoiking his entire team in front of the media. He should've tried a little harder last night to at the very least not come off looking like a complete waste of talent. Please, if anything his teammates should be having a talk with him for being an underachiever.
, dweeb, nice did you think of that all by yourself ?

I think it's clear he or anyone else on the team didn't play well or else he wouldn't have said "they" quit, with which he includedhimself.

Actually, i think he was sending a message to the coach, more so than trying to take the attention off of his own "individual failures"
Hey Melo,

Play some defense.

As a franchise player, the guy is a fraud.

Like I said in another thread....they're stuck if they're putting the hopes of a franchise on him. First and maybe 2nd round exits are and will be thenorm
Denver makes me mad every time I watch them. This team probably has the most talent in the league and are about to get swept out the playoffs.

Melo might be becoming the "Marbury" of the 3 position.

I gained a lot of respect for Melo during that run with the U.S.A. team because he was the only one who played like he cared. But it seems like this year hehas taken a few steps backwards. He's regressing back into that "ball stopper" role.
I'm tellin ya'll Kidd for AI straight up or maybe Portland Trailblazer redux
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