Melo is averaging a career high in rebounds, so Idk what ya'll are saying about needs to rebound more.

But if they want to trade him...

Come to Sacto!
Blaming Melo, but giving Iverson a free pass? Some of you NTers crack me up.

No sir, both Melo and Iverson have been bad this series. AI lost his cool in game 1 & 2 at crucial times, and put up a dud in game 3 along with the rest ofhis teammates.

The whole team, coaching staff etc...need to take responsibility. That was embarrassing. JR Smith and K-Mart are jokes too. Dudes think they are really killinit by talking trash and keepin it hood on the court...GTFOOH. Only person playing well and giving his all this series is Kleiza, which is not a good sign forthe Nuggets. AI has been playing hard, but his mental lapses and loss of composure have really hurt the team in this series.
What pisses me off about the entire situation is that he SHOULD BE PLAYING IN DETRIOT!!!!!!!!

Feel bad for the guy
you can't put all the blame for melo not playing defense solely on melo

if george karl forced melo and the rest of the team to play defense everything would be different

nuggets need a defensive coach

bring in carlisle and they will be in better shape
Originally Posted by 651akathePaul

Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT




tell me why i had the same reaction as y'all when i read that...i hadn'theard that word used as an insult since when i was back still watching saturday morning cartoons...

+1 for Gordon for making me laugh though...even though it was random
How can you call out your team when you yourself played like garbage. He's been jacking up contested jumpers the whole series. But it seems like he'sfrustrated with guys like Iverson and Martin. Old vets that don't really bring it hard anymore. This is a bad combination of players.
Listening to that Interview doesnt do ne thing for...If he really was that disgusted with them quiting why would he be smiling and shh... the whole 2ndhalf....even Miller brought it up...your down 0-2...your playing one of the worst playoff games of ur career...ur team is quiting...your about to be down 0-3and your smiling???... Yea when I hoop I smile too sometimes cuz getting mad doesnt help...but it that situation no way in hell you should be justshows you dont even care....

Thats like you hearing about someone talkin about ur wife or mom...but you'll never see guy who did you just laugh and smile about it cuz youcan't do ne thing about does that make any sense?? does smiling when ur about to be down 0-3....cuz to me its melo saying "itswatever"

He was smiling during the game and now that the game was over he wanted to put a show on for the camera and act like...all he wants to do is win...and he cantstanding losing or his team giving up bla bla bla...all that u THINK would apply to a player the caliber of melo but it just doesnt...

Edit: Anyone have vid of that AI interview on Tnt..I didnt see it
Originally Posted by SuperOfficial

I swear dude licked his lips like 40 times....
He needs some 'Carm'ex But back to the topic at hand, the Lakers have crushed these fools mentally and it's carrying over into theirgame.
but for real though...i really hope they don't try to play dirty tomorrow
Originally Posted by CPG33

Kobe and the Lakers have this team SHOOK...they are scared out of their minds, its so evident in their body language and demeanor...

everytime i see them step on the court, they seem like they want to lose so they can go home. (they remind me of that baseball episode from southpark were theypurposely lose to stop playing)
I expect changes to be made if the Nuggets go out like $+%@+%* in these playoffs. AI has had a tempestuous career to say the least, and Melo is quicklyfollowing his footsteps. George Karl never impressed me as a coach first of all. I think he's too lackadaisical and doesn't qualify as a vocal leaderon this team like he should.

I wouldn't be suprised to see Karl fired and even Carmelo traded in a year or 2 if the Nuggets keep underachieving. The West is just too tough to gothrough, and the Nuggets have found this out.
Lord, I thought NT was going to blow up the night AI got traded to Denver too, people on here were talking like Denver was going to be the new Celtic dynasty.
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