Carpal Tunnel

Apr 5, 2012
I know most people on here must use computer as much as I do. I've had a bit of pain in my wrist/forearm/top of forearm etc using my computer and mouse the past two months. Mostly, it's the mouse use that triggers it. Trying to ice/heat, but want to find some exercises to strengthen it.

Looking online i've found some exercise where you squeeze a tennis ball as much as you can. Another exercise is to use put a rubberband around your fingers and expand it.

Does anyone else have any experience with carpal tunnel and getting over it?
Damn and all this time, my dominican *** thought it was spelled "Coppertunnel" :smh:
I've had some major issues with CT but it was also due to injuring my right wrist years ago from boxing. The things that I've done that have helped is doing stretches that relieve the pain (check youtube), copping an ergonomic mouse, and the game changer for me was learning to use my left hand for mouse work. Hope this helps.

Edit: Of course, keep using the ice packs to bring down the inflammation when there's pain.
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Ice when needed.

Stretch your forearms every hour and take breaks when you type/keyboard/mouse, google stretches. Also look up 'carpal tunnel tendon gliding exercises'.

Make sure your desk is set up correctly, jsut google it.

Stress ball to strengthen and elastic band are good ideas, but wait until the pain decreases. Also strengthen wrist flexors, extensors, radial and ulnar deviations.

pm if you want more info. All that stuff is google-able.

add on: While your at it look up neck and chest stretches and sitting posture info. Strengthen shoulder blade muscles as well.

If you additional funds you can always see a physio
I was wondering how many replies it would be until masturbation was mentioned. I'll be damned if it wasn't the first one. :lol: :smh:

Best thing I can recommend is exercising it as much as you can. Those type of jobs can be a pain over time.
Get wrist pads for your keyboard and a mouse pad that is raised for your wrist while using the mouse. If you work in an office, it's mandatory that they give it to you because of regulations.
Okay, I'm going to say some hokey mind nonsense.

I took everyone's suggestions and learned and learned about carpal tunnel and RSI (repetitive stress injuries).

Down the rabbit hole I went. It's unbelievable how big a problem some sort of chronic condition is for so many people. For me, I've "had" lower back on and off since I was 16 (so 12 years). I just accepted it as a way of living. The past two years have been better...but im always a bit afraid of a flare up from doing something that should be easy for the shape I'm in.

The rabbit hole led to Mind Body Connection. In a nutshell, the author purports that most pain is a result of some emotional psychological suppression. That people have the pain not because of some structural imbalance, but rather because of the some internal feelings basically. Furthermore, people generally have structural "imbalances" but for some it results in pain and for others it doesn't. Trying to fix a supposed imbalance is not necessarily the route to fix the root cause of the pain (so emo stuff).

My wrist/forearm etc has been in pain for the past two months on and off. Not usually debilitating pain like a lower back strain, but enough for me to post on NT about it and research it. I do a lot of computer writing/design etc etc and feeling pain in my hands is a death sentence almost.

Literally, after reading the reviews on Amazon about his book(s) and an article from a respected Forbes writer I tried it. I told myself that the pain in my wrist wasn't real and that it was just because of some sort of "stress etc" emotion I'm feeling regarding life. Incredibly, like stupid levels of jedi the force incredibly, the pain is gone. It could simply be that I iced and rested a few hours. I really don't know. All I know is that I slept better last night than I have in a long time. Today I've been typing/clicking/etc all the pain inducing stuff on the computer for 8 hours and I feel completely good.

What got me initially really interested was someone talking about how some people have ridiculous bad habits (slouching, not eating right, etc etc) versus themselves who takes care of their body, eats well etc and for some reason they have pain and the other person doesn't (even with the same body structural problems).

I'm going to order the books and see what it is actually all about. Just something interesting I thought I'd share with any NTers equally interested in learning about improving the quality of their lives.

Amazon product ASIN 0446557684
Amazon product ASIN 0446675156
Wow how freaken ironic is this thread I've been dealing with some bad carpal tunnel-like symptoms lately. Probably from playing computer games my whole life, lifting weights, etc. Hands and forearm been falling asleep and get these sharp pains. My mom has carpal tunnel on both hands, had tons of useless surgeries and sleeps with those roman gladiator looking hand brace things. :x
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i have it on my right hand..

a fitted rubber band around my wrist usually relieves the pain, probably just a placebo effect though.
you can do massage on your forearm, check youtube for vids. and use a better mouse and use a mouse pad too.
here is a blogpost my friend posted. The post is from a colleague of hers.

I know that feeling for the low back. I suffered 2-3 years with it being on and off to the point where I didn't even want to exercise.
Eventually it got better and when i stretched and strengthened my core it was a lot better.

You should look into some yoga 1-2 times a week. It really helped me relax and sleep better at night. Ironic though because thats how I injuried my lower back. I was going real hard at yoga 5-6 times a week and my body wasn't use to it so it exposed my weaknesses.

Make sure your chair has lumbar support. Even a rolled up towel behind your low back is better than nothing.

Try some Mckenzie stretches for the low back. (google)

You should try the standing up one every 1-2 hours if you sit at a desk all day.

Glad to hear your wrist pain is better. Keep up with the stretching and frequent breaks to prevent further injury. If you want to take a step further wear wrist guards when you sleep to prevent your wrists from bending in awkward positions when you sleep. My friend who is a baker hsa to wear wrist guards cause of all the wrist and finger movements she needs of mixing and decorating.

Good luck
I'm a huge advocate of natural healing and can praise numerous methods that have helped me over the years. To keep the pain at bay without using medication, cold is by far the number one best natural remedy for pain! Especially if the carpal tunnel/wrist pain is from repetitive strain. On days where you are not active (no chance of inflammation), use the BFST (blood flow stimulation therapy). This is a natural way to stimulate more blood flow to the targeted area. In most cases it will help heal any soft tissue damage (via the nutrients and oxygen the blood carries). It has done wonders for me (back and feet) and allows me to be med free :smile: My father in law has used it for his wrist and it helped him as well. I've attached the info from what i use. Hope it can help others out there!
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i don't have carpal tunnel, have cubital tunnel (ulner nerve), but 12 o'clock and 6 o'clock stretches help me 

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