Cavaliers At Celtics | Round 2, Game 6 | Cavaliers vs. Celtics | Thursday, May 13 | 8:00 ET

I'll be disappointing in the Boston fans if they don't chant anything New York related tomorrow night.
If Empire State of Mind isn't played in the arena at least 5 times, I'm gonna be upset.
Exactly why would Boston be trying to encourage LeBron to go to a team in their division? (As if divisions in the NBA matter anymore)
Celtics need to put their foot on the Cavs neck and never give up pressure, just stomp the life out of these frauds. They need to play Game 6 of the 2008 finals defense on the Cavs. Rip their hearts out and send them dancing, high stepping and shuffling all the way back to Cleveland.
boston has to play ny ny after the cavs dissed them by playing sweet caroline the last time they beat at them at the q in the regular season.
One way or another, this thread is gonna be crazy.
I'm torn, I want Lebron to win the championship, but I want Lebron kicks to drop in knicks/mets colorways automatically. But I wouldn't mind seeing Ray Allen and Paul Pierce winning another 1. Their window of opportunity is closing.
bron with 90 pts, 40 rebs, 30 block shots, 20 steals, 0 assist and the cavs lose by 20pts cuz no one gonna show up beside lecrap
I can't wait until tipoff...LBJ gotta come with a classic to save face after game 5...the free agency talk will hit new extremes if they lose. I CANT WAIT
Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

Biggest game in Cleveland sports history, maybe?

Bron has a HUGE game 40+, 10+ 8+ , but the C's are too much and close them out. Armageddon hits Northeast Ohio.
No. The Cavs are still behind the Browns and Indians in terms of popularity in the area.
'97 World Series Indians - Marlins Game 7 >>>>>> this game.
'86 and '87 AFC Championship Games >>>>>> this game.
Oh and by the way I'm not a Cavs fan, I just hate the Celtics...big Laker fan here.
Win Together. Band Together. Excel Together. Cheer Together. Defend Together. Work Together. Ohio Together. Believe Together. All Together. 10 More Wins
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