Cavaliers At Celtics | Round 2, Game 6 | Cavaliers vs. Celtics | Thursday, May 13 | 8:00 ET

I just want to see Lebron FAIL FAIL FAIL when it matters most just to teach him a lesson in humility. All that dancing crap on the sidelines when you haven't even won anything.
I'm praying for a blowout.
Damn i don't even know how it is right now in Cleaveland or Ohio in general
. If The Cavs lose tomorrow the whole city might go into depression. And oh boy when Lebron leave. Jobs will be lost and lives will be changed

Lebron : Cleveland economy fate is depend on you tomorrow
I take the over in a heartbeat.

The last game thread went 30 something pages and that wasn't even an elimination game.

Even factoring in the countless "LBJ to NYC is official" "Cleveland on suicide watch" and Chester's season long quotable thread... the jokes, pure hatred, and speculation of the offseason alone would put the thread at 60 pages by the next morning.
Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

45 pages if the celtics win.

are you guys going with the over or the under on that?
over cuz of that 'Cleaveland' comment 
[h2]One woman's opinion: LeBron going to the Knicks[/h2][h2]By Chris Sheridan[/h2]
...Melody also described herself as an amateur psychologist, and she said she believes LeBron James is going to sign with the New York Knicks next season because of the facial tics she noticed every time LeBron talked about free agency before he went on a self-imposed moratorium on the subject. 

Like many Cavs fans, she was fatalistic about the Cavs chances of surviving this series and retaining the local kid from Akron. Heck, 
even their owner sounded like a dead man walking after the 32-point loss

Cleveland fans are that way, Cavs beat writer extraordinaire Brian Windhorst once told me, because they don't merely expect the worst is going to happen, they know it is going to happen. The Browns didn't just threaten to leave, they left. Sure the Indians made it to Game 7 of the World Series, but they LOST, dammit, to the Marlins. <---newmoanyuh 

As I noted in 
the column I wrote last night, the lasting mental vision I'll have of what may have been LeBron's last home game as a member of the Cavs were the pink-soled shoes he was wearing when he walked to his car.  

And since so much has been made of James' fondness for wearing a New York Yankees cap, it cannot go unmentioned that if we're going to look for a clue to his future from his departure footwear, 
there's only one place in the NBA where they've ever worn pink

Henry Abbott has weighed in with his thoughts on the Cleveland fans' behavior last night, and he nailed it. 

Having been there myself and seen and heard it, it was surreal, almost beyond comprehension.  I can't help but remembering how I wandered down to courtside with 2 minutes left and gazed up at 18,000 empty seats. LeBron was looking up at them, too, chewing his fingernails. 

I wish I knew whether John Calipari, Leon Rose and Charles Oakley, who all sat within four seats of each other on the baseline, and William Wesley, whose seat was in Jack Nicholson territory, stayed until the bitter end. Instead, I got close enough to the Cavs locker room to watch James pull his jersey off as soon as he was the first Cavs player through the exit tunnel. 

"We'll always have hope with the Browns," Melody said as she drove through the cold rain, factory smoke bellowing from a smokestack in the distance, further clouding the already low, grey sky.  

She neglected to tell me, and I wish I had asked her, whether she's planning to watch Game 6. But I think I'm safe in saying that in her mind, that game is already lost. And James is, too.
well this is it...saying this is just another playoff game is like saying lebron is just another player. i would say a lot is at stake tonight

the series
the season
the end of an era
the franchise
the city

and no thats not an exaggeration. the only difference between cleveland and detroit is lebron
I feel like they might be setting this series up for a Cavs comeback.

Higher stakes and bigger obstacles make for a good story.
Originally Posted by ricky robot

I feel like they might be setting this series up for a Cavs comeback.

Higher stakes and bigger obstacles make for a good story.
Cue Stern pic?
Just IMAGINE the epicness that will be my dude Chester McFloppy's post if and when the Cavs lose, though. That's enough for me right there
in order for cavs to win and go deeper they need to start jj and andy.

JJ is a good pick and roll guy, even tho shaq is being productive that comes at a high cost which is clogging the lane where lebron cant get to it with ease. bench shaq and z this series use them next round. IF shaq plays big mins its a loss unless bron is shooting like mj
Originally Posted by Joe Cool23

Exactly why would Boston be trying to encourage LeBron to go to a team in their division? (As if divisions in the NBA matter anymore)

I don't necessarily want him to actually leave, I just want them to do whatever they can to get in the Cavs' heads. I want to see if the Cavs as a team are as mentally weak as I think they are.
Originally Posted by true 3 blue

Just IMAGINE the epicness that will be my dude Chester McFloppy's post if and when the Cavs lose, though. That's enough for me right there

He's probably putting the final touches on that post right now

But I think Cleveland wins this game and LeBron goes ape #!%* tonight.
Originally Posted by Three6mafia2007

Lebron will come out strong, i see the cavs sendin this to a game 7
i see another game 3 repeat and send it back for a 7th game but thats just my opinion
We're only about 13 hours or so from the biggest thing to happen to NT in it's 10 years of existence. 

Chester's closing remarks on the Cavs season. 

Lemme get a shout out in that article Ches, come on now. 
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