Cavaliers @ Celtics- Opening Night on TNT - Tuesday 8PM ET

I'm very excited about opening night tonight. Hopefully we get to see two good games. Go Wolves...
Idk if u guys didnt get much exsposure to watching Mo play but il tell you here in Milwaukee dude was better then Redd.
Some of you guys said Redd is exactly what the Cavs need..Mo is a better shooter then red and playmaker and hes perfect for the Cavs.

For those who think the Cavs are the same or still wont do much with Mo on their team you are dead wrong the Cavs are gonna be real good this year.

Cavs - 102
Celtics - 95
Originally Posted by SCuse7

Originally Posted by knightngale

Cavs should bait Rondo into shooting jumpers all day and it is a W

no posey to save the celtics
so pierce and allen will need to play more cause that bench can't hit a 3 other than cassel and house and those dudes are garbage on defense

cassel and house are not garbage on defense?
and if it does, so what?

If I'm the Cavs I'll take my chances again in 7 games with that old team playing so many games in 2 years.
Originally Posted by allen3xis

Is Hickson gona see any time?
Oh believe it. People around here are shocked by his development.

Dude got some get up. Watch for some blocks or putback dunks tonight (If he doesn't get nervous)
^thanks for the sig...liking the new one better, edit.

Hickson should get time, I don't see why he wouldn't unless Mike Brown is still pissed he missed the team bus last week. I've seen some vids of himin preseason and scrimmages at Cavs' practices...he can certainly finish strong when he wants to and looks like he has great reach on D. Hope he developsquickly because our bigs are going to be collecting Social Security soon.
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